Should the mystery solving teens genre come back?

Only with something more than just Scooby Doo remakes. Maybe a talking shark, or a dune buggy,

More meddling kids can stop some aliens that is really mean old Mr Whithers.

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They were all just rip-offs of Scooby-Doo, anyway, and the fad has long passed. Honestly, it's surprising that Scooby-Doo is still around when it wasn't anything particularly special itself.

Didn't it almost die and than Zombie Island saved it?

I'm still not sure how that's still around myself. My kid brother had like 10 of those fucking movies.

It seems to be a franchise that seems to make mediocre works at almost totally consistent rate. Pup named scoobey doo and Zombie Island stand out as the only works which are particular ally good or particularly bad. Everything else they ever made is meh.

Scooby stuck around because it was an iconic Hanna Barbera series.

The genre died back in the early 80's but the whole thing was based on the Monkeys tv show a lot earlier.

We already had one 10 years ago, it's called Persona 4


>when you can tell what model sheets characters are traced from

what a sec it was a gene at some point?

basically during the 70s, Hanna-Barbera kept churning-out one Scooby-Doon clone after another, and rival studios like Ruby Spears and Filmation would jump on the band-wagon as well

the majority of American TV cartoons made during the 70s were usually some sort of clone of Scooby-Doo, the Flintstones, or Yogi Bear

>the majority of American TV cartoons made during the 70s were usually some sort of clone of Scooby-Doo, the Flintstones, or Yogi Bear

It wasnt a majority
there was a shit ton of them, but there was still plenty of original content being produced

Not just random cartoons with teens solving mysteries, Hanna Barbera was turning popular sitcoms into them as well. Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Partridge Family, Charlie's Angels, Mork and Mindy,, they gave them all a random cartoon talking sidekick and usually placed them in weird settings like space or the future.

But the Scooby clones were pretty common. Only the sidekick changed a lot. Talking cars, dogs, ghosts, cavemen, birds, bears, just anything.

There still are some though.
Ducktales and Mike Tyson Mysteries off the top of my head

mystery shows already have made a lite comeback in recent years
Mystery Inc, Gravity Falls, even Welcome to the Wayne
you could even say Steven Universe has a mystery element in it
and even though it's more of a parody of the genre Mike Tyson Mysteries is there

There should be more of a comeback, Netflix needs its own mystery cartoon

Captain Caveman is really the perfect refinement of the genre.

>Mike Tyson Mysteries
that one is a parody

I recognize a few of the Chan Clan but who's the one on the far left?


Lots of :3 mouths there.

While not a cartoon, DC had a recent crack at the genre with Gotham Academy. It was pretty good too, but it was pretty clear the writers never expected it to go past 12 issues, so it loses its way a bit after that point.

>fox is actually attractive
>stud is not
American animation has gone anywhere.

they are still around
just the characters are younger

Ok Gang. Here's what happened to me.

Watch Zombie Island!
>wow look at the animation! Best looking monsters in the franchise history and so many too! Look at the coloring. The Japs that made this sure did a bang up job

Watch Witcher's Ghost!
>Ok not as good as Zombie Island. Shading is still rock solid but the detailing and animation has suffered a little. Hex Girls are so sexy, great fun little battle at the end!

Watch Alien Invaders
>What happened to the animation? Still the same Jap studio as the last 2. Oh god the Shaggy in love subplot is faggotry! This is barely watchable!!

Watch Cyber Chase
>What am I doing with my life watching this? What were the animators and writers doing with their life? Well Studio Mook, you sure fell from glory!

And people say the other movies are even worst but there's like 30 more of these fuckers! WTF Who's buying this?

>mystery shows already have made a lite comeback in recent years
>Mystery Inc, Gravity Falls
That's literally it. So much for a "comeback".

the longer something goes, the bigger the chance it goes shit

I'm just glad it lasted long enough to create Mystery Inc., which is better than the rest of the Scooby-Doo franchise combined (movies included).

There is currently Welcome to the Wayne on Nickelodeon

Children, who don't care about animation and only about interesting stories?
Scooby Doo fans, who care more about the character interactions and like seeing new or interesting spins on the old Scooby Doo cliches

too much melodrama

Bee Cool Scooby-Doo has better comedy

Which is barely a mystery show, and more importantly is shit.

I don't understand why BCSD isn't utterly reviled here, it's far worse than TTG. (Then again, the vast majority of animated comedies seem to be.)

It's got some fun jokes and the best Daphne in the franchise.

Scooby Doo meets Hatsune Miku!

Her panties are an important clue!!
Velma analyzes the strange fluid found on them!
"We found the same fluid on Fred's pants!"

>too much melodrama
I'm guessing you haven't watched the 2nd season


It also features horrendous animation, far worse voice acting for Velma, and a lack of continuity which was the main factor making MI interesting.

how the hell did a caveman manage to snag 3 girls and car while being illiterate?

zombie island and the KISS crossover are better then i expected out of scooby doo

>It's got some fun jokes
no it doesn't
>and the best Daphne in the franchise.
who cares, she was always basically arm candy

with his massive club

In that sense it's the more Scooby Doo of the two since horrendous animation and a lack of continuity is what makes Scooby Doo what it is.

Humor is subjective.

I liked MI but it's over now and BCSD is entertaining so who cares?

Which is exactly why you get threads like these, where people hate on the franchise. Scooby-Doo just isn't interesting in itself, not to a modern audience at least. You have to change up the formula, like SDMI did.

>I liked MI but it's over now and BCSD is entertaining so who cares?
This is why CN is airing TTG 24/7, people like you

They would be airing BCSD non-stop if that were true.

I thought they aired TTG non-stop because their scheduling department is lazy as shit and because they have a special deal that lets them get a cut of the merchandising from it as opposed to other DC/Warner Bros franchises?

>a special deal that lets them get a cut of the merchandising from it as opposed to other DC/Warner Bros franchises
I've never understood these problems - IT'S ONE FUCKING COMPANY, how hard can it be to have the different branches get along for maximum profit?

Well you see, our society operates under the system of competition so even if that one company could just work together as a single unit to benefit all they wouldn't because every department has to fight like caged animals for their budget.

It's not enough that they succeed - others must also fail.

No, that's understandable. What isn't understandable is why TOP management doesn't DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS and FORCE them to work together properly.

Because they don't want to and because executives don't give a shit about cartoon scheduling, just the bottom line.

Neither show is that bad ttgo is just hated more because its spammed to death and original tt cartoon fans got butthurt

>(movies included).
Oi! Rock and Roll Mystery was pretty good!

original tt is pretty cringe really. maybe a handful of decent eps in between all the faux anime window dressing and mediocre-to-bad comedy.

Fuck off, it's a fucking masterpiece.
The only episodes that are a little cringey are in early season 1, even so they're still enjoyable.

But that's my point! If TOP management gave a shit about the OVERALL bottom line, which is kind of their JOB, they would make them get along.

>Fuck off, it's a fucking masterpiece.
Bait this low quality doesn't even deserve a meme.

There's this attitude that competition is key to success though. Sure, you could probably make better products and have a better and more productive staff if you didn't pit them against each other but they believe that it will lead to more success even if there's not evidence to prove it so they keep doing it this way.

>Bait this low quality doesn't even deserve a meme.
It's not bait, Teen Titans is one of the best cartoons of all time (the 3rd-best, to be exact).

what the fuck


>It's not bait, Teen Titans is one of the best cartoons of all time (the 3rd-best, to be exact).
So which one is your waifu? Because that's about the only thing I could see being the cause of this level of delusion.

Why does 2D Ackles have Hussie lips?

All of them?

In all seriousness though, while this show may very well have the hottest chicks in Western animation, there's far more to it than just that. Like the fucking brilliant writing.


I don't understand.


I still don't understand.


Stop posting les maymays.

there it is

There what is?


If they did some real mysteries and some real detectiving it could be cool. Like Case Closed

>arm candy
that's a new one

KISS has those same superpowers in all of their movies. It started in their first movie back in the 70s.

April's a qt

>a Stand with a Stand
now I've seen it all

scooby doo was aired in japan, and fred's name is literally Handsome

top ten anime transformations

Gravity Falls

fucking christ the show only ended two years ago....

Not really mystery solving teens, these are more arc based younger kids solving the mystery of the place they are living in.

Not exactly, Time Warner is not really a single unified company as much as it is more of a United Nations of various competing smaller companies that are all under the same umbrella. Warner shows definitely compete with other Warner shows.

I don't know, but I want a crossover between all the Hanna-barbera's mystery teens plus a mascot titles.

In character, not like Mystery Inc.

Cyber Chase was worth it just to see green and red shirt Shaggy meeting

Who would win a fight between green shirt Shaggy and red shirt Shaggy?