I miss him bros

I miss him bros

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follow his steps and kys

be like him and kys

so kys

make like a tree and leaf me be

honor him and kys


He wasn't funny.

kys myself

I'd love to hang with him.

My dad said his a coward if you're rich and famous and kill yourself you're a pussy and my dad said only losers kill themselves.

fuck your dad

How come he wasn't nominated for an Oscar for Awakenings? I thought his performance was better than De Niro's desu. He got nominated for the globe but not the Oscar: strange.

Damn. . .

He's right you know.
Also this loser wasn't funny so lmao

HAHAHAHA I'm gonna post this thread to le reddit!! And get le reddit gold!

he doesnt miss any of you.

go meet him and jump off a fucking building

why? he wasn't funny. Was there something else people liked about him?

>m-muh childhood!
That's it.


>only losers kill themselves

I watched his appearance on Craig Ferguson the other day youtube.com/watch?v=lvPxRyIWWX8

Just two entertainers in every sense of the word having fun. No rehearsed stories, no boring "actors", no forced games or anything, just two entertainers entertaining and having fun. There's no one of his caliber and popularity left.

Robin Williams was funny as hell when he wasn't starring in some shitty family comedy. His stand up is top notch. Gifted dramatic actor as well.

yep, a lot of actors play characters that are way more entertaining than their real life personas, robin didnt. but sadly we associate the actor as the character.

*kisses you softly back*
*pulls down pants*
Now kiss THIS

>His stand up is top notch.
His stand up was basically Dane Cook tier shit that just relied on enthusiasm and energy. The funny jokes he had were ripped off other comedians. Wonderful actor though.

His standup actually was fairly weak considering how talented he was.

The late night talk show interviews are where he really shined.

That was painfully unfunny. Craig is way funnier than Robin

>Golf jokes
>ripped off other comedians
I hope he paid the other comedians.

im a stupid faggot

im a stupid faggot

this but unironically

hes a pedophile. thats why he killed him self

I miss him too

What are some vidya where you play as Robin Williams?

afaik he was discovered to have some brain deteriorating or something condition so he i guess he chose to end it while he still had his senses instead of turning into a famous vegetable

he was
his last stand ups were hilarious