This is true

this is true.

reddit is thinking there's any difference between reddit and Sup Forums audiences nowadays especially on this literal subreddit

flip it around


reddit: The Office
Sup Forums: Trailer Park Boys

Reddit is thinking there is no difference between here and Sup Forums.
Reddit thinking is agreement for the sake of agreement.
Fuck you and your opinions, go neck yourself faggot.


include me in the screenshot

Reddit is thinking the british version of a television series is better merely for being british and having the accents, almost like a weeaboo. Sup Forums is knowing that all television is trash and not having a feeling of pride over watching a fucking television show you fucking faggots

pls icnlude this message for reddit pls:

Dear reddit:

I dont like gays. You see, homosexuality offends my sense of morality as it debases the dignity of the human sexual experience. Indeed my religion also informs me that homosexuals will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and it is out of love for the fags that I ask them to leave their sinful lifestyle behind. Also, in the year 2018 I notice that homosexuality is pushed on blonde aryan men, a race in decline in population, and these men have a duty to reproduce and create children. In deed childless lifestyles are degenerate. In addition the health consequences of homosexuality are troubling. Why is AIds so common among homosexual males? One study found that gays are 80% more likely to contract HIV. You see the anus wasn't designed to stretch. In fact the anus often tears during pentration mixing blood shit and semen. It is 'icky' as you like to say. in addition suicide is very high.

All this aside: My opinions on homosexuality shouldn't get me banned from discussing race cars in the INDYCAR subreddit.

Go fuck yourselves you pretentious fucking idiots.

but is this?




liking british shit is definitely reddit

Why is shia on our side? aren't "we" (as in the site) responsible for him going full-blown paranoid?
someone i know who is close to him told me he thinks theres 4channers all around him, he actually believes he is being gang stalked but the scary part is HE IS RIGHT my friend is also a common user of this site

no goose is reddit


Sup Forums is reddit, people htat post like you re also reddit

Yeah, this post is right all the way HOWEVER don't you think as a character brent is more relatable to the average Sup Forums user? i mean, if anyone here ever been to a Sup Forums meeting, you know what i mean, you people are quite naturally embarrassing.

>no zack

trash meme desu was so close too

>Seriously guyse you gotta hate that board.


In here you can still say niggers and defend untrendy political views without getting banned, now attempt the same on reddit and see how far you go.

Reddit, Oh Reddit, how do I count the way?
R, is for Reddit
D, is for deuterium, I fucking love science
I, is for I am, what I am (f)
T, is for Sneed, Feed, Bane?

In Conclusion, The Office is okay. But Rickey Gervais is really not funny, he tries to o hard.

I actually hate jews so I can't advocate a zionist board


literally nobody would bother reading past the spacing



man that ginger is so hot, but in a trash way, i feel like i can actually bang her.

never forget the american pilot

this but unironically times two

I never found the UK Office to be as consistently funny as US Office.


My god your bait has been sitting here for 20 minutes without a (you). You must be starving you poor thing.

Checks out




feed me

reddit tier post

>associating a movie with a thai fly fishing forum popular among weebs, pedophiles, racists too scared to look black people in the eye irl, underage edge lords, pony fuckers and disgusting neck beards to legitimize its status
wew lad

that is definitely Sup Forums

I don't get it, why is everybody responding to this?

Because it was funny.

I remember when the it crowd was considered Reddit on here

t. reddit

you mean right now?

t. reddit

If this is true then I'd rather be reddit.


t. lebbit

This is now a reply thread

>it's a britfag tries to make Sup Forums theirs episode