Can we have an Oban Star Racers thread?

Can we have an Oban Star Racers thread?
I started to watch it recently and it is 00's as fuck, its feeding my 00's nostalgia like no other thing around.

At 4 in the morning? I'll see you later if the thread's still here OP.

Ning & Skun best girls.

>BDSM Lesbian Vampire Bikers
they were pretty good but they're not Prince Aikka (who is best boy and won the Evab owl)

I'm going to post every OSR image I have
We'll start with best boy and work our way down from there


I just recently found a new torrent for Oban titled Oban Star-Racers (480p DVD MKV x265 HEVC 10bit HE-AAC 5.1 TitaniumWhite) if anybody is interested in something that doesn't have the Jetix watermark in the corner



my dubs are invincible
(Aikka is best boy regardless of my check status)



Reminder Jordan got cucked by royalty, and now he has to spend eternity watching Molly get deep dicked by the prince.


Any news about the continuation?

yeah it feels good, best boy winning is just so great

>tfw already have the dvds
Always good to have more copies honestly. Keep circulating the tapes, as they say.

no and i keep forgetting to screencap that twitter post from the creators mentioning they're in talks about it

nevermind here it is

Oban was one of those shows that made me realize I'm too old for cartoons.

how so ?

>too old for cartoons
Don't use age as an excuse user, there are only two reasons you don't like a show, quality of writing and personal taste.

Have they confirmed if Oban is getting a dvd release with the soundtrack yet?