Whedon cucked his wife for years

Whedon cucked his wife for years.
Buffy fangirls butthurt.
Fems will boycott Justice League.
DCEU BTFO again.


Feminists hate the idea of anything resembling a monigamaous stable relationship, his next film will break 2 billion

>caring about integrity of the institution of marriage
Too young to remember Monica Lewisnky?

>Whedon cucked his wife for years.

> he wrote me, “When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet

Holy shit he sounds like a serial killer

It's over for Justice League. The movie is going to lose as much as Wonder Woman grossed.

>Whedon joins DC
>turns out to be a Chad

Whedon gives hope to every beta who thinks White-Knighting will get them laid.

Yes, but only if it's the female instigating the polyamory. If the male is the one doing the sleeping around, he is considered monstrous.

I'm just so fucking happy we are in the timeline where Joss fucking Whedon is slowly but surely imploding, losing credibility with fans and the film industry alike. I will live to see the day that quippy, creatively bankrupt retard end up in as close to the gutters as humanly possible.



>If the male is the one doing the sleeping around, he is considered monstrous.
You don't understand leftist psychology at all.

>Whedon cucked his wife for years

Can't you people speak like real fucking human beings for once?


Heck Yeah


She claims he slept with "actresses"

Any guesses? I absolutely think Eliza Dushku did

Go home, /news/

Agreed user. Remember when he took a hot ginger dump on Jurassic World because the main female character wore high heels? Yet now we find out he's got the biggest cum-stained casting couch in Hollywood? FOH you pasty fat-tittied faggot.

Conservitives don't care either. They support, trump who is married to his third wife, and a mail order one to boot.

He cheated on her for 15 years, starting on the set of Buffy.

Definitely Amy Acker

that's a perfectly valid sentence, using the colloquial definition of common English words

Feminist psychology, user. We're talking specifically feminist.

Definitely Bianca Lawson

It's honestly hard to find self-proclaimed male feminists who didn't turn out to be complete dirtbags. Devin Faraci, for one, turned out to have literally sexually assaulted a woman and bragged about it to his friends.

Feminism and leftism are largely interchangeable.

He's just being honest, imagine having nearly anyone you want at your beck and call after hitting gold with your ideas with women (and probably men if that's your thing) willing to do anything to get ahead or even having a recommendation on thier resume

Buffys mom.
She'd have to have 'worked' for the role.
Killed her off mid season too after the split.

>Eliza Dushku
Now I hate him even more. But this is Disney smear campaign

If we look back then, bill was wrong, but now that we have a more complete picture of what kind of monster Hilary is, he did the right thing.

Fucking captcha asking for ladders when only gives pictures of stepladders.

I'm so glad people on both sides of the curtain will hate this little bitch now.

A big fat F to Joss 'Agents of Shield isn't canon, cause I'm the boss' Whedon's career

It's not like he slept with another woman without his wife knowing. They were a completely amoral pedophile money laundering power couple who just used their official marriage for keeping up public appearances.

Whedon about to find out how tolerant and forgiving women truly are. And how they have no trouble separating their emotions from their actions.

>He lived the life for 15 years. He had a loving wife and family while having all the affairs that would satisfy his lust unbeknownst to his faithful wife.

Nothing more predatory than a thirsty beta who sincerely 'respects' women?
So many of those male allies are just creeping closer for a sniff.


this isn't Sup Forums go to Sup Forums for fucks sake

Well even if you find that rare male feminist that isn't a scumbag, it generally doesn't take very long for someone to call them a scumbag anyway. Especially if they white knight to the point of creepiness.

>Whedon about to find out
They turned on him with Age of Ultron because of everything with Black Widow.

You guys are making the mistake of thinking feminists do as they say. Feminists are still women and promiscuity and infidelity make men more attractive to them, not less. Feminists have way more respect for guys who cheat on their wives than they do for honest betas who never sleep around.