Name a better gangster movie

Name a better gangster movie

Other urls found in this thread:

King of New York

God Father

one of my all time favs OP

Godfather Part I

my biopic



what did they mean by this?


Shemay Shemay Shemay

the sister was cute



At what point in time do you remember wanting to be a gangster?

Wiseguy (name of the original book) I thought was a better title because it was about how Henry had fucked over everyone. He fucked over the mob by turning informant & he fucked over the feds because all the info he gave them on the heist was worthless because everyone was already dead.

This movie is kino but tv never talks about it, ever.

I prefer Once Upon a Time in America. It deals with gangsters growing from street thieves to the prohibition days to the teamsters union.

But it's a totally different type of film so hard to compare

>We're wiseguys, Goodfellas!
>We're The Departed!

Probably Abel's best film.

Can someone tell me what happened to the lawyer chick in it? I always thought she was the one who got shot during the raid but that was the other blonde whore.

I've left years since my last viewing of Infernal Affairs because I really want to like this movie but I fucking hated it the first time I saw it.

Me as well, although Once upon a time is more of a drama than a "gangster movie" imo. Goodfellas is basically the quintessential gangster kino, although rivaled by Godfather in some ways

Funny that Godfather part 2 was going to be directed by Scorsese back before Coppola decided to come back.

To be honest I wish it was.

she's not shown but I'm guessing she goes into hiding after the attack on the club

Godfather Part II was a stupid idea all around.

Scorsese would be my first pick to direct Part IV though

Makes sense but I know there was a lot of cut content to avoid an X. Idk if that had something to do with it.

At this point I think if they did a IV they'd probably need to get Coppola to do it for marketing.

Have him executive produce or something.

The book based on the Young Sonny flashbacks in Puzo's script wasn't half bad.

I think its good Scorsese did his own thing instead, would have been too jarring with part 2 not directed by the same person as part 1, even though Scorsese might have made a better Part 2 in his own right

Casino is like to Goodfellas what Austin Powers is to James Bond but not funny or clever and made with serious intention. It's not bad and Sharon Stone gives a good performance but it's not worth watching more than once whereas Goodfellas can be watched over and over again without getting boring.

>Name a better gangster movie
Fuuuuuuuck. Me and my bro snuck into this. It was awesome. I have too much bias to be objective.

Hi Karen.

Goodfellas is even better when you read more about the actual events. For example Tommy was killed for batts but also because he raped karen while Paulie was having an affair with her.


My money Henry i needs dat

Actually it was an analogy.

Heat was underrated desu

Goodfaggots can't respond to this

wew lad

Meds are so fucked by Turk Muslim cock they can't handle the fact of Atlantis creating their Aryan Empire

>main character narrates throughout the whole movie
could there be a lazier way to write a plot than this?

honestly I can't name a better film (well in terms of how much I myself liked, I'm not going to argue there aren't better made films, I don't know enough to)

I really should watch that one again. I haven't seen it in years.

> he isn't a conceited asshole who acts like he knows everything and respects other peoples opinions

back you go faggot

i'm gonna go check the doubles check the doubles

>...and your other figure of speech

Beyond Outrage

The Godfather.

Thread over

>being retarded

These movies are all about fucking rats. Funny yes. Entertainment of course , but nothing is better than living it and seeing it with your own eyes.

>its about jews
lol kys

>Austin Powers
>funny and clever

goodfellas wasnt a glorification or even really a straight drama about the mafia tho. it was a cautionary tale and felt like i was being scolded for ever thinking they were cool. i felt dirty and drugged at the end of the movie just like henry and karen. thats probably how it really was but i dont go to movies to see my heroes get shit on and to get a life lesson from mcgruff. its almost anti mafia kino


Would the Pusher trilogy count?

Please watch this 30 for 30 on Henry Hill and
college basketball point fixing. As entertaining as the movie and no sports knowledge required.

it's not a gangster movie.

You're funny.

1. Godfather I
2. Godfather II
3. Goodfellas
These are the three greatest gangster movies of all time. What's number 4? 5? 6? 7-10?