Choose a waifu

Extended edition


Anyone in the left column

sooo... this is a waifu chart thread?

I am OP and I do not endorse this use of my thread.

Though from OP's chart, I'd pick Jinx.


You have a lot of time on your hands, don't you?
Don't worry, I do too.

the taste is strong in this one
>mighty bee

At first I thought "What if I was this autistic" then I realized.

Realized what?


>Choose a waifu

Whichever one's fine with casual dating and sex only after marriage is fine with me.


Why not?

Literally who?

background character who swatted Bumblebee once

She's more of a background character than Cheshire, which is really saying something.

>No Tomoko


You have some seriously fucked-up taste in waifus, user.

I choose best girl

Raven, SF or BF

think i'd choose star.
but also this

>satsuki in middle
Doesn't matter about the rest you have the most absolutely shit taste I have ever seen kys
