ITT: Sup Forums in 1928


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Special effects are destroying the industry and we need to reassert honest filmmaking

No, the real enemy is sound. I don't go to the fucking MOVIES for sound, I go for visuals. If sound ever is implemented then the art is truly dead.


Chuck's Fuck and Suck (est.1884)

Any of y'all ever get interested in being the "other guy." Maybe even watching a stronger male dominate your bride? I've had too much brandy tonight

What did you guys think of the nigger panther?

It's all the fault of that Hughes fellow, the impudent Texan with the drill bits! Moviemaking should be left to the expert.

Unironically this was a big fucking deal, critics insisted movies were meant to be silent (they said the same sort of thing when colour came in)
Also a whole bunch of solid careers got destroyed because their voices or accents didn't work onscreen; alas John Gilbert and others


This pleb shit "animation" is the dumbest thing ever, it wont last.

Is that a same sex couple at 00:04?

A couple of lesbians, yes
This is a debauched and degenerate Paris nightclub so the audience would take that for granted
Although the slightly confused reactions of the soldier and his girl after them sort of underline that
Also a gigolo and his sugar momma too, just before the lesbians

fucking kek

Boy, imagine a moving picture with a colored engaging in whoopie with your gal? I bet that would flip a wig or two!


How are you guys posting on this east indian alchemy forum?

I heard a man named Sneed is about to buy that old pornographique studio

Black people are very pleasant, I so enjoy watching them sing and dance. Good thing they can't vote.

Negro males have been able to vote since 1870, my friend, since the 15th Amendment, and Negro women gained the right with the rest of their sex with the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

Confound these sequels! Hast the bosom of Hollywood creativity run dry?


>tfw no qt3.14 Shirley Temple gf

I bet that shot took 20 takes

When are we getting a film based on Lovecraft's work?

Niggers are subhumans, it's a prove fact by science, just look at their skulls.

Phrenology is so last century, chum. We're all about eugenics now!

>there could be a communist among us right NOW

Harold Lloyd > Buster Keaton

>I will never watch Steamboat Willie with Sophia
This hurts more than anything.

since when the fuck did Mickey have a tail?

Formerly Bhart's.

Fought in the Great War, AMA.

I hread that a strange in germany is saying that communism is a jewish invention

Sup Forumstards are ruining this board with all the hoover threads, fuck off back to r/the_herbert

since there, the beggining.
it's hard to animate, that guy is crazy, but so fun!


Jack Dempsey is and always was a bum
