Is it time for a female Hellraiser reboot Sup Forums?

is it time for a female Hellraiser reboot Sup Forums?

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an ALL FEMALE reboot.

> butterball is a sassy black woman
> "ain't nobody got time for that shit!"

an all Black hellraiser would be cool. Set in Detroit of course.

last movie was p femenist 2bhonest, bitch just send all the cenos to the earth with no shadow realm.

>female hellraiser reboot is successful and femdom goes mainstream



to be fair in the book pinhead was female. but I guess clive barker ret conned that when he directed the movie


it'd make their "pleasure through pain" premise a lot more understandable.

Just wait long enough and there will be a "Hellraiser 'n da Hood: Jesus be Muthafuckin' CRYIN', Son!" sequel.

>there are newfags that haven't masturbated to the wire twins yet

This is a female reboot I can get behind


I do know there was already a "Leprechaun in da Hood".

Just reading the synopsis on wikipedia... the book sounds so much better.

>Main character is a degenerate who devotes his life to sexual pleasure. Tries out every fetish but gets bored of them all (we all know this feel) and finds the cube

>Cenobites don't abduct him but warn him that if he decides to go through with the extreme sadomasochistic BDSM shit they're about to pull, he can't stop halfway. He goes with them anyway

>some bloods mixes with semen and that somehow makes a portal that sends his skinless body out from the hell place and back into his house

>the wife lures men back like in the movie but in the book the husband doesn't turn into some weird evil monster, wife just helps him because she wants to

pinhead is a girl in the book so maybe it'd happen

Black people haven't been into bondage for about 150 years though

it's not his wife it's his brothers wife.

literally the plot of the movie, the author wrote and directed the movie, gtfo you fag

Umm, why, so you can see women get tortured you sick fuck? It's 2018, it's not okay to see women hurt.

Sure. Why the fuck not. Can't really get any worse at this point.


The movie suffers because it has some generic 80s horror flick stuff shoehorned in where it doesn't really fit or serve the story. Like the cenobites turning hostile at the end for no real reason just so the MC can zap them with the special effects cube in a climactic chase/fight sequence.

They did a comic about this.

It was pretty meh.

Genderflipping a character is the laziest, most clichéd, least creative idea possible.

There is that female hellraiser porn. At least thats something, right?

*It Follows strolls through, doesn’t say a word*
Black Pinhead: damn, that nigga always moving. Gotta check his Fitbit. Ey yo Butterball, go work our that nigga, he gonna make you lose them extra pounds like they child support.

Yeah but it's hot.

To some we are Kangz... to others, SHEEEEIITTT.