What does Sup Forums think of Interview with the Vampire?

What does Sup Forums think of Interview with the Vampire?

Wait, I thought it was interview with A vampire....I'm going crazy.

kino but it baffles me how peso kiss scene was legal


A lot of people think that, actually

Tom Cruise stole the movie. Absolutely one of his best performances.

Prime Kirstin

i want 90's tom cruise to fuck me in the asshole

I liked it.
Also it makes me remember that when I was a kid, this was the vampire movie the girls liked.
Compare it with twilight.
Fuck, compare the MEN here with Shovelface.
It really makes you think.

pure kino

it was pretty gay, but still not gay enough

Idk Kristen dunst was GOAT.

I hope you get cancer

this. always referred to this one as the vampire film with the two dads with the adopted daughter

Too much gay would ruin it.

My greatest regret of my youth is reading Anne Rice novels. Literally smut disguised as supernatural fiction.

unironically this, but still an enjoyable watch.

It's a great movie.

Kirsten was in her prime hotness. Her next was Jumanji, then Spider-Man

fuck off, this movie was amazing, now we're getting a shitty remake with homo vampires and niggers, no need to try and get people hyped for it by posting a thread already

you okay there user?

x is this way

7/10 is the best I can do.

Good movie. The first and second book were better. Both were about the events that took place in the movie. Second book from Lestats pov is better. All other books after suck big floppy donkey dick.

barbara streissand
