Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Now that it's getting another remake, can we agree the Depp version wasn't bad?

>Now that it's getting another remake
Just stop, seriously. There is literally no point in remaking it or re-releasing it.

>What's an all female cast

No it wasn't bad.
It was fucking terrible.

I wouldn't admit it until now, but yes

Maybe it wasn't great. Maybe it wasn't even good. But it wasn't terrible, and justified its own existence. Unlike the fucking Alice in Wonderland remake

>What's an all female cast
Unironically, what fucking difference would it make if they stick to the script or go with 'an all female cast'?

Nothing plot wise, but they'd cast Eva Green as Wonka and make me fap to her.

>they'd cast Eva Green as Wonka
Ok, I'm going to catch a lotta shit for this, but I honestly don't understand the appeal for Eva Green

What would the rest of the cast look like though?

I hope everyone involved with this decision and the decision to remake it for the first time dies

Do you need a rundown?

delet dis

jesus christ user...it’s just a chocolate factory.

Sure, i've got nothing better to do
I'm not shitting on your taste of waifus, im just saying she's 'alright'.

Charlie would be a strong black female.

> but I honestly don't understand the appeal`

But Depp was bad.

>not a single regular glazed donut


>Now that it's getting another remake
Really? Man that's tiresome.

>he's a glazed pleb
old-fashioned is the patrician's choice

This or buttermilk donuts, good taste

>"bitch u can have yo wack ass gobstopper back"
>"u passed the test nigga!"

My niggas

welcome to my chocolate factory bitches

>chocolate glazed donut w/ rainbow sprinkles
>vanilla glazed donut w/sprinkles
>another vanilla glazed donut w/chocolate chip
>two donuts in full glaze

The tits are also welcome.

Yo this would be rad