Petition to keep the witcher polish


pick three. can't pick slavshit.

Netflix will cast every single nigger in kurwaland just to be sjw friendly lol

Tak będzie.

Some mussie is still mad about the siege of vienna. get over it, muhammad.

polack detected
quit embarrassing yourself, no one cares about your ancient victories.

How can The Witcher be as important as Tolkien if it's so derivative of it like literally every other piece of modern fantasy.


fuk dat. us niggas was da orijinul polish.

hows bout u go back to yo cave crakkka.

Stopped at the walls of Vienna, turkish scum. The winged Hussars will deal with your kind again, Achmed.
>get beat up by the guy who beat up everybody.
Sorry that not everybody can be Bohemia and stop the mongols in their tracks.

We've reached a point where we have to beg for white protagonists. Jesus...


Nice post Sup Forumsgoblin

we need to cast more diverse actors

>western media
>medieval based fantasy
>creators are all gen x rainbow haired women
>says she hasnt played a video game since super mario brothers
>thinking it will be anything other than some horrible failed abortion of diversity
>thinking it wont be marketed along the lines of "only racist sexist nerds who cant get laid wont watch a strong woman of color!"

>REEEE \POL reeee waycissssimsexismxenohhhomophobia!!!!! BERNIE CAN STILL WIN GUYS!
Can you plebbit faggots be any more insufferable and obvious? You have to go back, you dumb nigger.

>>says she hasnt played a video game since super mario brothers
who cares about video games? how are they relevant here

not to mention Geralt is basically a clone of Elric of Melnibone

>not to mention Geralt is basically a clone of Elric of Melnibone
if you haven't read the books you might think so

The fuck is a Poland?

t. Razorfist

Seems reasonable.
Will get branded as racist though.

>fantasy world

Razorfist please go to bed