Pick your fighter

Pick your fighter

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Far right of course

I choose the redhead to fight my dick using nothing but her pelvis

Top Tier:

Capt. Marvel

Why would I play with Capt. Marvel?

Though Capt. Marvel ain't bad. But capt. Marvel is shit.

Though Capt. Marvel is okay.

So I guess

Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel > Capt. Marvel >

I want first from the right bully second from the right.

>Capt. Marvel
That's Miss Marvel you cucklord

And Mar-Vell

Mar-Vell did go by Captain Marvel tho

Bellechere of fucking course. That woman is a goddess.

Patrician taste, my friend. She's cosplay extraordinaire Bellechere.


They're all good looking, what sort of bizarro convention is this?

Marvel if he had the head mask

>They're all good looking

Ehh, far left looks like she'd be more at home cosplaying as Arya Stark.

sheiit meant Mar-Vell
has a cosplayer ever done this mask right?

Totally agree, but looking like one of the barely legal stars of the biggest show on TV isn't a negative.



Best Marvel coming through

I'm sorry, I only play fighting games with waifus

She looks like she was shrinkwrapped into that costume. If that is her real bust I would marry that so hard.

>that gremlin on the far left

Far left, she was trained by the Faceless Men of Bravos

Good lord, that lady on the right is a fucking brick house!

>"Carol Corps" fucking vanished after KSD left the comic
>5 relaunches and an event focused on her and still nobody cares about her

It's not but she's fucking great even if you hate fake tits. Even had a comic based on her

far right looks abit like lagertha from Vikings

I'd screw her
>that tower on the right that's clearly just a fat chick in a girdle

Snu-snu #8, marry #7 kill the rest.




>Previously, on Legends of Tomorrow

wow, face does look like Lotz. Not enough muscle on her though






Why isn't there an islamic one.

Captain Mar-veil


Real Capitan Marvel

worst costume. does the S stand for Slut?

Ms. Tall Big Tits on the right please


that is adorable!

It stands for SEETHING because it makes insecure tumblrinas queef with rage.


must be why they got rid of it for a superior one

this couldn't be more perfect if Kamala was actually humping her leg


The one on the far right with the huge tits



>Shia LaBeouf


my nigga. I could climb those legs for days

>Cropping Captain Marvel's reflection out of the mirror

But I wanted to see her butt...

>those hips
>dem tits
>dat thiccness
God dammit.

>far right won't step on me

Wearing a girdle

It's a good thing that the "Carol Corps" left with KSD, those people have become as bad as batfags and x-fags combined.

Are you high?

Carolfans are healthy & attractive people with good taste.

Far right, seriously, made for snu-snu.
>huge tits, more than likely natural.
>huge ass.
>has cute face

They traded looks for sanity.



Her figure is still fairly godly. God damn.



Autistic girls don't know how to take care of their vaginas.


We came up with names for them user.
Arya Marvel, Dead-inside Girl, The Flaming Faggot, Ms. Bowling Pin, I can't believe she's not circumcised, Ginger Green Bean, Kristen Schaal's slightly more attractive niece, and Power Thick


Where's Billy?

The far right, user.


Tell us more about your sex life


#4 from the left my dude

First post best post

holy shit that Captian Marvel has the most perfect face. I just want to kiss it everywhere

Start putting together a Spider-Woman costume then user.

The only correct answer


jesus. yes ok, I think I will. I will tape my dick between my legs, wear a bra and have her kid

>have her kid
That's true dedication to cosplay.


not even about shipping but this is a fantastic photo

Really captures how thirsty Carol is around Jess.

>hows your breast milk taste? I really want to try!

Would do 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7.



This is how I imagine living in California must feel like


mÿ nëïġhbör's ëx-wïfë ġëts 95 än höür ön thë ïntërnët. shë häs bëën ünëmplöÿëd för föür mönths büt läst mönth hër päÿ ċhëċk wäs 14011 wörkïnġ ön thë ïntërnët 2 höürs ëäċh däÿ. ċhëċk öüt thïs lïnk

The guy, always the guy. Chicks can't fight for shit and there weak physically.


>far left
Arya Stark
>far right
Brienne of Tits

I don't trust lesbians but I'll gladly fap to them.