Why is this sort of thing so popular in american theaters...

Why is this sort of thing so popular in american theaters? Heard similar things are happening with Black Panther screenings, with people doing the black pride thing during the credits.

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because people like to have fun and feel a sense of community with the people in the theater with them

you'd understand if you weren't a cynical, jaded autist who gets off on not enjoying things

He just needs to get out more, you're no better talking down to him

They are both movies for manchildren. That means adults who think like children, or (mental) children who look like adults in other words.

Amerimutts aren't people.

I'd get this explanation for the clapping thing you guys do, but this seems different. It's like these people feel they're protesting against something by watching an AAA movie at their local theaters. Haven't seen this anywhere else in the world.

>feel a sense of community with the people in the theater with them

"they all paid $20+tips like me! We are one!"

The jedi order was already dead and buried
Leia wasn't a jedi general

I have no idea how you get the idea that nerds raising their toy light sabers to Carrie Fisher's memory is protesting.
As far as the Black Panther stuff goes, American blacks protest every god damn thing every god damn day. It's just how they're raised by their welfare queen mothers.

>group going to one place together to share in something they enjoy
You know, it's weird, I can't think of any other examples at all.

>Why is this sort of thing so popular in american theaters?
It's not. It almost never happens. Most theaters forbid bringing in lightsabers and other shit.

Did you know that in American cinemas they have staff that wander around with torches. In the middle of the film!

>Why is this sort of thing so popular in american theaters?

It's not.

They are called flashlights and its to make sure no one has contraband or is doing anything wrong

In a sports match the players actually see and hear you cheering. In a movie theatre J.J. Abrams can't hear you or see you waving your giant light dildos around.

>standing in theater to make sure braindead moviegoers can find their seats
>trailers end, theater goes dark
>someone starts yelling Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars
>The entire theater starts chanting STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS
>opening crawl starts
>audience loses its shit screaming and clapping

I can count on one hand the amount of times I was ashamed to be American but this is now at the top of the list.

They're called torches 'bro'.

>to make sure no one has contraband or is doing anything wrong

So Americans have to be supervised like children?

They're not cheering for JJ but for each other. It's about experiencing the community.

Whatever dude. We're all gonna die. Let these nerds have some fun. It's not like you're going to go see those movies anyway.

What the fuck is a torch, you fucking britton?
The designated shooter uses the underbarrel tactical flashlight on his rifle.

>torches are sticks that have a lit fire at the end


>it's actually true
the colonies are bizarre

Shart in Mart

You have to understand the relationship between black and white americans. Since they got to this country, blacks have felt oppressed by whites. It's really only in the past 30-40 years that things have gotten mostly okay. That's less than a generation. There are people that were alive when black people couldn't go to the same school as whites. Young black kids have grown up in a culture that still very much distrusts whites and, despite all of the progress that's been made, still see whites as oppressors. The younger generation has grown up with this and want to go to battle for equality just like their parents did. The thing is though, there aren't that many battles left. So they go see a movie about a black superhero and feel like they've done their part to end the oppression of their race just like their parents did, and their parents before them, generations back. It's dumb. I know, but it's just the way things are. Maybe in another 30-40 years this stuff will have finally died out.

Hello fellow rick and morty fan

>american culture
el cappucino....

Haha, wow. You need to get laid dude.

Lol gay. In bosnia where im from everyone shut fuck up when film is on and when leaving

You're a real self righteous cunt aren't you?

>the black pride thing

What is this?

Fucking dead

Torches don't flash so why do you call them flashlights?

A torch is a tool you use to light up dark places, both electric and fire based torches share this purpose.

It is light but it doesn't exactly flash, unless you are talking about a specific mode on some torches but that isn't their main use. Regardless.. its the English language so fuck you it's torch

ah yes bosnia, the land of happiness

Americans have very slow minds a word like torch wouldn't grab their attention.

>The designated shooter

Is this something from Amerifat schools? Like "Oh no, Timmy brought his M4 to school today, go get Mr. Jenkins from the bible studies department, he's the designated shooter this week!"

It's called a flashlight because you FLASH a LIGHT onto something. A flashlight concentrates light on one spot. A fire torch doesn't.

Robbing the person sitting next to you.


stop saying "dude"

Why are you so uptight? Relax man, it's Saturday night. Crack open a cold one and chill. All that cortisol's gonna kill you my man.

>americans wear shoes indoors
>americans don't wipe after peeing or shitting
>americans clap at movies even though the filmmakers aren't there
>americans mutilate their dicks so they don't have to clean them
Is there anything more fucking disgusting than an american?

raising their fists

Get rid of your trip, dude, and I'll consider it.

Wait, they don't wipe?

Oh, that's not too bad, I thought it might be something like white pride where they pick the smallest looking guy in the cinema who isn't their race and beat on him to prove a point.

I don't get it. The Jedi Order is dead just like Carrie Fisher. Do these retards not pay attention to these movie?



what the actual fuck

Everytime this video is posted, you get multiple replies from Americans who think it's weird to wipe after pissing

>Americans feel the need to carry a gun for self-defence
>Americans see tips as compulsory
>Americans are suspicious of people walking on the pavement

Fucking weird country

American politics is a spectator sport


Obsession isn't healthy, europoors.

is that jack packard wtf

>feeling a sense of community like a brainlet
holy shit I hope no one on Sup Forums is actually this reddt

>being proud that your government has stripped away your gun rights

It's considered faggy to dab your dickhole with toilet paper to absorb the leftover out rather than just shaking it all out. Plus at urinals there's no toilet paper there. I do it anyway because I don't want piss stains on my underwear.

Most Americans are circumcised so wiping the piss out of the folds of their foreskin to prevent it from getting nasty isn't really necessary. If you're circumcised one or two shakes is all it takes to shake any remaining piss off.

I'm a cripplecock and I still get driblets unless I use TP or shake the shit out of my dick.

would have been alright if they'd have just raised their light-sabers without the cringey call to do it

>Americans don't celebrate Easter

I still don't get this one because the Yanks are such big Christfags

it IS weird to wipe after pissing
that's why you shake your dick


No. It's actually just really fucking gay.

Now that looks like the perfect job for me.

in this thread European mongrels defaming our great country

So everybody just follow me

Wow, a sane post in here. Good job

I fucking hate americans


>Pull foreskin back
>Shake cock
>Place back in trousers

All the Pisslessness of a Circumcised Dick with no need to be surgically mutilated at birth! Coming to literally everywhere that isn't the United States or a Middle Eastern shithole....SOON™!

No, american, you've been staining your underwear your whole life without you knowing about it. And what about when you pee while shitting? But judging from your behavior I can perfectly pinpoint that you:
>are circumcised
>don't wash your hands at all when using the bathroom
>think you're supposed to wipe shit a certain amount of times
>wipe back-to-front
>sit upright while shitting
>don't close the toilet seat when flushing
>keep your toothbrush in the bathroom
>bring technological devices in the bathroom

Thanks for the info Captain Smegma.

I do actually do everything but two things on this list
and who the hell cares about underwear?
you wear it until it falls off and then get another pair

soyboys are pretty cynical too

Americans are so weird

>Americans eat things out of buckets

Another to add to the list of shame

>it's another episode of europoors desperately scrape the bottom of the barrel to make it seem like America is a bad place
I'm sure you'll get that visa one day Sven. (Although to perfectly honest I hope you don't faggot)

>Americans refer to Europe as a singular entity

Another weird thing Americans do

When I watched avatar in theaters all those years ago, the audience kept applauding. Years later I heard American audiences did this. Then I also heard that a guy went into an American theater and shot the place up. I kind of understood why.

Explain how the EU is different than the US

It's made up of countries not states. And the countries are very different.

we don't shit ourselves in public for one

Why are europeans so obsessed with america? We hardly ever think of you.


Lol this literally never happens. Here in Texas, people’d leave and demand their money back if you walked around with a fuckin flashlight in the middle of the movie


false fag confirmed

I'm not gonna beat around the bush. We're Europe 2.0 and they know it. They're jealous as fuck

It's called a flashlight because when they were first invented, it could only be used in brief flashes due to the type of shitty early batteries and filaments. By the time other countries less advanced than the US had them, the problem had been resolved, so everyone else calls them torches because that is what their primitive minds were used to calling sticks with a lighty thing on the end.

>it's past 2am in most of europe right now
i smell false flagging tbqh

Europeans are just that obsessed

Based on what I've seen on Sup Forums and /bant/, I hate to break it to you, but you're responding to Brazilian and Canadian larpers 90% of the time. I stopped replying to any of this shit on non flag boards a while ago


Europe starts world wars, America finishes them.

this is the best response I've seen on here in years

Well spoken user. Clear and concise.