Holy shit netflix finally put out an original production worth a damn

Holy shit netflix finally put out an original production worth a damn.

Don't get ahead of yourself. It's just an adaptation of a book.

I’m well aware and have read other books by him, but they actually made a decent adaptation.
Their productions are always garbage and this one was really well done.


>40 minutes in it falls apart

worth a damn? hmm....BTW it's not really original they just bought the distribution rights.

That’s good too (while not a Netflix film) but male protagonists>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>female protagonists every time

it was ok. i think you're just excited that they finally made a moving picture film out of a book you've read.

Thought the monster was actually pretty cool

Well idk about original but it's certainly a cut above average as far as horror films go.

>Nordic Blair Witch

It was okay. Neat monster, really creepy upstairs at the end.

You’re being kind of patronizing. I never said it was an amazing film. My entire point is Netflix Original has been synonymous with dogshit for nearly ten years and this one wasn’t.

I had a good time with it but felt like there definitely could have been more, what do you guys think they could have added or perhaps even replaced that could have improved the film?

incel spotted

If you can't admit that The Descent is one of the best horror films of our time because the characters were women you should drink bleach.

I laughed my ass off when they finally showed the monster. It was just a Quatto.

did you think i didn't know i was being patronizing? netflix is dog shit. you need to take a couple steps back from your "big accomplishment" and see that. bad.

Why are you getting so defensive, user? Calm down. Let that other user have his pleasure.

>jew ran enterprises are good at portraying satanic rituals

I feel like adding too much is what bogs down most horror films. The monster was cool and they didn’t show too much or too little of it. I feel like people aren’t happy with horror movies anymore unless there is some crazy twist or reveal in the final thirty minutes. Subtlety is key in good horror and this did it well.

This is not a Netflix production. They had zero creative control or input. They merely paid for the rights to distribute it and put their name on it.

That said, I liked it.

I liked that there was NO Jumpscares.
I really liked the
"Shows them walking off,
Camera zooming after them,
Camera Zooms past them,
movement of large monster moving"

I also just really dug the aesthetic of the Alcohol store in the middle of the forest with the Dirt ground.

Bottom line is, I've seen a lot worse.
And it made me want to go hike the kings trail.
I think it would've been better if we never got a shot of the full monster.

Very true, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what this director can do if given an opportunity to do another horror film.


Imagine thinking this movie was anything but mediocre.

Imagine being this gay

Most Netflix originals are great

Sick burn

OohoOoh spooooky writing on trees and a giant monster oohoOhoHoOh

OohoOoh backwoods Swedes Ooohhoohoh

Shit dialogue too

>the girls in the middle have 3 feet

Eh I'd say a cut above mediocre at best and thats primarily due to the cinematography and score carrying this film.

The alcohol store thing phased me off at first because I was like great, the scares are just bullshit dreams. But then it became the thing fucking with their minds and I too really liked the look of it each time.
Also those trees in the forest, with the weird thin naked branches were so nice, real menacing looking.

It's the best horror film since The VVitch and Blackcoats Daughter. But I won't expect a contrarian faggot to agree.

It is? I'll have to look that up. It kinda reminded me of Laird Barron at times. namely his story Blackwood's Baby

Good job generalizing things, you sure showed us.
Ooooo Schindler's list, i saved a bunch of jews, big fucking deal

I agree desu. It's competently made visually. I didn't like the sound design and score though.

Anybody who liked this movie needs yo rewatch it and seriously listen to the dialogue and look for how shitty the script is. And then they need to watch The Descent and Blair Witch to see two movies that did it all better.

>What do I look like a fucking bear expert?

The score was really good. Reminded me of the thing. Too many horror movies have shit scores

I guess we can't all have aspergers like you.

yeah they did a great job of showing the briefest glimpses of the monster to really fuck with your head. that moment when it grabbed the guy with the flashlight was awesome

Rewatch Schindler's List and you'll realize that you just accurately summarized it. (Its not a good movie compared to others with similar subject matter)

There's nothing wrong with the dialogue.


>walks through the forest
>it's a tiring endeavour
>"wow fellas I could really use a steak"

Felt like I was there with them

Ahh i see, you're just a contrarian. When you don't like a movie you cut it down into tiny pieces you can digest because you're too dumb to actually be critical

>Chavs don't exist
You want Shakespeare or something? They're dudebros who thought a back packing trip was gay

I feel like compared to lines like
Them talking about what they'd like to eat wasn't really that odd especially considering the circumstances.

You’re allowed to like a movie without comparing it to everything else ever made...

This was so fucking bad. Why do people love it?

This wasn't made by Netflix.

If you've done tons of psychedelics that first nightmare scene is SO FUCKING GOOD. The best example of a nightmare/shared hallucination freakout/trip I've ever seen.

ALSO! Lovecraftian AS FUCK! I would run this on Call of Cthulu as a one shot. But I'd change the ending to maybe be burning the cultists bodies to kill the monster. Maybe build up that is lives on the warshipping of others

>that scene in the attic

wtf was that? they looked too small to be normal people

My favorite part of the ending was when he went upstairs and all those undead ancient victims were just wailing and he just casually set their faces on fire.

I just assumed the bodies of age old people had just become so withered that they shrank a bit.

They were god knows how old corpses. They were given immortality

They were shriveled old people. That's the fate of the people who choose to live forever. The point was he actually did get to see what happens to the people who stays and he rejects it.

That seemed to me like that one corpse that had a long drawn out shot with Luke wanted him to release them from their eternal torment, may just be me reaching though.

That scene with the battle cries between man and demigod was pretty great actually.

What was Lovecraftian about it? Cultists?

That feel good moment when he’s burning shit down and the old cultist woman blocks his path and he just punches her in the face and that’s the end of her. Haven’t been that satisfied since that old bitch got hers in The Mist.

Nah I got the same thing from that scene.

Cultists. An ancient evil. It makes you lose your fuckin' mind/hallucinate just by looking at it. Unique design(objective).

The whole difference of Lovecraftian horror is how characters react to terrible events. Rather than regular horror girl screaming, whatever. People actually go insane, react more realistic to horrific situations.

Besides the last 5% it REALLY fits the vibe.

They were the immortal cultists that had grown super old. They bound them with sticks so they literally didn't fall apart. The one in the attic of the first house was one of them. That's why it has fucked up human feet.

Cultists, Eldritch entity worshipped as a God, unexplainable phenomenona (the collective nightmares), a sense of demoralization. Though in a proper Lovecraftian ending, Luke would've either joined the cult and embrace their beliefs, or shoot himself in the head instead of trying to shoot Black Phillip's elder Nordic cousin

>original production

For fuck's sake, it's an independent production. It came out last fall in theaters. Netflix just bought the American distribution rights.

Black Phillip would WRECK this bitch OMG.

Black Phillip was the GOAT goat, but the beast on Ritual had an amazing and imposing design desu

This. I really enjoyed it. Its just Blair Witch, but good. Not top tier horror, but better than a lot of trash released of late.

It’s weird how the monsters in these lower budget horror films are always infinitely more creative/interesting than the big budget shit like Cloverfield.

the descent is better than the ritual though

creature design was great

>came out the same year as a movie that was actually shot in a cave and had sickass cave demons instead of scrawny subhumans

What a fucking tragedy that this is the one that people remember.

I’d probably agree but I’d honestly probably watch The Ritual tomorrow if I had to pick one or the other. The forest visuals and portags are both a notch above the cave visuals and protags of Descent for my tastes.

Holy fuck. Do not watch Cloverfield Paradox. Just don't. Go waste 2 hours by doing something more productive like watching grass grow or some shit.

What was the other?

No it isn't. Characters in descent are as obnoxious as fuck. No personality. The hallucinations with the daughter lead nowhere and serve no purpose. All jumpscares no atmosphere.

You better not mean "The Cave". Both movies were equally shit, but Descent was def the better of the two.

Don’t worry. I tolerated the first one, enjoyed the second one, but saw five seconds of the new one to know I’d rather stare at a wall for two hours. I love horror, even bad horror, but damn that looks like ass.

i wish the animation on the jotunn was better but it was an ok movie. made me really anxious

Pretty fucking good, huh?

I'd give it a B+.

"The Cave" which was about underwater cave divers who get trapped in a huge cave system. The set pieces are better and the monsters are way cooler.

Descent was hot garbage.

The monster was LITERALLY just the Jersey Devil.

Someone post the kino shot where the monster is praying to the moon

We'll have to agree to disagree. Sort of. I thought both were garbage. I still think descent had the better shitty ending (the still trapped version)

BP has a 100% conversion rate. Ritual monster gets wrecked by an emo soyboy who gets away.

BP was a talking goat in a "horror" movie that wasn't scary.

Considering most horror movies are really bad or terrible, this was pretty damn good.

this better be good user

If nothing else enjoy it for being a jump scare-free horror movie.