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Going to start the thread early today.
Because Fresh Meat shouldn't let spoil.
It's going to be a bumpy ride for the boys,
And the time traveling dinos are the plateaus...

This is-
Ennis & McCrea's Hitman (and others) Thread #6

And here we go...


































This page is amazing










The Old Dog



















time for one of the greatest splash pages ever


Without a doubt



Reprints in those nice 12-15 issue per vol TPBs fucking WHEN?


You mean those Deluxe Editions like Snyder's Swamp Thing got?

Cause that'd be the next best thing to an Omnibus.





Omnis seem like a great idea but they actually suck in practice. A series of deluxe hardcovers would be best.



I own only a couple because it's hard to get a well balanced one yeah.

Getting the Fourth World one for sure thogh.








The Fourth World one sounds like a dream come true but it's going to be way too big, like there is no way that thing won't fall apart after a couple reads let alone just by sitting on the shelf due to the immense pressure gravity will put on the pages.

Seriously wish it was broken into smaller books or something. I've just spent too much money on large omnis that have started to fall apart. Not worth it anymore.



I've got the original four smaller omnibuses already, although you're right and they could have just reprinted those as well anyway.








