Wait wtf, anthony cumia is now working at infowars?

wait wtf, anthony cumia is now working at infowars?

when did this shit happen?

Other urls found in this thread:


How does his face get more and more disturbing every year?

I wish Patrice was still alive in times like this.

He'd have an entire 50 minutes of material just based on Cumia's embarrassing life since his passing.

hes like a living embodiment of the faceapp

why has the goddamn FULL altercation of artie lange blowing out carlos mencia on his show from last year never leaked?

I think infowars is trying to pivot into being a breitbart type website

he's been doing it for a while now

He's beem showrunner on dr who even longer.

alex jones owns 99% of alternative media



>Sup Forumscuck starter pack






*transcends kino*

lmao this is the most bizzare timeline. But seriously though who is bankrolling Jones? Israelis? He surely can't afford the costs from his bulshit merchandise.

Brought tears to my eyes. True kino.

The good old boys and majestic 12.

He probably can. I unironically buy Super Male Vitality and Brainforce every month on auto-ship. I support the tip of the spear. I support the resistance.

>russel brand
Isn’t he a huge lefty brainlet? Every interview I see him in he is straight up vapid and surface level to the max


talented guy

I unironically watch Alex Jones every day. Only real news in America.

hoohoo robin

What does this actually mean? They are both conspiratard-central.

he's been going on for a few years now

You should kill yourself then, you poorly misinformed drone.

What do you watch then?

This man is white.

t. Cuck


hence why he's on the bottom

I buy his products

Lol I don't watch Alex Jones, that's an immediate example of how not retarded I am.

>you're a cuck if you don't watch Alex Jones
I know you don't actually believe this, but imagine how unintelligent someone has to be to think this way.

So, you don't have a real argument. Name a better news source that really tells you what's going on in America. I'll wait.


>name a better news source than Alex Jones
Literally fucking anything, this is piss poor bait. Me not naming anyone, doesn't through meme magic, make Alex Jones "news", in any feasible way. You need to have actual mental illnesses to think anything he says on there is fact. Do you even honestly need examples? Have you seen his show?

Molyneux and Shapiro should be higher desu

>inb4 Jews

Thomas Sowell’s theory on Jews is correct

>Molyneux and Shapiro
>taking them seriously
>considering them intellectuals

Once again, you haven't named anything. You literally haven't told me what's better than Alex Jones.

Yes, I have seen the show. I'm watching live coverage on infowars right now. I'm asking you, what provides a better picture of what's really going on in America? You haven't given an answer.

>I said it mom!

>I'm asking you, what provides a better picture of what's really going on in America?
Literally anything else, even Fox is more accurate.
>I'm watching live InfoWars coverage
Wew, lad. I feel a bit sorry for you if you're serious.

He’s been there for at least a few years. Only periodically though. Very ironic considering the shit he always gave Alex.

> Fox
Are you serious right now? Fox is corporate controlled and only provides surface level analysis at best. It obscures facts constantly and rarely offers anything of real insight.

>It obscures facts constantly and rarely offers anything of real insight.
Right, but you can find real insight over at InfoWars...

He actually has more viewers than CNN. Not even memeing

Yes, you can. Infowars has more predictive power. The information and analysis from there gives me greater power to predict reality than other news sources. This to me is proof of its worth. When everyone said Trump would lose, he won. When everyone said the Russia investigation would take him down, it's as good as over. All the other sources are wrong at a higher rate regarding politics, so why would I trust them over Infowars, which offers more predictive power?

You're NOT advancing any arguments, just acting smug and self-assured.

Weak male got played by a teenage skank.

i know mencia is shit but i loved the bit with him dressed as an arab sheik eating a bald eagle

Is Gaben alt right?

>website and radio show is just baiting doomsday preppers out of their cash to buy bunker products and supplements
>legally has made the argument that he is a "performance artist" and not news
>believes Sandy Hook was a false flag (on record saying that)
>believes PizzaGate
>believes every mass shooting is a false flag
>believes in a secret "Deep State"
>unironically thinks there is an international cabal of illuminati liberals who run everything and are in commune with inter-dimensional aliens
>thinks the government is purposefully poisoning you through the water to make you effeminate (so buy his filters)
Kill yourself.

>InfoWars has predictive power
Well like I said, maybe if you're mentally ill...

>being an unironic Alex Jones shill
>this post


You have some decent points, but I don't believe everything Alex says. Sometimes it's obvious bullshit, but it's still more insight and predictive power than MSM.


>believes in a secret "Deep State"

You seriously are saying you don't "believe" this? Your other points stand, but the deep state is factual.

"a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process"

A state within a state is a common structure.


Still no arguments. The other guy is way better than you.


Time was running out for humans. There was a powerful demon who was hunting them for harming nature. This demon who is Xensor has been around for 32,014 years. Xensor who actually plaves the planet cannot stand how the humans have been treating the planet. Xensor is a 5'8" male with a chisel chin, scar under his right eye and red eyes. His hair is black with blue tips and white strands. He features a muscular body with gothic style clothing. The personality of him is evil. Xensor was only 5,000 years old when he appeared in Baltimore, on July 4th, 30,000 B.C. He was seen by a group of people who welcomed him to their homes. He lived there for a few months before leaving to jouney through out tis world taking his pet spike. Spike is a pitbull and is loyal to Xensor. Xensor loves animals and takes good care of Spike. He was in Germany, Berlin when Spike was killed by a group of humans due to them hating pitbulls. After Spike was killed Xensor went into a furious rampage of killing humans. He started with Berlin, Germany and then the rest of the planet. He only spared the ones who helped him through his time when he appeared.

gabe is way out of his element

Molyneux plays it up a bit too much for my tastes but he’s not wrong on the majority of issues. How is Shapiro that bad? Are Harvard graduates not considered intellectuals?

>but it's still more insight and predictive power than MSM
It's not, he gets sources from Sup Forums, you're just painfully gullible.
>You seriously are saying you don't "believe" this?
No, since I'm not retarded and I don't buy into these neo-conservative boogeywoogies, when they run every level of fucking government.
>but the deep state is factual.
No, it isn't.
>A state within a state is a common structure
It isn't. This is just the Right's recent boogeyman.

Your link:
>State within a state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ ("deep state"), such as the armed forces or public authorities (intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies, and branches of government bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within a state can be conspiratorial in nature, the deep state can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g. continuity of the state as distinct from the administration, job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting the policies and directives of elected officials
The Right boogifies this euphemism, to blame some cabal of hidden liberals for the woes of the universe.

You can make the case for Molyneux but not Shapiro

>Molyneux plays it up a bit too much for my tastes but he’s not wrong on the majority of issues
Nobody outside of Sup Forums thinks this.
>How is Shapiro that bad?
Literally read any of his books...he's just as retarded as Alex Jones.
>but he went to Harvard
For Law...
>you can't make that case for Shapiro
The "Shapiro is smart" meme needs to fucking die already, all he does is gish gallop around sophist arguments and pretends to "win" when you don't fact check him. He wrote an entire book about how he believes that the secret cultural Marxists infiltrated American education and media and used Sesame Street as a brainwashing tool to get kids into socialism.

Look that up, he's said that. Read a fucking book you retards, Shapiro is just a firebrand no-nothing.

He's a perfect fit. This is his natural evolution.

>still denying postmodern neomarxism

He literally says the same shit as Jordan Peterson brainlet

Sure is funny how Shaprio backs out of most debates against actual scientists and educators and needs to resort to tranny YouTube's and retards...

>muh cultural Marxist maymay
Kek, this never will make you look smart.
>He literally says the same shit as Jordan Peterson
First off, he doesnt. Secondly, who gives a fuck?

You're a lot dumber than you think you are.

>How is Shapiro that bad?
He lets his religion cloud his perspective. I’m not even talking from a stormfront point of view. He’s literally a Zionist and prone to much kvetching about Trump (most of which he was wrong about) over being a “white supremacist”. He makes basic common sense arguments in a verbose and quickly-spoken manner which makes his points sound smarter than they are.

He talks out of his ass on a lot of non-political issues that he lets be clouded by his political beliefs. His review oh John Lennon’s “Imagine” is a good example of this. He dislikes the song for the “no religion” lyric, which is fair enough. He then goes on to extrapolate that this proves Lennon was a terrible musician, and to corroborate his point, he lied and claimed Lennon didn’t know how to read sheet music. A preposterous statement.

>Are Harvard graduates not considered intellectuals?

Good argument there. You going to lecture me about Nazi memes being real life? There is no way you can make the cultural Marxist boogeywoogey look smart, and you are painfully gullible if you fall for it.

Watch any interview with the two of them together and they agree on every issue

Why does it matter if he agrees with some literal who that Sup Forums has a recent love affair with because he bantz with the Canadian libs?

Yeah you’re retarded

>Dude he literally says the same shit as a fringe hack academic who plays to an idiotic Internet fanbase.
Well damn you sure told me

I'm retarded because your beliefs are formulated in an echo chamber and you don't have any real argument to use besides pissing your fucking pants in anger just because you latch onto this new figurehead

I’m sorry did you miss the pyramid with Peterson on the top that is the topic of discussion?

You’re retarded for the overuse of pol buzzwords

If I had the chance I would kick molyneux stupid fucking face in the dirt. The Universal Preferential Behavior shit had been preached at me for about a month.

Not only has Alex Jones achieved the ultimate redpilling level he's also a good friend to his bros like Anthony Cumia. He's helping him out. Cumia is hilarious so I love it

Yes but he's willing to to have other perspectives on his podcast. Check out his recent Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson interviews

>Alex Jones

lmao good joke

>The Orthodox Jew lives an Orthodox Jew life and is a Zionist

Stop the presses. What college did you go to?

Is this what real white men look like?

If he wants to speak from the perspective of a Zionist, then that’s his right. But it leads him down a path of dishonesty and makes his arguments facile.

that's shot in Compound Studios in NYC, not InfoWars HQ

What else was he dishonest about aside from John (beat my family) Lennon?

Fuck off Sup Forums nobody cares about your degenerative sing-a-longs.

>What college did you go to?
Well considering I’m a white (non Jewish) male, I certainly didn’t go to a university that is being sued by the DoJ for discriminating against white male applicants

Trump, mostly.

Not an argument. Shapiro is literally just butthurt that nobody cares about his music “skills”.
>muh I can read Bach
Nobody cares. Beatles were top notch musicians.

over a year ago

>I can’t do it I’m oppressed :/

What about Trump?

false flagger

Why do you care about his face queer

Peterson looks really cool in that pic. Dude is photogenic as fuck


is this legit or waht

Oh look another cringepoundmedia obvious shill thread. Don't fall for it

Whatever that means!

Who's this, that fat chink from the booth. No one's buying your shitty dvds

reminder this moon-faced lizard fucks trannies and kids

They needed the money!