Ryan gosling is ugly

ryan gosling is ugly

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I agree!

i agree. his head is oddly shapen, nose is crooked, eyes on even, jaw is bent, and he cant act for shit.

I'm not gay so I wouldn't know

El goblino

i once pointed out to a woman that his eyes arent symetrical and her response literally was
>yea so? hes still hot.
so i guess he cant lose
weird thing about how i percieve him is that i forget and think that hes short but hes actually 6ft+

He’s not the most conventionally attractive guy but he’s definitely not ugly, and his cool/calm demeanor plays a big part in his attractiveness

wtf? I'm calling the police.

i thought he was complete shit in blade runner, like the movie was great but he was awful

He was better than ever. His delivery was absolutely spot on. Granted, Leto and Ford were dogshit.

>picks the movie where he is the most gorgeous

he is GODAWFUL in this scene


you're ugly

Why? He's supposed to be an emotionally stunted autist who doesn't like real girls, it's completely in line with the character

Reminder roman nose and pronounced chin is all you need to be "attractive"

i know im ugly and hes pretty but idk how much

Nah, he’s sexiest in Crazy Stupid Love.

Goose is old news though. Current spank banks are filled with Cavill.



You need to go back mutt


And then hes godlike reporting to Joshi.


I get told I look like him all the time and I'm not attractive so I agree.

he looks exactly odd enough to become hugely attractive. Adam Driver is the same way.


How exactly?



What's there to not understand?

Fuck you