ITT Best Friends

Show me some of the best Sup Forums friendships.


You first.


>best friends

Yeah because beating up your friend for accidentally becoming a vampire is okay when you got dem Jebus powers



They had a rocky relationship but they ended up saving each other's life several times. And Cassidy got to meet God and turned back into a human. So it all worked out.

>got lunch plans? Feel like walking into Arkham and beating the absolute fuck out of everyone?




Man, despite how much people were complaining about N52, I still feel that Bruce and Clark were much closer during that period than they are in Rebirth where they seem like a strangers.

The absolute madman.

Nigga, Cassidy cucked Jesse's girlfriend and told her he was dead while turning her towards drug abuse and made her stay with him to keep the habit running.

Even in the end, Jesse knew he wouldn't even do that much damage to Cassidy what with his human fingers versus vampiric regeneration.

what is the run for booster gold and blue beetle stuff? I've seen stud posted from it but I want to read it.

>not Helena

what the actual fuck is wrong with you

It's heartwarming that they can be autistic together.

Just gonna dump whatever crap i got


does it have to be separate images?


Would you have been able to do it, Sup Forums?


This series was way more depressing than I imagined it would be.

Best friends!

How about THE best Sup Forums friendships?

Man, Matthew was such a bro.

Cassidy was a literal manchild, a complete and utter fuckup as a human being and the first person to really call him out on his bullshit and finally get through that goddamn head of his was Jesse. First person since his own brother that managed to knock some sense into him and got him to turn it all around, or at least finally and really try to anyhow. Cassidy grew more from those few months as Jesse's friend than he did in nearly a century leading up to it. It may not have lasted but I'd say that sounds like best goddamn friends to me.


They kind of are.

That's honestly the thing you want most in any friendship


these bros are very good bros


Not really friendship, but it's somewhat like BFFs as we understand it.


>dat rapeface on rocksteady

>Justice League International (1987) (2008)
>Justice League America

Tommy had a hard life.