KINO Black Panther Review

why isn't she "woke" like the rest of them?


she racist!


When did black women suddenly become hot?

Look like she fucks white guys

What the fuck is going on with all the jump cuts? I felt like I was going to have a seizure watching this.

>I'm pretending to review a movie just so I can show you my tits

Fucking roasties I swear


Yeah this little lady seems pretty dumb. She seems like she's compensating for insecurity though. Wouldn't mind running into her at a bar.

she simply inferior to us as white men

blackbois are seething

>movie "review"
>shitskin in singlet showing off cleavage and full makeup

I need a name

Alexander is a nice name I think.

she simply inferior to our race

I was always a fan of konrad

Placenta Jones

This. She likes white pipe for sure.

never seen this eceleb. Is it a midget, and/or tranny?

Please I love her

I bet she could suck a bowling ball through a garden hose

Nigeria Washington

she literally says her name in the beginning of the fucking video

You can be Duke
No, THE Duke

I'm deaf

The absolute state of niggerlovers

Denzel washington

her name is ashley nicole. you deaf bastard

What kind of stripper garbage is this?

why the fuck are you asking me? I'm not the one that named her

>I did like that they showcased the rich beautiful cultures of Africa

Blue pilled normie

She'd probably call you raycis if you talked about the bell curve

Whoa you seem stressed out. You ok man?

What's it to you?


I'd like to play with her Black Panther if you know what I mean

We're here to talk to anonymous strangers, so let's talk. It's the weekend so it's just kind of weird you're being so uptight. If there's anything you wanna get off your chest just say it. I'm not trying to be a dick.

Jury is still out. I have to get a look at that ass.

She talks like she does too.

She's retarded, perfect for you, Sup Forums

She doesnt give a shit about movies or reviewing, she just wants to find a white guy to make mixed babies with. From the looks of this thread it seems to be working.

The tits and the Venom statues are very distracting.



>Look like a ghetto gagger


oof, okay bud. Just try to relax every once and a while. Stress hormones will shorten your life.

Solid review desu

Isn't her bf white? Not a problem. Weird, I only find smol black women tolerable.

Do white people realize when minorities are pandering to their ideologies?
Like this chick is hitting every cord that would secure her a Sup Forumstier beta provider.

You know we are not a hive mind, right?

haha right on my fellow pede


because you don't get attention by being like everyone else


Holy shit absolutely wonderful review. How will Armond White ever recover from this one? She is so much better than him.
>that moment where we can all tell she loved the white guy

Based girl, would bleach and dump.

>Do white people realize when minorities are pandering to their ideologies?
I wouldn't know, that has never happened since minorities don't really produce anything.
>Like this chick is hitting every cord that would secure her a Sup Forumstier beta provider.
Is you implying she browses the chans?

She's tongue in cheek making fun of Black Panther's editing.

no she isn't

I'd like to tongue her cheeks if you know what I mean.

I'm starting to hate white men who wish they were black more than black men themselves.
black women are okay, sometimes.

Yes she is. You're just so dumb that you need exposition. Stop killing cinema.

that's my name :D


Absolutely she fucks white dudes. You can tell by her makeup and hair she takes inspiration from white girls for her style, and her general mannerisms/way of speaking scream out that she's "that one black girl" who probably went to a white college and had white roommates she partied with.

I'd be all over that shit in my better younger days, damn.

you're disgusting

black women>white women

racemixing is only wrong if you're a woman

while I agree with this to an extend
>racemixing is only wrong if you're a woman

You're still disgusting. She is human trash.

>attractive white woman
>preserve the Aryan race! procure a future for white children!
>attractive asian woman
>stupid white roasties, yellow fever, asian girls are traditional!
>attractive latina woman
>Man, think of the good cooking! traditional rural values! that latina booty!
>attractive black woman
>man, when did black girls get so beautiful? ready top bleach! blacks know where its at!
I hate you fuckers.

I don't understand. You're generally against procreation?


Im surprised it took you this long to notice. 99% of the people who visit this website are fucking retarded and annoying.

>half the thread saying lynch all niggers
>the other half begging her to have their babies because she's right-ish leaning

Never change, Sup Forums

>half the thread saying lynch all niggers
Nobody is saying that
>the other half begging her to have their babies because she's right-ish leaning
Where does she state her political beliefs, not liking a movie doesn't really reveal that much.

white people have retarded ass fandoms for years dressing up as cartoons and other dumb shit and for one moment black people have their own version and all of you dumb fucking nerds are up in arms about it. You dickheads have been doing this shit for years.

The difference is white people never told niggers to GTFO of their fandoms. Nerdy blacks exist and have always existed. Now, blacks the world over are chimping out about what amounts to a consumerist mind game that'll never inspire them to think critically. This is no cultural victory for them. They've been conned to thinking a bland corporate piece will ever progress them socially. Maybe, if critical thinking and philosophy became as popular as uninspired platitudes about black power, they could truly better their social standing.

>>half the thread saying lynch all niggers
what? where? (please notice there are 75 posts and counting)
>>the other half begging her to have their babies because she's right-ish leaning
she doesn't even talk about politics at all

>muh Sup Forums boogieman

for the first time I really don't know what are you saying
are her Black Panther suppose to be her boobs?
who the fuck calls boobs a panther, or any part of the body?
don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind playing with her, just wanted to clarify your post