Post your screenshots

Post your screenshots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that the guy who spams these unfunny videos in every thread discussing a new release on Sup Forums is named Alex Simmons. He's 23-years-old and lives in Pompano Beach, Florida, in or near Coconut Creek. He uses the handle "Uridon" online.
Here's a vid uploaded to his channel with his face in it, save it before he sees this post and deletes it: [YouTube] MARVEL KEKS DC BATFAGS ON SUICIDE WATCH (embed)
Compare to pictures in his many online dating profiles (save before he deletes):
He also has a patreon with zero patrons
We know who you are loser, and even if you keep spamming your shitty videos under a different name people will know it's you. I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself with these ramblings and continue on with your lifetime of obscurity as an ugly nerd with a minimum wage job.

>Dr. user, I'm DOX

Calm down bro.



Fucking Excellent






I love this movie





Based doxposter

This was a decent movie, the irl story its based on was extremely interesting as well

Whaddyou want from me?

