If people can't afford to see Black Panther, shouldn't we be giving them food or clothes instead of movie tickets?

If people can't afford to see Black Panther, shouldn't we be giving them food or clothes instead of movie tickets?

lmao what are you a communist

Go back to pol you dumb nigger

I can't afford sex. Will Brie Larson help me out with that instead?

>implying any of this was ever about making people's lives less shitty instead of just making them mad

Is there a more rapeable person in hollywood right now? She's a dumb leftiedrone but boy do I want to force myself into her. I'm black btw, bet she would love it.

she'd tank you for legitimizing her sense of victimhood then write a long article about how even though you raped her it's both her and society's fault for forcing you into that position in the first place so she refuses to name you or press charges

It really is quite remarkable how they're treating this film like it's the Passion of the Christ of black people. I mean, I get it, it's a mostly black cast in a movie with strong African imagery. But jeez, it's also a Marvel superhero movie with bad CGI, that got made like 30th in line after Ant Man and Doctor Strange.

It boggles my mind that this is real

>get free tickets for BP
>get to theater realize free ticket didn't include snacks/drink
>end up spending even more money that you didn't have

is this a rich person thinks they are helping but are making the situation worse equivalent to habitat to humanites giving people houses they can't afford up-keep and taxes on and Oprah giving people free cars that they have to sell just to pay the taxes that came with em?

uhhhhh tix?

Honestly I can't afford to see that show. I'd fuck a girl for any of that stuff.

Can Brie afford to fix her moonface blockhead?


I can't tell whos dumber op or the dumb cunt in the op.

who tf buys snacks and drinks at the theatre?

It's a fucking comic book movie

Do you actually believe that black people don't know how to sneak food into a theater? Son...


Should could have used 'tickets' and still been under the character limit.

So I guess poor whites can apply to, right?

She's asking other people to pay for other people's tickets..? Why can't she pay for someone's ticket herself? Stupid cunt.
