Star Wars is dead, and that's a good thing

Now that JJ Abrams has shown his true colors we can finally recognize that The Force Awakens was never good-- we just wanted it to be good because we had to believe something good could come out of the Disney buyout lol.

JJ Abrams has unequivocally demonstrated that there is nothing left to look forward to with this franchise, and that means we can stop pretending to hope that it's going to get better. Anyone who was still on the fence giving him the benefit of the doubt can now join the cacophany of disillusioned fans cheering for Episode IX to flop, just like with Ghostbusters.

There is no reason to try and save Star Wars. You already have 6 movies, dozens of games and a good TV show, hundreds of books, and vintage toys can still be found for great prices on eBay. Instead of hoping that Disney fixes Star Wars, you can just enjoy laughing at their fuckups and cheer for them to kill the brand even faster.

If there was anything Disney could actually do to save Star Wars at this point, they would do the exact opposite. This is not something to be sad about-- it's something to laugh at for our own amusement. We already have digital copies of Lucas's movies in HD, and we even have the Despecialized Editions in HD which are as good as any official release that you could hope to get from Disney. Disney cannot take Star Wars away from us, but we can ruin Disney's investment simply by not paying for any of the garbage they pump out.

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Lmao no. /ourgirl/ will pull through and redeem it into kino.

JJ did say that if we don't like women then Star Wars isn't for us. So I guess I won't go see IX.

why do you dislike women user?


I admire her purity.

My Dad was gone half the time due to work and I lived with my mom and two sisters. You would hate women too after this.

absolutely. She sends nerd virgins seething. She can't get any more /ourgirl/ than that.

so do i. She even btfo's trannies by stating that there are only 2 genders.

>Now that JJ Abrams has shown his true colors


I mean that her structural perfection is matched only by her hostility.

True that.

kill yourself

A survivor. Unclouded by conscience ... But you have my sympathies, anons.

lmao stay mad. Daisy haters not welcome on this board.

i don't understand what you meant. uhh thanks i guess.

Dumb horseface-poster.

I can't lie to you about your chances.

WATCH IT user. no need to be nasty.

i'm not delusional. just showing support for /ourgirl/ user.

She is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. Begone, shill. Your presence is no longer necessary and it was never welcome. The game is over.

You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you?

GTFO Daisy hater. She is too good for this world. No one appreciates the hard work she does for Star Wars.

>23 replies
>8 posters

user, your mother and I would like to talk about your obsession with this fantasy movie.

what are you getting at user? you're being very cryptic.

I just liked to troll a couple of autistic retards that did not get I the simplest of references.
From 1:15

You know a product is bad when people are putting more emphasis on the fact you should like it otherwise you're a white male, racist, bigot, sexist, etc. Diversity is just a code word for criticism shield so that directors can easily shoot down people who bad mouth the movie due to how lacking in content it is.

4=5>6>3>Rogue 1>7>2>1

cheeky bastard. i haven't seen this movie.

BEGONE, shill. You day is over. Disney has no place here. Here is where we scorn horse-faced waifus. You are unwelcome. Get ye gone, fool!

Stop being mean user. Do you feel good when you insult /ourgirl/ ? She is just doing her best to bring us this kino.

It is not kino, and it would take much more than a horse teeth lackwit jewess Disney pawn to make it so. Despair if you must, buffoon.


some things are almost too perfect to exist like that image

>i haven't seen this movie.
you have to go back

STOP WITH THE INSULTS. She is cute as can be user. Now GTFO, this is a Daisy board now.

Anyone else get turned on by the thought of Daisy taking massive bites out of food?

literally nothing wrong with that photo. Cute as ever. /ourgirl/ confirmed

imagine being so autistic that you'd made this image and typed all these words. ghastly.

She had come for all the foolish, lazy people, just as my father had always said she would.

The guy is quoting lines from Alien, because Daisy Ridley looks like a xenomorph. This should be obvious to any non-pleb.

yeah i got that eventually. cheeky bastard he is.

VIII > IV == V > VII > VI > I > II > III

>Star Wars is dead
Then stop making posts about it

are you quoting another movie i haven't watched?


is TLJ worth a watch? haven't got round to it yet.

>The Force Awakens was never good
Hear Hear!

Only if you're not paying for it & don't really care about star wars

Wouldn't nerds actually like her if she were hot? Seems her weird ass face and hobgoblin body proportions are the bigger issue here.


no. people haven't stopped complaining about her being a mary sue. She is /ourgirl/ just by pissing them off.



Please she is cute as can be. how do people think she is ugly?

I'm pretty sure they'd complain less if she were hot. She was already looking chubby in TLJ. She looks horrible if she puts on even a little weight because of her complete lack of neck and puffy face syndrome.


>still calls her names when it is established that she is a total cutie

mouth agape in every scene does not help

The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may all him a soyboy, a cuck, a redditor, it all runs off him like water on a raincoat, But call him a shill and you will astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back; "I've been found out"

Just as a field study to study the art of feminazi communists.

This one is a book and is not a must read.
Now go and watch alien you fucking fuck

i'll wait til i can rent it then.

i wish i was getting paid. i'm just doing this to show support for /ourgirl/ who gets underserved hate.

which book?

>dad is an amazing guy
>brother is my favorite person in the world
>grew up having an amazing brotherhood of friends who stand up for each other didn't matter the size or number of bullies

>my mother is a over-religious psycho drama queen
>my sister is literally my nemesis
>walked away from every gf I had in that classic moment in a lady-drama-bullshit-fight when the whole world silences and you can see yourself punching her with so much clarity, you can even feel your fist hurting from the imaginary pain

Women are shit.

sorry to hear that user. Hopefully you can find a good woman out there. They're not all shit.

google it you fucker
fuck you you fucking fuck
you generation of lazy fucks

Not gonna waste my time looking for big foots.

Take what pleases your eyes, set boundaries from day one, don't be afraid to change, and really don't expect much. That's my advice.

I like this Chinese proverb.

Women are like grass. Made for under foot.

Why do all soybois make that face?

not saying to be a cuck beta. but treating them like shit all the time will just bring resentment. take authority and lead but treat them good.

Or just pirate it.

nothing wrong with that picture though. you can't deny the Daisy.

i'm a good boy though. i support good kino.

>you should read this book
>>what's it called?

You see how dumb you are? I said the reference is not important, is a minor S. King tale.
But you cannot have not watched Alien.
Watch it you fagit

that's a different user you're replying to btw. i'm the orig. user you were trolling. I will watch alien eventually.

do it fagit

only if you admit Daisy is /ourgirl/ and take back your mean insults.

She's basically the definition of 3dpd, dude.

Whoops, wasn't the pic that I wanted to use. This one.

"and he deed, Gandalf. He deed."

Star Wars was never good anyway

FUCK OFF. She's cute. Why are people so mean to her? She just wants to bring Kino to our lives. Thank you Daisy. forever /ourgirl/

Yeah yeah but what's the bonus situation?

The Mouse thanks you for your loyalty and has deposited $0.05 into your account.

i wish i was getting paid. just think someone has to stick up for her round here. She gets undeserved hate.

>She gets undeserved hate.

>Brings Kino to our lives
>is cute
>btfo's nerd virgin women haters
>upsets the plebs on Sup Forums for some reason
Unequivocally /ourgirl/. Daisy thank you.

what iconic tool she would identify our new character with?


yeah give her the donatello thingie.



she doesn't look bad when her teeth isn't showing

I appreciate the posts you have made that have received few replies. I like you, user, you made my night just that little bit brighter.

R1 above 3 but otherwise correct.

he trolled me good. he's mean to her though.

>Saved Finn from an inconsequential course of action



Every character in this piece of shit movie has an arc stolen from them. Nothing they do matters. Nothing technically happens. I bet once 9 comes out you could actually skip from 7 to it and it would be a better experience.

Everything to shine for you even the most feeble of lights, user
n-no homo