ITT: cringeworthy "humor"

When will normalfags learn you can't no use internet culture as comedy? This is just awful

Other urls found in this thread:!kzAUWL4S!tMvHU_NpmBE4ZhpbYlcFeg

Gumball is airing new episodes again? cool, thanks for letting me know OP.

Cool new episodes of Gumball, thanks OP

>check your privilege

Memes aren't even funny on the internet, why do writers think they'll be funny IRL?

Okay, I'll admit I chuckled because of the waves he was emitting.

t. triggered tumblr rostie

Gumball has truly become the new South Park.

They don't understand how memes work

I don't know, I laughed

this is great

This isn't the first time they've done this, just the first time they've been super blatant about it.

This is painfully unfunny. When did Gumball start the decline bros?

When it started getting too meta and referential.

>Gumball thinks whole grain bread is only available at organic food stores

Is this nigga serious?

Oh come on, that got a laugh or 2 out of me

>Ben teaching children that SJWs are cancer
I don't see the problem here.

The problem is it the complete lack of subtly.

>using memes instead of actual jokes
>not a problem

>not understanding that SJWs can't take a joke

Agreed. This made it funny.

Lazy writing where the joke and punchline are "It's a meme that you know, fellow kid!". It's cringe AF

No they didn't

i forgive you tumblr, its not your fault mean people prey in your insecurity to manipulate you into being agressive to everyone else

Gumball has always done a lot of "I'm shouting" humor. First time seeing this show, maybe?

It's already been established that Gumball is pretty ignorant.

He's a child, bro.

No, it's not my first time. What the fuck is "I'm shouting" humor supposed to mean? I'm criticizing the poorly done satire.

I dunno what all you other anons are mad about. At first yeah I was kind of annoyed that they used a joke like that, but when I saw how they were executing it; the waves everytime Gumball would correct her, how they show how Gumball is being a self-righteous prick and how it ends with her forgiving him and him not being able to counter it, I actually laughed and enjoyed the joke.

This show could rival DBZ with how much FUCKING YELLING THERE IS IN IT.

Name ONE episode with no yelling.

It was cool in DBZ

I think he's saying that shouting to exacerbate an otherwise frivolous or cartoonish point is an established way to get a laugh on Gumball. It's something that is used widely though. I've seen vine compilations where that's the only humor. All setups and punchlines being shouted for undue emphasis to hide weak writing. That said I thought it was funny for the joke. Keeping in mind the audience needs to understand what a sjw is. That's part of what made it weak. By having to teach the audience (assuming they're kids and don't know everything) what part of your joke is for context which it invariably did something is lost. It can't be subtle. imo

A dumb child, my parents had me fetch some loaves from the nearby grocery store when I was like 10

Meme humor just shouldn't be used, it's cringe and lazy writing. It was done OK here but even then it's weak, it's not funny beyond "I know what that its" so kids and people who don't know memes will be missing out on something

I feel like sjw is said with enough context to convey the joke and that's why it's lacking. But, google exists.

Huh, well you got me there.

>getting triggered by people treating privilege as a joke

There was not joke at all

You keep calling it a meme. Is it even a meme? Everybody always harps on social justice warriors like they're a movement, like the alt-right or nambla. Since when is taking the piss out of tumblr a meme?

This is hardly a meme though- people still use this sentiment sincerely even if the exact phrasing has become a joke. And even then they're using it in the proper context instead of just tossing it in to be like "LOOK! LOOK GUYS! JUST LIKE THE INTERNET!"

This. It's like saying parodying vegans is a meme.

It's internet culture

>my parents
Whoa, that must mean that it's common knowledge then, amirite? I bet all the kiddies on the playground know about organic food.

Internet culture does not automatically equal to a meme. And liberal extremists aren't exclusive to the Internet.

You triggered, OP?

go back to Sup Forums and make another thread

The point is that internet culture doesn't work outside internet and using it as joke is lazy as fuck

I don't see why it doesn't work outside the Internet and I don't see why it's lazy. And like I said, political extremists aren't exclusive to the Internet.

Gumball was already becoming nu-Simpsons by the 4th Season but this is just South Park levels of cringe.

>I don't see why it doesn't work outside the Internet and I don't see why it's lazy
Are you fucking kiding me?

I'm being serious. I don't see what's so wrong with it.

Are you implying South Park is worse nu-Simpsons?

>internet culture

You literally have to have not entered a grocery store and seen the bread there to not know that whole grain bread is there. Gumball is 12 years old, this is simply inexcusable

Not that user but the last season was way worse than nu-Simpsons

>referential humor is bad
>sonic boom image

Do none of you guys do this with your more liberal friends?

No, because it isn't funny.
>inb4 you're tumblr
I'm not, it's just humour referencing things that are predominant on the internet are barely funny on the internet, let alone in real life

>Implying we have friends

>having liberal friends

>check you privilege
>Simply correcting the other character with "Why is it a 'he' not a 'she'?" joke, basic thing that everyone can think of
>Ony thing they're adding is a wave and a sword

It's fine if it's a one-off thing but it's lazy bro, I actually like this show too but the excess amount of referential humour in it is turning me off

>liberal friends
That's an oxymoron.

That still doesn't explain how using Internet culture in comedy is bad, AND LIKE I SAID, political extremism isn't exclusive to Internet culture.

Did they just

>Meme joke brings out all of the Sup Forumsfags

How old are you?

How is that relevant?

Fuck you, I laughed.
Gumball is god-tier.

>children cartoons and comic books bring out all the tumblrites

>using a plate of shit and cheetos as a reaction image

Can't wait until summer ends.

They will 'learn' that they can't use internet culture as humor when it stops making retards like you talk about it.

>Can't wait until summer ends.
What are you talking about? Summer is already over.

To be fair, this joke can (and has) been done before. The self-righteous aggressive liberal has been a thing for a while, just now we have the internet meme "Check your privilege" thrown into it, mostly because that meme immediately tells you what that person is.

Because it isn't crafting an interesting joke around that, it is simply parroting a meme and doing nothing clever about it whatsoever. If you know it, it's tired and unoriginal. If you don't know it, the joke seems out of left field and you'll miss something.

Not every joke has to be a super-clever gangbuster but referential humour is generally lazy and this is an example of that

>TAWOG uses pop culture/internet jokes constantly
>the second they rightfully make fun of SJWs Sup Forumsmblr gets pissed
Really makes you go hmmm

Future TAWOG episode synopsis: Hilarity ensures when Gumball and Darwin try to establish a meme nation after discovering Reddit and Sargon of Akkad.

just a shitlord would think this is funny
Go back to

Summer hasn't ended since it started september 1993

But it's not a meme.


Gumball went to shit since the references started.

Those energy pulses made me chuckle so I'll let it slide.

That was pretty funny. Going to have to check the episode out.

>TAWOG uses pop culture/internet jokes constantly
That's the one of the very few things I hate about the show desu

This episode was funny.

Gumball literally downloads all his SJW knowledge from a site called Ramblr. They know exactly who they're talking about.

They only really started doing internet jokes more recently



So they threw every ounce of subtlety out the window?

>throwback to Season 1 promo
Fucking nice

explains why Sup Forumsmblr hates it so much

Agree to disagree, man.

>Sup Forumsmblr meme

It wouldn't be funny if Gumball was making fun of Sup Forums either

See, that's so fucking lazy. They weren't even clever about it, this is just appealing to meme spouting neckbeards

>user doesn't like tumblr so he must be Sup Forums
Sup Forums isn't the only one that hates tumblr or sjw
pic related is the image attached on the page. Notice how it's the same formula that was used in the show?

No one gives a shit, OP.

Someone post fucking links already. They are on the app, it should be simple to record + upload them.!kzAUWL4S!tMvHU_NpmBE4ZhpbYlcFeg

it's something people actually say and then the internet turned it into a meme to spite them
i don't see whats so wrong with making a joke out of this

This. Why isn't a comedy cartoon for 10 year old boys as cryptic as Finnegans Wake? Gumball has always been known for its complex allegories. This just isn't clever enough for me anymore.

This was pretty funny. Animation was pretty dang good, too. Is this an upcoming episode?