Why do people on Sup Forums praise this shit? What was it even about? It holds a fucking 5 out 10 kek

Why do people on Sup Forums praise this shit? What was it even about? It holds a fucking 5 out 10 kek.

Self control something something the book of job something something oedipus
I like it.

ultimate pretentious pleb

I don’t think I’ve watched OGF since it was released, but I liked it a lot. Reflecting on it now I think it was a parable about restraint. Gosling’s character seems to think his brother deserved what he got, but the fallout of his death brings out old demons with the reappearance of goose’s mom. Goose seeks absolution for these sins by considerately challenging the cop to a fistfight. He gets whipped, and then he does it again in the ending to be forgiven of his sins in the past, or something.

It sucks. Refn is a talentless hack who claims his movies are "art" because of muh "neon and lights":

Casting aspersions without forming a coherent response is as pretentious as it gets, loser.

Explain how this shit excuse of a movie is good.

>inb4 art


It was neat

nice point faggot

I hated it when I first saw it because I didn't have subs.
But the film is paced pretty much perfectly. The surrealism is kind of hit or miss, but it's nowhere near as intrusive as I thought when I first watched it. And it makes sense. It was an experiment on Refn's part that could've been done better, but it works.
The soundtrack is god-tier. The cinematography is masterclass (only really surpassed by The Neon Demon).

It's a really good film. But it's not perfect.

A bald assertion isn't an argument...

what even is this reply

Because it's kino.


Already been gone over in this thread. Visuals, pacing, atmosphere, story is some deep shit that doesn't make sense unless you're in the mood. Some movies transcend it all into a unique experience. And it's well made.

> story is some deep shit that doesn't make sense unless you're in the mood.

Real vague shit

I thought it was just weird. I didn't get in.

Because it's something you interpret even though it has structure. Sometimes you get it other times you'd rather go to a bar.

it's basically about the same kind of character as the driver; a frustrated, alienated loner with a deep violent streak and criminal involvement who wants to be freed from his suffering. the difference is that he's handled in a more intricate way, you learn a lot more about julian than you ever learn about the driver and it informs the character in a more satisfying way.

i like it better even though it's much less fun to watch than drive.

All style no substance. Fucking valhalla rising had more going on and I don't think the protagonist said a single word

>story is some deep shit that doesn't make sense unless you're in the mood.
It's just a bunch of pretty simple metaphors user. Anyway this movie is much more about the visuals and style than any subtext. It's a decent movie despite the pretensions of Refn.

Valhalla Rising would be great if that fucking boat scene wasn't 200 hours long

Bronson is the only Refn film I feel was a pure exercise in style and nothing else.

And even that I can't hate since it is buttressed by such a fine performance from Hardy

Oh fuck now I want to watch 2049 again

Pleb Status: FILTERED

The way it's delivered is very heavy handed.

honestly? despite refn's autismal nonsense, it's an excellent film on a purely aesthetic level and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that tbqhwy desu /user/.

Naw it's better than Drive. I liked it but I don't understand why people love it so much. Is it literally just because people identify with The Driver because of autism?