What Sup Forums thinks of the twentieth season of South Park?

What Sup Forums thinks of the twentieth season of South Park?

I just watched it completely today


I thought it was okay. The beginning was good, but then it went pretty far off the rails. Even then, it had its moments toward the very end. Definitely not South Park's worst season ever, as some often say, but probably its most chaotic.

it's hard to have laughs a minute when you have to spend time fleshing out an over arching continuous story.
Thats why S19/20 sucked, they had to give up jokes so they could put in plot stuff, but it was disappointing because the plot stuff wasn't very good, especially in the second half of S20

funniest thing was cartman getting to see a vagina

Proof that:

1. Serialization can make for some really boring episodes, and
2. If you're using current events to determine an entire season's plot, DON'T.

The twentieth season perfectly captured the rise of extremism and the unexpected victory of Donald Trump as president. Garrison as a stand in for Trump worked because it showed exactly how his voters support him for trash talking people they didn't like, but got offended when he roasted something they hold dear. That political speech done in the style of a stand up special was the highlight of the season. Unfortunately, it got weighed down because the girls didn't get punished for being ungrateful cunts, and misinterprets Butter's motives him hating women for having a girl break up with him instead of just being tired of getting shitted on.

i don't get southpark anymore, i think i am too old. is it essential to be a burger to get newer sp?

Easily the worst season yet, basically felt like it was the same 5 plotliness DRAAAAAAGGGGGGGEED out, and none of them was particularly good either, except maybe the troll one, which could easily just been a one good episode plot if they had focused on it.

You can easily skip Ginger Cow since it has all of its terribleness in one episode, but you can't easily skip the Memberberries plot since it is every third scene until OOPS TRUMP WON! better stop this thing without any pay off.


Season 19 had an arc, but each episode still felt strong enough on their own, like the Yelp one.

20 had eps that moved the plot along, but thats it. Few jokes.

Season long story arcs were a mistake. Less memorable moments, less memorable episodes, the plot feels spread too thin, every mistake or unfunny joke now affects the impression of the whole season instead of just one episode.

I think it shows how South Park doesn't work with a continuous plot line. I think the creators has a plot line in mind that worked with Clinton winning the election, and we ended up with a boring half assed plot after Trumps victory.

Thing is, SP HAD "long plots" before, they were just never to the forefron to that point, Kenny Dies basically started a mini arc with a minor development every few episodes, with Butter being a replacement, getting replaced himself, becoming Professor Chaos and having evil schemes and so on, that season had a TON of "Soft Continuity" and was still great.

The issue isn't that there is a overarching plot in itself, it is that it got too much focus at the expense of everything else, if they would use the "Breadcrumbs" approach again i think they could pull off a (1) overarching plot.

19 was great, every episode minus the final three were generally self contained. From what I take from the interviews of Matt and Trey, their going to just take what they like and throw away what they don't like with each episode rather than making pointless callbacks that clutter things up.

It was bad. The running gags were terrible and I hated some the first time they made them. The cliffhangers completely fucked up the pace and were unneeded. All of the cliffhangers were absolutely pointless as well as they never followes up on them. The boys vs. girl plot could have been decent but the the boys acted retarded (listening to Butters?). Also the girls were in the right to break up with boyfriends that laughed at pictures that were made to hurt them or their friends yet we had to believe the boys were unfairly hurt. Heidi was a much better character before this season. She should have stayed a bitch. Everything she did was unbelievable.

shut up boco

Yes sir...

It wasn't very good but then so wasn't season 18 or 19. All of the hard serialization was a problem.

I think South Park should stop trying to be timely with their material and just go back to their old style

We don't need an entire season based off something that happens every week in real life

no you shut up, boco is cool

I'm going to assume the first episode will be a huge fucking reset to a lot of status quo shit.

Basically the season premiere is Cartman getting revenge on EVERYONE who fucked him over in seasons 19-20.

Parker and Stone have already confirmed that we are getting at least ONE "Cartman is an evil shit to Butters" episode this season. But why stop at Butters? Of all the people who harmed and hurt Cartman in seasons 19-20, Butters is pretty low on the list of people Cartman needs to cause harm to. Unless Cartman is going to force Butters to do his unspeakable evil, in exchange for "sparing" him (in truth, making Butters his fall guy).

At the very least, I fully expect PC Principal to be dead by the end of the season premiere at Cartman's hands.

The issue with Garrison is a bit trickier unless they do what Simpsons did to Krusty when he got made a Senator; basically Garrison is President of the US AND a school teacher and they never bring up the fact that he's doing both jobs.

They have always done videos that have been topical, but trying to be topical right down to the same week/month was their downfall.
Episodes that they did 5+ years ago are still pretty relevant today, but shit like the national anthem change won't age well at all.

They won't go that far.

At best, they will probably do an episode where Heidi and Butters start dating, causing Cartman to go on a crazy revenge scheme to get back at Butters for dating Heidi. But it backfires and causes Heidi to reject Cartman and kill any chance of them ever getting back together.

Also, I can see them MAYBE going the angle of Kyle stealing his dad's credit card to buy Cartman new computer shit (iphone, tablet, laptop) and when Gerald tries to punish him for it, have Kyle threaten to out his trolling. Or Cartman giving his friends an ultimatum to get him new computer products, or else he'll do to them what he did to Scott Tennorman and his family.

The only odd man out would be PC Principal. Unless they plan to continue the notion that PC Principal is the only man who can go toe to toe with Cartman and win.

It would have been good if Hilary won the election. Remember all those unused plotlines? Hilary herself, the member berries. The ending was also boring. They banked the whole thing on Trump losing. Now we've likely lost garrison forever and have to deal with a mediocre season...


they spent so much time focusing on the story that they forgot it's supposed to be a comedy

I think they'll probably just drop the stuff they don't like anymore. They'll keep in stuff they liked enough to make a focus in the new game like PC Principal, SoDaSoPa, and Tweek x Craig. Then axe a lot and phase out other stuff they forgot about by never featuring it again.

not to mention they got so caught up on hating Trump that their skits weren't funny

mister garrison falling ass backwards into the presidency and having to deal with an international crisis in the war room sounds hilarious. picture him trying to keep everything under control and actually doing the right thing, but fucking up in the best ways possible because he's a school teacher and he's mister fucking garrison

instead they went for the lowest fruit possible with Trump

But he's actually right this time.

I mean it could be read that it was Mr Garrison falling ass backwards with that. He even had that phone call thing with Mr. Slave. I didn't give a shit about Hillary or Trump winning so I didn't take it personally, but the amount of butt hurt going around my friends group from Hillary supporters and Trump supporters was insufferable during the season airing.