Camp Camp

The name is Tabii...

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just Tabi

I actually enjoyed this episode a lot. For some reason I was hoping they get more of the Flower Scouts into this season. They need a bit more development. They they are pretty good antagonists to the main three. The ending made it.

Checking the original sneak peek for camp camp, i found this. I guess Space Kid has brothers and sisters.
have you seen the leaked episode of next week?

I got the feel that was his first grade class, I'm not sure how old he is.

>have you seen the leaked episode of next week?
Their parents come to Camp in the season finale it looks like.

yep.and its amazing-

>original sneak peek for camp camp

where can I see this

From previous thread

1080p MEGA and GDrive:!UIoAmA6C!ly2o_NVsY13sLJMyjRIjqbPYkRvyC-GSDeqIX7F1_Z8

Why did they include rap music in all the endings? It's just annoying.

That was pretty cool

It's written for each episode. I don't dislike it.

>not liking keeper of the flame
Let me guess, you only listen to real music like pop and nu-metal.

Nerris' family was adorable. It was nice to see her mom still try to do the LARPing thing even if she doesn't get it.

Reminds me a lot of Silicon Valley. Not thematically relevant, just some self-indulgent behavior from the show producers.

Rewatching camp camp after the S2 finale blew my mind.
Neil and Nikki allways seemed to have a little sister,big brother type of bond.I guess their parents ending up together wont change much other than they are gonna end up living together

They're gonna be siblings for 3 months tops.

yeah,too bad Nikkis mom is a gold digger

It's good and is made to fit the episode. Literally every show has music in the end

So season 1 was Max realizing and accepting something about David, and Season 2 was David accepting something about Max. So what could season 3 be?

So when are Nikki and Neil getting their younger brother?

Them doing something about it.

that shit was good until they said dicks out for harambe

9 months
When their brother comes to camp at 10 Max will run the camp and Neil and Nikki will be counselors[/spolier]

David and Gwen adopt Max. He goes home to a white picket fence and a dog, and a loving family.
Then he wakes up in his bed, with his old family still because that's not how real life works. He continues his barely noticed existence, remembering what it was like to be cared for once, what it was like to have a family who loved him, but knowing he will never feel that feeling again.

i wouldnt say go THAT depressing, but finding something that will keep Max from being miserable the rest of his life. Maybe a way for him to make friends or make bussines so he can be happy whenever hes not with his parents.

>Neil and Nikki decide to work their for easy pay and old time's sake
>The one who opens the door to greet them is Max
>Cue laughter and a very disgruntled counselor telling them to either shut the fuck up or be left to get run over by the Quartermaster

He will just be the master my then.

Friendly reminder Ered is the worst character

Her focus episode was probably the worst as it hardly focused on her. She's basically Wendy Corduroy with even less character.

i would take her over wendy because at least the show doesnt pretend that shes a good character and theres only 1 episode dedicated over how cool she is instead of 20.

By the way,it appears that theres a podcast about the episodes. They invite the actors sometimes.

There's still the chance that Nikki's father ends up banging Neil's mom and move together.

Well guess I got something to listen to at work now, thanks user.

No, their parents will get a hard lesson, tne they will turn to be less shitty to Max. Afterwards they realize they might all be shitty human beings but they can have a decent family relationship.

Why do we have another thread going?

user, if its already been 10 years of them treating Max like this, they ain't changing.

Because Camp Camp is actually good and needs more discussion.
Sadly it's a webtoon, webtoons don't get a whole lot of love.

last one died

i only got into this show because i saw a thread about it.And thank god i did. Hopefully others experience the same.

So they are confirmed OTP?

not yet

Campbell ships them

And Davey let him down

Will Max do any good deeds next season?

>Good deeds
Fuck that.

maybe.considering how things wrapped up on season 2.
S1 finale was sweet but max only learned to stop hating david, and went from tryign to destroy him to just surviving his shitty camp.
S2 finale had David doing probably the best thing anyone has done for him.He has to change. Not much,but he will

>Buzz Aldrin was horribly depressed after going to the moon, feeling as if his life had finally peaked.
>His family managed to get him help and talked him through it all.
I guess he did the same exact thing for Space Kid.

Nikki's mom makes me d i a m o n d s
no but its a possibility

>Max's parents didn't care enough to sign him up for anything specific
>didn't come to parents day
I mean, I can't blame them, the kid's an insufferable little shit.

They being like that is exactly why he is the way he is.

I feel like Max is a lot quieter and well-mannered around his parents. But we didn't get to see how he acts around them yet.

That's just as much an assumption as my point.

>Max goes from insufferable little shit to kicked puppy the moment their car rolls up
Oh god please no. That'd be too sad

NOOOOO! I was just shitposting I didn't actually want to see Max cry!

you and every other fan of camp camp

i didnt know they had a panel

Drew up best flower scout while stuck riding out this storm

Holy fuck I'm totally digging this idea!
>Max's parents are uppity rich fucks who care about their family image and reputation
>They blatantly force him to wear expensive clothing, be polite and quiet.
>But also they force him to assume perfect body postures, use a clean body language and display seriousness at all times they aren't home
>Max enjoys camp because he gets to be himself without anyone giving a shit about his wealth

Did anybody else thing Max wouldn't have a file on him? Like his parents literally just dropped him off at the first camp they found?

So abusefags were a meme all this time?
Thank God, they will stop projecting that shit all over the threads

You just want to see Max dressed up all nice

So do I

I think it's better if it's just a normal family, as snobby rich parents who don't care about their kids are too common in fiction.

They also would've gotten something other than a hoodie if they wanted to force him to be proper. And they wouldn't have sent him to a regular camp otherwise.


Maybe, but I want to see him acting out of character just to please his parents.
But consider that them being rich would make them more shitty if they didn't invest a lot of money in their son.
You've got a point, though, the might be middle-class.

>be bi
>i will never be sandwiched between these two
life fucking sucks people

Who says they have been like this forever?
What if they were a nice family but they started caring less about their son?

>Nikki's mom

As long as you have health insurance, she'd fix her eyes on you :^)

Damn even Nerris's mom is cute Sup Forums I don't know if I can handle all this milf.

with one eye

They need more fanart

Thx for coloring it for me user

The power at home keeps coming in and out so I can't have my computer on right now

i love this scene so much

>Max's mom is probably a delicious brown MILF as well
wew lad

Me on the left

me on the right

Neil is going to have a new little sister and is going to learn the joys of watching her grow up

Do you think she will turn into a hot babe like her mom?

Nerris isn't just a cute.
She is THE Cute
And she has the best family

Nerris is the best

she already looks a lot like her mom
weird that they both have mint-green hair and nobody else thinks it's weird
they're like the only characters with strangely colored hair everyone's else is in the normal range
>well, except
>but I suspect she actively dyes it
>Nikki doesn't seem like the type who dyes her hair

maybe she does dye her hair. She did went to the flower girls, so maybe what she learned there helped her in different ways
>she exercises for reasons other than physical beauty!

I agree, I'm sure she inherited her physical appearance entirely from her mother, and her personality entirely from her father.

so, any guesses on her dad?
maybe a ranger in some national park? when he goes away from nature is he affected by the same 'curse' as Nikki?

i like that idea. hes a ranger who likes nature but also has a curse. Considering Harrison,Jasper and the Quartermaster exist,this world totally has paranormal shit in it.

Just noticed that it was a Parent's episode and for the show David looks to Cambell as a father figure. Cambell also calling David "Davey." This episode he see's Cambell was just using him.

i feel that David never had a dad growing up, and thats why he sees Cambell as his father figure. His mom is probably nice.

I find it funny how the nearest town itself seems completely normal but the camp is paranormal. Usually it's the other way around

>Nikki this isn't fun, this is a curse! You'll never enjoy civilization ever again!

>Can't step into civilization without feeling sick but you can make a random wild animal do your bidding
Sounds like a nice trade

Even while furious at him during arrest, Campbell still called him "Davey".
I guess to a certain extent, he also saw a son figure in David, and partially cared about him.
Then this happened and Cameron felt betrayed because that boy always was loyal, so it made him really mad. He will be really vengeful once he escapes from prison.

i think that he literally thinks his name is davey.

>Nikki and her father are literally modern druids
That'd be some cool shit if confirmed.

>druid ends up with company parent
neil and nikki where fated to be siblings the second they where sent to camp.

But when he hired David, he should have seen his legal name. I think Davey is a nickname.

And Gwen?

He doesn't care about anyone else. He forgets their names because he's inly interested in profits.
This is why I think he shared a deep connection with David, thinking of him as a "son" of sorts, because he bothers remembering his name.

I'm not sure that David realizes that Campbell isn't the upstanding guy that David always thought he was.

After all he wasn't around to hear Campbell swear vengeance

Same with Daniel, and it is going to be interesting because David does not know both hate his guts.
I predict there will be an episode where he realizes not every human is good and he will have to resort to violence in order to stop them.