Was there ever a ball that was dropped harder than this?

Was there ever a ball that was dropped harder than this?

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I'll never understand the appeal of Pacifica.

Yeah, mine when I saw animated Hillary Duff in Lizzie McGuire when I was 12.

Probably some contrarian shit.

people like bitch girls
also after northest mansion ep, she showed she could change and be developed and possibly have something with dipper, but then Hirsch didn't bother

Are you meaning how they failed to develope her character further past NMM?
I'd say the entire last couple of episodes dropped the ball harder than anything. Those two episodes alone made everybody fucking hate who was considered to be the most likable character

>le season 2b sucked maymay
No, it was fucking awesome actually.

Actually good rich """"bitch"""" character.

She was intended to be a minor antagonist character for Mabel, never main cast.

The fact that people projected main character level importance to her and then got mad when it didn't happen is their own damn fault.

Season 2 was great until the dnd episode.

Diana ruled because she was probably objectively a better person than the main character of her series.

>until the dnd episode
That was one of my favorites from the entire show

Shipping with Dipper, and the only good female character on the show.

>Implying roadside attraction was good
There is no cure for a case of shit taste this severe.

Shut up Hirsch

>Busty rich girl with the secret heart of gold.

Yeah I don't get it either.

>secret heart of gold
Did we see the same episode?

Just because she doesn't want to let people die for no reason doesn't make her a hero, that's just basic human decency.

She never really does anything selfless at all during the entire run, nor is she particularly generous. At most she's just kind of ok with them after NWMM but not a friend.

Also, busty is a huge stretch outside of fanart since she has the same bean body as the other characters in the show.

RA was after that you moron.

In fact 2b basically alternated with relative ups and downs:
>after probably the best ep of the series (NWHS) TOTS was a bit of a letdown
>then DD&D was fucking brilliant while TSC was kinda boring
>TLM was great and plot-focused while RA... well, we all know it gets huge amounts of hate
>DAMVTF and WM1 were excellent, pattern switches to 2 episodes at this point - because everyone here knows what happened in WM2
>WM3 was basically the perfect ending for GF, and it was 2 episodes long

>that's just basic human decency.
It was more decency than her parents were willing to show in their shelter, which goes a long way. Plus, she was horrified to see the history of greed and abuse displayed in her family's painting room.
>Also, busty is a huge stretch outside of fanart since she has the same bean body as the other characters in the show.
She didn't always. Her body shape got censored after Irrational Treasure.

>It was more decency than her parents were willing to show in their shelter, which goes a long way. Plus, she was horrified to see the history of greed and abuse displayed in her family's painting room.
Being more decent than absolute garbage people doesn't mean you deserve a prize, it just means that you are on the level with baseline OK folk.

Well not yet but when your balls drop in a couple more years there will be.

It was a personal achievement for her. She was the first person in the long line of her family to rise above being garbage.

Right, but that doesn't mean she has a 'heart of gold' which was what my original criticism was. It just means that unlike the rest of her family she doesn't have a heart of garbage.

>Her body shape got censored after Irrational Treasure.
I still like the idea that during the two Season 2A episodes involving her she's just strapping down her boobs, during the golf episode so they don't get in the way when she's playing, and in NWMM because her parents made her strap them down, during the few times she shows up in Season 2B she's either in her default outfit(and thus has her regular figure) or is in that Llama sweater which covers up her figure

Hah, you wish.

Irrational Treasure was going to be a prominent photo op in front of the whole town - she was padded up to hell and back and the rest of her appearances are her actual figure.

I bet she could have accomplished Heart of Gold stats if she got more adventuring experience. Sadly, she didn't join the team and thus couldn't get those experience points.

Maybe so, but that's still a theoretical fan-version of the character that doesn't exist in the actual show.

Everyone flipping the fuck out about how great Pacifica was when she didn't do shit is whats so nuts about the whole thing.

Alex Hirsch herself said that fans were projecting onto her. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Most really popular characters, something like that happens.

One thing is le girl Draco Malfoy (or le boy Draco Malfoy) always gets fans, that is a popular archetype in fiction. But Pacifica wound up appealing to very different groups. NMM is genuinely a very good episode, why it won an award probably. Golf War had some good moments too. Normies liked those eps and like redemption arcs even short ones. On a show like this that also makes Pacifica automatically more dynamic and complex than most of the characters on the show.

But as you know fans don't care about that stuff. Sup Forums mostly loves Titsfica and shipping Padippica. The tumblr type crowd identifies with Pacifica because I dunno, mental issues and emotional abuse I guess. And of course they ship Pacifica with Mabel because if characters fight it means that they are in love. So a few different groups love Pacifica but focus on those reasons. In fact if you removed all the shipping with Dipper or Mabel or NMM related Pacifica content there probably would not be much Pacifica stuff left in fandom.

Wouldn't her parents encourage her to show off their family's superior genes during the ball?

She's the best character

Padippica vs Mabel/Pacifica is stupid.

The only right thing to do is ship them all together at once

>Alex Hirsch himself said
Implying what the Mystery Hack who couldn't write an interesting female character to save his live says has any actual value.

It can be argued that Pacifica was more of a dynamic character than Mabel. That might be another reason for her popularity.

It's because she had potential to be a fun and interesting additional character, which is more than could be said for Wendy, Tambry, Candy, and Grenda. Mabel also had potential, but it was horribly horribly squandered by her refusal to grow up.

Virgins want attention from a girl, but they're also lazy, and so if a girl bullies them, the joke's on her because they are getting the attention they crave while she's the one putting all the actual effort in the "relationship".

You might notice that characters that the fans latch onto often are characters who don't do much or there's not much to them. I am thinking specifically of unmentionable bannable offense show but really any show where even a background character with no lines gets this huge cult fanbase. I don't know why it happens but maybe filling in the blanks is part of the appeal? In the process the fans often create whole new characters and are attached to them because they are theirs. In GF fandom the biggest characters this happened with were Pacifica and (much moreso) Bill.

>Alex Hirsch herself said that fans were projecting onto her

Rural and suburban dwelling retards.

>Mabel also had potential, but it was horribly horribly squandered by her refusal to grow up.
Oh cool, you're one of them faggots from old /gfg/, like this guy

>Gravity Falls General is terrible because they all managed to agree on something, but it wasn't what I agreed with
Well, I mean, it is terrible by virtue of being a general, but not for the reasons you claim it is.


It was great for the first few years but at the end no one talked about the show at all and it became and ENDLESS stream of really stale copypastas about the HACK MANLET and so on.

It got fucking lame.

/gfg/ was what introduced me to the show in the first place and its still one of my favorite cartoons, and the fact that the discussion area turned into regurgitated noise was fucking terrible.

I bet it is the fantasy of conquering a woman, with your dick, that thinks she is better than you.

The entire show's concept dropped the ball, so why would you care only about your mastectomy waifu?

That is a perfectly valid reason to hate /gfg/.

This. What happen to the rest of the show is a much bigger tragedy than what happened to Pacifica

It's not just a /gfg/ meme. Plenty of opinions exist outside of Sup Forums that agree there was a problem with the way Mabel was written, and that the problem really came to the forefront during the finale.

>shoehorned preachy whore for the sake of /u/-shit
Get out faggot.

Even better if it's by rape.

>having taste this bad
DDnD was hot garbage. I'm not even a big DnD guy and how they pretrayed it was so incorrect it pissed me off.

The Last Mablecorn sucked ass and can be cut from the show without changing much.

All of Weirdmageddon was bad, don't kid yourself. GF could have had a much better ending if there were actual consequences. Bill was also ruined.

The Dipper/Ford parts of Future were great, the Mabel parts rushed her character development and don't even make much sense. There's several times in the show were Mabel is able to handle social conflicts on her own, or with the help of her friends. She doesn't need Dipper for that all of the time.

>having taste this bad
Yeah, I'm gonna throw that right back at you, because I think I disagree with literally every statement in this shitpost of yours.

(Mainly because you show a shocking lack of understanding not only of character dynamics - which is probably just Sup Forums autism - but also of the show itself.)

>Hartman tier "I have no Knowledge on X but still few qualified to written an episode where it is a heavy element"
The only good parts were the ones that didn't involve anything to do eith DD&D, it was just the same recycled TTRPG jokes that everyone makes because they can't be arsed to either do their research or adhere to "write what you know"

Also the Last Mablecorn would have been good had Mable actually been forced to reflect on her previous flaws and mistakes instead of her just doing falsely altruistic acts and then throwing a hissy fit when the Unicorn says that doesn't change who she actually is. They were so close to actually having a really good Mable moment where she has to reflect on her prior actions and maybe come to terms with the fact that she's not the perfect little girl she believes herself to be, but then copped out with "Lol, the Unicorn's just a dick".

I wish she remained stacked as fuck.
She still is in my heart.

not that guy but you're displaying some of that Sup Forums autism yourself there buddy

>no u
>not that guy

make it an OT4 by including Wendy

well you are
over-explaining yourself and making a big shit over someone elses opinions yet adamantly refusing to touch on *any* of them at all , so you're basically spouting hot air

and then ending it all off with a big "lol u dont know what ur talking about" and coining the autist insult

ya sure showed him bub


Replace Pacifica with Robbie and that equates to my ideal GF OT4

So why were Gravity Falls fans such massive degenerates when it came to shipping? (Before you say "muh Padippica" Dipfica was apparently a much, much more widely used search term according to this Google trends so I went with the by far more common one.)

>not replacing Mabel with Robbie

Fetishistic sex appeal will always outstrip vanilla potential for cute. What is this your first day?

>Replace Pacifica

>Not realizing that the only reason Robbie belongs in there at all is because Mabel's there
Blind fool.


You would think Robbie would have outgrown the dark Hoodie phase by the time he got to father hood.

Mabel ship edition out of the tons I tried these were the only three ships in the whole fandom that even showed up everything else was at 0 in comparison. Not what I expected at all. Also not perfect since this just shows people googling the ship names and big fans usually aren't randomly googling the ship names they probably have it on a feed on specific sites like tumblr, twitter, devart, fanfic sites or some shit.

reminder, the end of Robbie's cannon character arc is a brainwash relationship with Tambry after we had an episode where Robbie was mind controlling Wendy and was the villain of that episode

Yes, thank you for reminding me of that.



they established though that the Love Potion wears off after a couple hours, so their feelings for each other were in fact real


She had character development that was never used. Its a lot more interesting than static characters that are boring and just there to look pretty (wendy)

Pineswest OT3.


>Pinecest, the unbeatable dreadnaught of Gravity Falls ships

I knew I backed the right horse in this race.

That was always my favorite term for it, though Pinescifica was also good.


Well not really since Billdip eventually beat it and from a point greatly outnumbered everything. But not by too much. Actually I was a little surprised how close of a second place Pinecest is overall. Well sort of. In a lot of ways it makes more sense then Billldip. But it's still incest. What's most surprising is how thoroughly those two ships trounce everything else. Nothing else even comes close. See how much more popular Pinecest is that Padippica, Wendip, Candip. I mean just for straight ships it is by far the most popular.

The biggest, softest most natural Nortwest there ever was.

Pinecest is pure user, it's the best ship in the show.

It also got all the best fan content of all the ships in terms of art and fics

Ain't nothing pure about wanting to give your bro-bro a kerMabelling.

Yes. Long after the Episode aired. With nothing in episode to even hint at that. Leading me to believe it was done as damage control after the writers realized the implications they had left, or more likely, had it pointed out to them.

It's purely awesome is what it is.

>Wanting Dipper to be with someone as unstable and belittling as Mabel
Your shit taste goes far beyond your disturbing incest fetish

Parts of the journal were definitely damage control. It had a section with Dipper confessing a crush on Pacifica, and a page with Mabel writing an apology to Dipper for almost trading Journal #3 to Bill in order to save her play.

>evil white rich girl
>show written by jew
>one of the richest classes of america despite being en extremely small minority there
>commie jew hirsch is autistically screeching about trump on a daily basis now

sometimes i just wish for a big nuclear apocalypse desu nee

Too bad yurifags ruined her and probably LWA as a whole

Some people like dogs, some like cats.

Dogs are very upfront with their affection. They fawn on you with a bottomless well of love and all they ask in return is your presence. They're simple and there's not really any depth to them, but that's just what some people like -- easy, no strings attached love. You come home after a long day of work and your dog is there, waiting to make you feel like the most precious person in the world because, in its eyes, you are.

Cats are more complex. They're outwardly standoffish and apathetic to your existence. Sometimes they might even be outright hostile or demeaning. But the appeal to those that prefer them is having to work to earn their love through persistence and dedication. They ingratiate themselves to the cat and, eventually, the cat warms up to them and starts displaying affection right back. That affection feels altogether more rewarding precisely because it isn't given freely. Not just anyone can get this cat to respond positively to them but you, through your efforts, are one of the lucky, special few.

There's nothing inherently wrong with either option. They're just different strokes for different blokes.

This. Accusing people of projecting for saying that the character you had created to vent your gripes with the upper class has the demonstrated potential to be more than just a one dimensional bitch is hypocritical to say the least.

A dog will fight to save your life. A cat will measure what it gets out it first before deciding one way or the other.

When you see someone blaspheme against the God-Emperor on the internet, is your first reaction to weep bitterly or seethe with impotent rage?

This needs to die in a horrible death. The same way as BillxMabel.

What about BillxPines?


Robbel was always a niche thing but thanks to Asia getting a hold of it BillxMabel will never die and there will continue to be Mabill doujin on sale at Comiket and other japanese cons for years to come. That was bigger right after the show ended than during the show thanks to Asia.


It's true user Pinecest has the best fanstuffs by far. I prefer Padippica on the actual show because well incest but Doublepines was the best fan artist for Gravity Falls. And lots of other cute art and stories.

She showed some kind of character development, making her literally the only character on the show to do so.

I really don't know how to feel about this. On one had, yes he did give us some of what we wanted, albeit in a very half-assed and in-sincere fashion, but he did acknowledge what people had been screaming at about for a while, showing that he's not wholly unreasonable or dismissive of criticism.

But On the other, The fact that he kowtowed to pressure in such a way, when before he had made clear his disdain for them, shows that he doesn't actually know or understand what people want from him on these issues and how they want them, merely throwing what he thinks will appease them at the wall and hoping it sticks. He could, if his perception dictates it the best way to save his hide, pull a Bryke and throw his lot in with tumblr or other such riffraff.

It's really a bit of a double-edged sword here.