Films with the best commentary tracks?

Today I watched Conan with the commentary track on. Director John Milius and Gorvernator Arnold Schwartzenegger telling fun stories about the making of the film. Absolute kino.

Other commentary tracks I really enjoy -
Tropic Thunder (possibly the best ever)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
John Wick 2

What commentary tracks should I check out?

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clueless faggot here
where can i watch that?

the commentary for Resident Evil (2002)

Regardless of what you think of the movie, Milla is a joy on the commentary track

The DVD or the BluRay. Or download a Tigole release of the BluRay Rip. It will have multiple audio tracks.

Chopper has a great commentary with well, Chopper
the guy was full of shit but even if he only did half the things he said he was still based
RIP uncle chop chop

nice pic

LOTR cast commentary is GOAT.
Magnificent 7 has great stories.
If you like the fucking around in Tropic Thunder then listen to Anchorman and Talladega Nights. The Talladega Nights commentary is much better than the movie.

I bought some stupid "premium" DVD edition of Resident Evil so I never got to listen to the commentary. It didn't have one.

I love commentaries. Conan the Barbarian is undoubtedly one of the best.

The Limey


The Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas commentary track with Hunter S. Thompson. I find it hilarious.

Armageddon with Affleck shitting all over the movie.

One of the best.

That's a great one too.

This is Spinal Tap commentary by Spinal Tap

Big Trouble in Little China and The Thing

Russell and Carpenter are clearly good friends and they both are very proud of these movies.

I really liked The Punisher(2004) Director Commentary. Mostly because it was the director going on and on about how much work they put into everything to save money and how many actors from Tampa they got to appear in the movie for practically no money.

It was actually really good to hear the nitty gritty details of how "that guy" was a local stand-up comedian who took the eight second role for exposure and a free lunch.

Reaching levels of meta that shouldn't be possible

I really liked the Dr. Strange one. Especially when the Director says he recast the Asian "ancient one" as a non-Asian because the character being Asian would be racist, while immediately following that up with a diatribe about how Asians should push for more representation in Hollywood.


>he told me to shut the fuck up with my logical question

it is exceptional
a loveable psychopath kinda

Pacific Rim

Yup. This is the GOAT commentary track.

Used Cars also has a pretty great commentary track. Kurt Russell talking about his soon to be ex wife visiting the set the day of the stripper sequence is great.

Didn't know that there is one, will see. Thx.
real life punisher

They Live with Roddy Piper and Carpenter is also an excellent commentary.