

>Pic related: op

More like disgusting eugenics propaganda


Was the joke supposed to be that the audience associated themselves with this character and the rest of the cat as his/younger generation, and then proceeded to fuel their smug sense of superiority despite the fact that the main character was just as much of an idiot as everyone else and the only thing that set him apart was the way he spoke? Is the film some sort of 4D ironic meta parody of the kind of halfwits that praise this as a deep social commentary?

More so that we already live in this sort of world as it is, so it allowed for easy and shallow satire.

What is a documentary? Get Out and The Handmaid ‘s Tale are also documentaries, aren’t they?

I agree. Black presidents are a bad idea. If they aren't making our generation liberal idiots, they're attracting asteroids to destroy are planet.


How will the alt-right ever recover?

It's actually based on Obama's presidency.

>"People are idiots."

Everyone who says "documentary!" about idiocracy

>Sup Forumscracy

Everyone who says "Everyone who says "documentary!" about idiocracy" about everyone who says "documentary!" about idiocracy

I don't get it... what's so bad about joking that Idiocracy is a documentary, other than that the joke has been made many times already?

Because it's not a joke.

Well, it's a joke-truth. It's funny because it's true.

Did Nick Abbot mention it again?

Bullseyed you on the butthurt, OP.

The entire premise of the film is that "regression to the mean doesn't exist"

It's a funny concept for a movie but ultimately it's literally impossible outside of eugenics or just outright poisoning

Everyone who says "Everyone who says 'Everyone who says 'documentary!" about everyone who says 'documentary!" about idiocracy"


If human intelligence is the result of selection pressure caused by the struggle for survival, then wouldn't the lowering of human intelligence as a response to reduced selection pressure basically be regression to the mean?

Because usually the people saying "Idiocracy is a documentary" arent smart themselves (by evidence of re-using the same tired joke) and are just saying that to be a pretentious twat

I'm not sure of that. You don't need much intelligence to come up with the joke that Idiocracy is a documentary, you just have to have a modicum of awareness of the world around you.

What's wrong with eugenics ? i bet you are some american mutt.

Americans have been brainwashed and programmed to react aggressively even to a suggestion that the US may not be the greatest country of all time.