Niko and the Sword of Light

For those who saw the pilot/comic first, do you think adding a girl was a good move?

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Adding a waifu is always a good move.

She was the only reason I bothered to sit through the entire thing.

Yeah. It would've gotten unbearable with just Niko and the animal sidekicks. They all balance each other out.

I'm surprisingly amused by Niko, though. His dialogue and delivery is what you'd hear out of a bombastic warrior hero, but as a small child. It was annoying at first, but it grew on me.

series was better than the pilot

May it win many awards.

Yeah. They basically foisted a lot of Niko's fears, sass, and doubts onto Lyra and I think that was a good move since those were big enough to form their own character:

Also, I like Lyra's redesign. And while you can argue that it made him somewhat shallower, but the way they tended to transition from Niko as a hesitant self-aware crusader to a eager starry-eyed adventurer tended to be too abrupt and inelegant to appear organic:

Plus, Lyra being a pretty terrible hero trainer and her going through so many Champions and only really investing in Niko's survival because he is literally her last chance to defeat Nar Est made for some good drama that helped drive the season beyond "walk to the Volcano".

Shame they changed Jackal's design and voice (still Corey Burton), but the one in the show is pretty great as well and it's doubtful a creature as sinister-looking as this could pass himself off as a good guy to deceive Niko.

>"You are the strangest sort of cursed woodland creature. A creature made of woodlands! Here to trap us with Lyra's many mistakes!"
>"But you cannot! She is wise and good!"

Kid was brutally honest, but also brutally sweet. All in all, an endearingly sincere character in an age of irony and tongue-in-cheek.


>do you think adding a girl was a good move?
Considering that having a waifu is considered a cool thing around these parts, I'd say yes.

She's so fucked up.

>Ooo! ARMOR! Come on, Mini-Mohawk! GET THE ARMOR!

Kari Wahlgren was great in this episode.

They should've had Jackal gotten all fucked up or disfigured after being revealed as a villain, if only because his design in the pilot was too cool to go to waste.

Especially since he was the one loose end of the season.


True enogh

There is no scenario where adding a cute girl is a bad move

Never saw pilot/comics but keeping mind how shit Nikos VA is, adding another cast member to take voicetime off of Niko can only be a good move.

Also, Lyra a cute.

that's a nice toon version of daenerys targaryen

"No scenario" + "Add cute girls" is why most of today's anime is crap, though.

that is why you need a scenario first

Only reason I'm reading this tread to see what you are talking about.

I already liked the pilot, but her addition did not hurt

Truly is one of the best waifus

When I first saw this thread I thought was an animated Daenerys

She's arguably worse than Daenerys since it took her 700 years to get her kingdom back and all her supernatural pets kept dying.

kinda refreshing to see a female lead who is a legit fuck-up, and gets called out on it

>come for Lyra
>stay for Lyra
>come for Lyra again many times
The show is 7/10 for kids
Lyra is delicious/10 for my dick

Was gonna watch it for the shota, but that voice is annoying. This is why kid VAs are never a good idea.

>1990s-2000s: We need to add a bratty kid to every cartoon
>2010s: We need to add a waifu to every cartoon

When did it all go so right?

I love that smug look Niko gives Lyra when the shrimps ask if her training will make them "victorious like (her) Champions." Also, Lyra's little pout at seeing it.


Is this Lyra's original design? Anyone read the original comic? Was Lyra there?

The concept was nice but it feels like I watch 13 episodes of pilots.

>Like that Rainbow Bright reboot.

Wrong one master user..

I dunno about the comic, but Lyra was admitted to be an addition when the comic/pilot got picked up for a full series. Amazon suggested they had a female character there to round off the others.

They also suggested a more tangible enemy instead of just the darkness itself, and thus they created Nar Est. It's weird, since Jackal and Rasper's appearance in the pilot did suggest there were actual villains teased.

Well I'm glad it all worked out and they went all out; not half-assign either character

I gotta say, Danger & Eggs got me wary of Amazon Prime products, but this and the Tick were pleasant surprises.