I am a manager of a movie theater in Memphis. Memphis is roughly 63% black...

I am a manager of a movie theater in Memphis. Memphis is roughly 63% black. I worked a 9 hour shift today and dealt with 5 showings of black panther.

Ask me anything.

What's there to ask?

Are you black?
Did you have to brake up any fights?

You're Mr. Manager!

Why do people only talk about the bad headaches when it comes to hangovers and never the explosive shits you gotta take?

Who cares?

This. Alcohol shits are the worst. Especially if you’re also throwing up.

Not black. I didn't see any fights but we did have to kick some people out today that were being really loud and black

Because people don't like to talk about shit

I know nobody cares but I wont be able to sleep for a few hours and I have nothing better to do than post on Sup Forums

Stop acting like a woman and just say what happened you faggot prick.

Were concession sales in the shitter?

was it a noise complaint from the next movie over?
Also, did you hear anything amusing nogs were saying as they were entering and leaving the theater?

so you're willing to lose your job mocking niggers on Sup Forums? i will spread this far and wide, keep it up.

what will happen to you is the same thing that will happen to that applebees in missouri because 2 black girls chimped out for being accused of stealing food. the first couple of days after they fired the manager, the server, someone else, and the cop that was on duty was put on leave. and now, a week later, corporate literally shut down that applebees and sent all their employees to other locations or fired them.

seriously, tell us more about what the niggers did today, please.

We sold about 1,500 tickets to black panther. I haven't ever seen it this busy. It was probably more than three times busier than the last jedi

Concession sales were too high. Ran out of popcorn several times. Completely out of pretzels. And every other black woman in line wanted cheap white wine

The complaint was from one of the only white families in the theater. And just random mumbling like they do. Always kind of hard to make out what they say. One guy called me whitey.

I haven't even said anything racist. I'm telling you what people did at a movie theater. If you don't like this thread you can hide it

>corporate literally shut down that applebees
kek you think this is a good thing?
>blacks chimp out
>businesses leave black neighborhoods
>blacks have no jobs
>blacks chimp out

>do tremendous business
>make lots of money
>make a thread on Sup Forums complaining about your customers
Some people just dont want to succeed I guess

I've noticed Asians talking a lot in movie theatres lately, I think its because one is having to translate for a friend or bunch of people

Its not like I'm getting a pay raise from today. Just extra work for the same money. Why should I be glad that we sold out like three shows if I don't benefit from it at all?

because management can afford to pay you and take a risk on different content

Fair enough

>I will still have a job if the business isn't making money
sweetie, no

The company makes enough money as it is. Its not like we have to sell out every show to make a profit

Kill yourself, faggot. Snitches get stitches.

Don't bother, OP. You're on a board full of neets who can't relate

OP here. About to try to get some sleep in 30 minutes. If you have any questions this is the time to ask

I saw a lot of people with black lives matter shirts on. Also some of those african tribal shirts even though I know none of these people have ever left the state

Why are you still living in memphis?

Cause I haven't made enough money to get a place outside of Memphis. But as soon as I have a job lined up outside of this shit hole and enough money, I'm out of here

>It was probably more than three times busier than the last jedi

KEK. RIP Star Wars.

>user has a problem with the discussion of a film on a board called Television & Film

is Donal Terry still gay

Michael Huggins has a penis piercing. Also we know yall are sweeping under the seats.

Hey I went there once when I was visiting family. Left my phone in one of the seats and a black teen returned it to me. Pleasantly surprised because that whole city looks like a ghetto
>Inb4 Sup Forums shit

>5 showings in 9 hours
Do you only have like 4 screens or something?

We have 8. Not a very large theater. There were 7 showings total today but I was only there for 5 of them

I'm sending a screenshot not only to home office but also to channel 13,5 and 3. They will be really interested in knowing that the manager of the Wolfchase Malco is spewing bigotry online...

I dont see how any of this is bigotry

That's not how home office will see it.

Stop arguing with the actual nigger

sounds chill, way better than my shitty cinema with 20 screens

How's Robert performing? Is he up for promotion?

>The tolerant left

What does tits feel like?

Like...bags of sand...


do women really bring cucumbers to see fifty shades?

What do bags of sand feel like?

cucumbers, silly

W-what do cucumbers feel like?

Come over here and find out m8

This. I need to know.


What do u mean when u say they were being black?

What the fuck does it matter to him if they have more customers to deal with (annoying ones)? He doesn't get a cut of the profits.

Why does the cummy hurt after the tenth go around? She keeps saying it isn't supposed to hurt that it makes big boys really happy why doesn't it make me happy?

I used to work at a theater. I only remember two movies in particular where the theater was just like a madhouse for a month straight. Like it was Friday night all day every day for weeks on end. The Passion of the Christ and Shrek 2.

How many white woman/black man couples did you see?


that's a lot.

How many self hating white leftards did you see apologizing to black people like cucks?