Prison kino

Saw both of these in the past week and liked them both. But which was better prison kino?

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Haven't seen the one on the left but Brawl in Cell Block 99 was the fucking dumbest shit I've seen in a long time. Had to look up the director to make sure it wasn't made by Tommy Wiseau with an alias

Shot caller really surprised me. My gf did not like Brawl in Cell Block 99 as it got laughably gory in the last bit but I thought the overall movie and the character's journey in literally a SINGLE DAY in prison was pretty good.

This is worth a watch

Anything with Vince Vaughn is trash. Not sure why he still gets work.

i'm getting the vibe you're not a native English speaker.

That is true

Brawl was great. Truly a film for men with high testosterone. Soyboys and betas will hate it.

How u can even compare them, Shot Caller is much more better

shot caller>brawl in cell blck 99

>not enjoying bone tomahawk or brawl in cell block 99
What's it like to live life as an underage pleb? Come back when you're over 18, preferably when you're out of college.

They're two totally different films you mongs. Ones supposed to be realistic, the other is a fucking grindhouse exploitation flick

neither are realistic you fucking hayseed.

I enjoyed Bone Tomahawk though since it was miles better and didn't devolve into total farce at the end

Shotcaller is supposed to be believable broski, no need to be a daft cunt

>Anything with Vince Vaughn is trash

He was ok in True Detective

>But which was better prison kino?
starred up

>i can enjoy a man being cut in half but not a guy getting his head stomped off
To each their own I suppose. I've always thought Vince does dramatic roles really well, he owned this one for sure.

but shot caller felt very real to me. part of the allure of the movie is that i could be living a perfect life and then BAM im in jail and then BAM im in a neo nazi prison gang and then BAM i look like pic related

He was the best part of S2
>and S2 was great

Plus it produced an all time classic meme in Frankposting

>Some people say it's not the size of the boat but rather the motion of the ocean. Well guess what, Ray? I can't even swim. Never even had a bath

>Dude I'm gonna backstab the people that protected me in prison lmao
>Dude I love my family so much but I'm gonna stay in prison forever lmao

Movies for retards

Plus not to mention its basically a rip off of the superior (but still mediocre) Felon

the idea that you're in and out of the booty making drug deals and whacking top AB leadership then ascending to the throne is just as ridiculous as vince moving through cell blocks to murder some beaner drug lord in a couple days. the timeframes are what make them unrealistic...mostly. mostly.

booty house*

Same director. He had to join the Aryans for protection, but once you're in you're in for life. He wanted to get out once his time was up but the beast would have killed his family, he didn't want to mix them up in the bad shit he had to do to stay alive. What is hard about that to understand?

Shot caller takes place over like 12 years dude


Look up the guy who ratted the mafia that Goodfellas was based on, they put a hit out on Henry Hill, he was put into witness protection along with his family and nothing bad ever happened to him

but it does. it literally says "ten years later" in the movie


you should watch Bronson.
i think shot caller just copy pasted an older movie called felon.
i liked brawl more because it doesn't try to be a lame movie about prison.
i liked the sudden, random Gore.
The medieval type prison towards the end was cool too.

he had a 16 month sentence and then 9 years added to it for stabbing an inmate/gang violence, brainlet

I thought the protagonists transformation into an Aryan Brotherhood skin head wasn't very convincing. It happened way too quickly and I didn't really buy it. Like he was getting Swastika tattoos 15 minutes after getting to prison. Also, the film would've been way better in the hands of a more capable actor. That Scandinavian dude is just so bland and made the character feel super flat as a result

>I'm wrong but can't stop being a faggot

>movies are real life and vice versa
Who cares man. Its plausible

But Shot Caller homos rave about the movies realism

>i don't pay attention while watching a film
The fucking state of this board

And it's detractors like you have shit reasons and don't pay enough attention to realize it takes place over a fucking decade

I didn't say that lmao but nice try

get the gringo

I realize that the film covers a massive span of time I just thought that not enough attention was paid to the transformation of white collar stock broker to Aryan Brotherhood skinhead in order to make it seem convincing, faggot

you fucking jigaboos are shameful. it didn't take him 10 years to make the drug deal and then return to prison and stab the grand wizard.

>escape from Alcatraz
>midnight express
>death sentence

Nice reading conprehension. No one said that. The entire movie, from the car accident to him becoming the shot caller is over 10 years.

you did when you tried to shit on me by cherry picking timeframes. i never said anything about the length of the entire film you bug chasing faggot.

>getting so booty blasted because you can't have a basic conversation due to uncontrollable autism you resort to spewing random insults
I'm enjoying this. Keep going please.

i don't like basic conversations. the shit you enjoy...

>nothing bad ever happened to him
thats because he ratted out all the big players which led to a massive change in that mafia subroup. Whoever replaced those mafioso didn't care about henry hill or at least he wasnt a big priority for them.

How would you rephrase his post?

Perhaps we don't need jail to mold us.

cell block 99 was kino
dome yourself kid

Cell Block was so retarded. Why did he even kill the dudes he was working with in the beginning? It implied he did it to save the innocent cop's lives, then when he got to prison every innocent cop working there.

He's great in a lot of shit. Some neck beard is just talking shit on the internet.

Lmao are you legitimately retarded?

What was his fucking problem?

I loved seeing Marisol Nichols boobies

Chopper is good prison kino.

Chopper is great

Oz. Even though it jumps the shark something bad on a few occasions it's bretty gud.

Lol is that Waaaaaaaalt from Lost aka wheel chair dude from OZ

Bone Tomahawk could have been legitimately a modern great but it fucked itself with the supernatural twist

is this the real uridon? big fan


Does she have qt feet?

but those were evil mustache twirling nazi prison guards, he only broke the arm of the guard in the nice prison

It was complete trash. They were already punishing him in the worst room they had, the shit covered room, so he fights a guy and they take him to the pedo wing? Also why the fuck was the cartel living in a cozy den in the pedo wing of a high security prison? Also why was there only two guards who couldn't stand up to a beat to shit guy? High security guards who shoot on a twitch. Also no cameras or anything?

esoteric kino
entertaining flick

Why did they have to be COMICALLY evil? And why would he take the abortion surgeon as his right hand man? Not an actual trained guard?

What? there wasn't any supernatural stuff

It felt like they were halfway through shooting the movie and had just finished the normal prison scenes when they got a call and were told that the high security prison where they had permission to film had backed out so they had to shoot those scenes on some old Xena the Warrior Princess dungeon set instead and all the inmates that was supposed to be extras had to be replaced by whatever 4 meanest looking mexicans the director personally knew

so that he could be shot

>that meme blue filter...

>implying cell block 99 wasn't the best part
Come on man, it gave the movie it's grindhouse horror vibe.

>prison kino thread
>no mention of Bronson
fucker wasn't given the title of most aggressive inmate in the UK since forever for no reason

Are you a cunt or what

>you don't understand! it's SUPPOSED to be shit! it's GROINDHOSE!!

You must be the guy who thinks bone tomahawk sucks because it has a "supernatural twist"

It amazes me how many people on this site can't follow a simple movie plot

perfect example

no I liked bone tomahawk because it had a consistent tone while brawl went from fairly realistic into cartoon territory in the second half

how did it go into cartoon territory? nothing in the second half is out of tune tonally or logically with the first half.

Starred Up is the best prison movie

Liking cell block 99 is a meme. We all know it's terrible, but hurr my meme retarded brain is inclined to like this meme movie.


Nice try you retarded fuck boy

It's hilarious people dislike cell block for the same thing they praised about bone tomahawk, the gore

Why am I not surprised

Get a clue fuck boy, welcome to 2018.

I bet you listen to trap and religiously look at black twitter memes too

I bet you like to make assumptions, then unironically believe those assumptions as a way to pat yourself on the back. Holy shit your retarded.

The second he came to this place it turned into pure schlock


>not understanding b movie exploitation aesthetics


>just call everyone fuckboy
>that'll show em

>implying implications

>le implication meme
You have to go back now


I thought Bronson was a shit version of Chopper

>le you have to go back meme
only they tell them to go back to try and fit in here..