Rey, your mother insulted my lemon chicken

Rey, your mother insulted my lemon chicken

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>so what Patricia, after 9 years I just don't care anymore!

>I wish we were both dead

>It's a Robert turns into a whiny suicidal faggot episode

>that one episode where he beat her mercilessly

>tfw you realize that Rays wife was dead the whole time

shut up bitch

Oooh cohm ahn, Debrah.
It was one tiiime

I think this show formed a large part of my hatred of women.

i'd insult her lemon chicken if you know what i'm saying

>He still tastes her lemon chicken sometimes alone at night.

Self-pity aside, Robert was probably the best person out of the entire family.

He undermined raymond at every turn and lusted after his wife

True, Robert was a pretty decent person.
But Marie (and to a lesser extent Debra) were insufferable.

Raymond, I would never do that.
I know she's trying her best, not everyone has the gift.

"bloo bloo, he was an asshole"..look at the people around him. I haven't watched the show in forever, but I have the fondest memories of Frank. I remember Ray and Robert even saying he never hit them, I don't know how bad he could've actually been.

Nah he and Debra just had an amicable relationship, unlike everyone else in the family, which you misinterpreted as sexual tension.

>But Marie (and to a lesser extent Debra) were insufferable.

Every single main character was insufferable, that was the whole point. For some reason it's one of the few American sitcoms to make me laugh out loud, maybe being a cynical Brit helps.

absolute kino ending to a series

He was fucking Stefania, then Amy. He was getting pussy pretty easily.

He would have fucked her. He would have picked her over amy given a choice

I will say in Debra's defense, Ray was a very dumb and inconsiderate spouse. They probably would have been happier if they separated tbqh.

Maybe you were just happy to see a family that isnt muslim

American """"humour""""

Nah, it was Frank.

He was a dick to everyone equally

Ray's wife actually was a great portrait of contemporary wives: seems kind of appealing at first glance but after a while you realize she's just a cunt and there's no real benefit to being with her. Everybody Loves Raymond was a cautionary tale.



>doesn't work or bring in money
>can't cook
>constantly berated you and complains about your family or wanting to hang out with your friends

Ray was the man of the house. He was single handedly bringing in enough money for a family of five

he was a good guy, just not a chad

Should i film some cucks acting retarded then push fast forward? Is that british humour?

Ray was a pussy though. He even let his wife dress his boys up as fairies for a school play. Sad!

better than 99% of american humor yeah

The more I think about it, the more I realise ELR is the perfect sitcom.

Generic everyman protagonist. Socially awkward brother. Wise cracking father. Even the kids were well planned for a long run. The Nanny's premise falls to shit after 3 or 4 seasons because they're too old to need a nanny. Fresh Prince of Bel Air is dumb after two or three seasons because Will Smith is old enough to just live by himself. But ELR planned to have a long run from the get go, and inn the first season the kids are babies or toddlers and we watch them grow up over a decade.

It's only real flaw is that it wasn't that funny.

>It's only real flaw is that it wasn't that funny.
I can't remember a single episode. I like Ray Romano, but I don't remember laughing during the show.

Is that a doggo just sleeping on the counter?

Deb, shut your cunt mouth. Wait, I take that back if your mouth was a cunt maybe my cock would cross it's threshold more than 2 times a decade. You better fall in line before I call that Gollum Rob over and have him ram a knightstick so far up your asshole you'll spout nothing but hate speech till 2010

was this a deleted scene?

Who was the bigger bitch?
Debra or Carrie from KOQ?

He was a little on the mopey, whiny side, but I would attribute that to his upbringing with this mother and the way he had to financially support his family. He would still go through a lot of bullshit like the scrammysaur card. God forbid he goes to play golf a few times a week. What the fuck does Debra do before everyone's home.

>it's a the kids show up for 2 minutes to remind you they exist episode.

I'm reading this in his voice.

Debra, because people actually watched her show

>swn read you a story and tuck you in at bedtime

golfing is like the most harmless hobby ever anyway, it's not like he was a drinker or meeting bitches, Debra was just a bitch

Kek fucking Marie always cracked me up. I loved her "ooo look at me, I'm making soup from a can!" Line

Raymond threads are always so comfy. Wonder why


I always thought it was a nod to that scene in NGE.


Children don't belong in sitcoms. They're only hired so diddling producers can have an excuse for spending so much time with them

>your chicken is dry just like this marriage

Probably because it was such a comfy show.

Despite all of their whining, the characters almost never had to deal with real issues or conflict. It was just petty people acting petty, with no real consequences or resolutions, which is something all of us experience daily.

ELR is a really good SOL when you think about it

>your chicken is dry just like your vagina

False, pic related was the ultimate sitcom. It was everything ELR was but it was actually funny.

>The mum is dead
>The dad is dead
>On of the twins is dead

>I can't believe I ate the whole thing. . . .
Anymore Frank and Marie commercial kino?

i caught an episode randomly recently
ray had plans to play golf the next day and deb bitched because she wanted him to watch the kids
so he took the kids golfing with him and deb got angry because he got to do what he wanted, even though the kids loved it

Carmen was a cunt who always had serious problems like running away, nearly bankrupting the family for private school, plus George was always afraid of the factory closing down

ELR was way too real for me at times. Marie was almost a spitting image of my grandmother(dad's side) and Frank was just as sarcastic as my grandfather(mother's side)

Did Robert have the right to complain as much as he did and how the hell was he a police officer yet couldn't afford to move into his own place early on? He probably lost a lot of money in the divorce which factored into it but still.

Spot on actually, it surely had its moments of hilarity but most of the time I just found myself listening to how the characters interacted and went about there daily lives.

No you're False. Bernie Mac was eons better than George Lopez's show.

The only one I can recall was the Italy vacation and even that is a bit hazy.

They died on the plane back from Italy that's why everything felt bizarre like a fever dream after those seasons or maybe Robert finally decided to murder everyone and he's imagining their antics in his head.

>>swn read you a story and tuck you in at bedtime
there is no love in her voice. you would not be comfy.