So how many of you are going to hot glue the holdo doll and send it to lura derns twitter?

So how many of you are going to hot glue the holdo doll and send it to lura derns twitter?

hot glue? is that code for covering it in semen?


>even the toy's tits are disgusting

You must not get out much

You just know this figure is going to clog up the toy racks for a while until it hits the clearance bin. Hell, the main characters of Rogue One didn't sell.

What line is this? I haven't seen the movies but this figure is terrible.

Black series, basically hasbro ignored the standard star wars figure and uped them up to 6 inchs because one of the faggots on the design team is a sucker for that scale and felt he had to ruin the line to appeal to his wants. They look horrible, are badly sculpted, and release only the worst characters that no one wants. Marvel legends are the chad 6 inch toyline while black series is the virgin.

>SW gets a figure of character noone liked
>still no princess Ahmanet figure

>Marvel legends are the chad 6 inch toyline
so that's why he's so smug

>wasting hot glue on that figure


I honestly dont understand how a 50 year old woman can be that hot

its called CGI / de-aging vfx, flattering camera angles / subconscious hotness via editing.

>"Wasting" hot glue
Something tells me that people who seriously use the term "hot glue" for jerking off on a childrens toy wont be using their semen for its intended purpose anyway, so go nuts sport

At least i dont spill my load to cunny threads you freak

I dont do that, nice projection though. I just like to read threads about tv/film.

disney pls shut the fuck up, nobody is going to buy that piece of fucking shit not even for le epic prank bro

I wonder if she got one for her boys.

OK, roastie.



what you Sup Forums faggot?

There any good hot glue webpages? Preferably of non-anime toys. For whatever reason cum pouring over toys really floats my boat, but unfortunately the vast majority of it is anime shit. You'd think there'd be more people jerking off over cheaper (By comparison) western toys but apparently the mindset one has to be in to jerk off on an action figure comes more naturally to weebs.

virgin blood

Healthy diet that consists of feeding on seeds and only allows gummy bears as the occasional snack.

Healthy diet that consists of fucking on sucks and only allows sneed as the occasional chuck