Larry Hama was right

Marvel put way too many caption on the art.
Captions are rarely necessary, and communication through visuals or dialogue is almost universally better

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Was larry "two gun" hama wrong about anything?

>motherfucking Ninjas.

>Comics as a medium needs to be about visual storytelling.

>Betting on Chrisopher Priest.

>The role of the millitary in protecting human freedom, and in democracies.

Artists tend to feel that comics should be movie storyboards, and writers feel that they're novels with accompanying illustrations. But the best comics tend to either be extremely close collaboration between artist and writer (Alan Moore with Dave Gibbons) or writer/artist combos (Frank Miller and John Byrne) who can understand when narration fits and when the art needs to speak for itself.

I was surprised to see Hama credited for breakdowns in Deathstroke

don' forget how he BTFO'd the rest of Marvel creative by turning two terrible assignments nobody wanted into the respective most successful books

>John Byrne
Yeah no.

Priest has said that Hamma was his mentor figure in the early Marvel days.

uzi T-shirts were a thing in the 80s?

Hamma was always packing

> Larry usually carried two briefcases. Depending on which one it was, he either had a .45 or an Uzi inside (he was licensed for both).


What was the other one?

When did comic writers stop being cool? If I was ever in a bar fight, I'd want Larry Hama, Chuck Dixon, and Mike "I killed my first wife" Baron as backup.

in his day, yeah absolutely he was


For a while he was writing Wolverine and GI Joe at the same time and they were Marvel's top 2 books. he always mentions this in interviews, because apparently the higher-ups asserted they were both flukes that happened to be occurring simultaneously

>Mike "I killed my first wife" Baron
...story with that?

Pat Mills is pushing 70 and I'd still take him over anyone at Marvel.

They are if you bought one back then. I"m pretty sure he has genuine, full auto, NFA documented machine guns.

In fucking NYC no less.

Don't forget Steranko, Pat Mills, and Kirby.

I don't think Marvel ever gave him a shot on a marquiee book, did they?

Baron's wife got stabbed to death by a home invader and there's one guy on Sup Forums who insists that Baron did it. He was never even arrested, and if a husband doesn't get arrested after his wife's murder then you KNOW there's ZERO evidence.

Wolverine was a HUGE deal back then. It was the very definition of "A-list".

>I don't think Marvel ever gave him a shot on a marquiee book, did they?

He had a short Avengers run (326 to 333)

Dunno if you'd count Generation X (39 to 47)

His Gen X was so bad tho

Same with his Batman

They pushed Claremont forever to get Wolverine a solo

Pretty sure he only agreed to write it because even though he didn't want Wolveirne to get his own comic, he really didn't want anyone else writing the X-Men beyond him and Louise.

Similarly John Bynre told Shooter he didn't want to do Alpha Flight, but when he learned they were getting a solo with or without him he couldn't say no.

but both of those turned out breddy good

It's almost surprising that he's now almost never seen in masculine clothing, preferring the life of a geisha today.

fuck him for Generation X

>The role of the military in protecting human freedom, and in democracies
Stupid nips.

this one always made me think about that

nigga wat

Baron looks like he can hardly stand up these days.

Too much pressure from cops.

The classic massive Fury 4 page spread also does this to great effect.

didn't hama retcon the barry windsor-smith weapon x storyline with the "memory implants" thing?

what was hama's take on origin?

What's great about Hama is that he started out as (and still is) an artist, so he's that rare kind of writer who is always thinking up his comics in very visual ways, or even providing breakdowns as in Silent Interlude. Even when he's only writing, his comics tend to have a very solid flow from panel to panel and page to page.

yeah thats true

The best writers in comics universally are either artists (such as Mignola) or able to think visually (like Moore's incredibly detailed scripts defining the exact way ge sees the page in his head). Not to say it immediately makes you a better writer, but the medium is a visual one and making use of that really allows it to shine.

Moore can draw pretty well.

Prove it



That was just the way a lot of Marvel writers liked to write. (Interestingly, Stan Lee didn't use a lot of captions by the standards of the '60s, but when he stepped down as editor, it became Caption City.)

It was a way to give exposition, and to sound "literary," and also to explain things that weren't clear in the art. (Kurt Busiek has said he also used to use captions as a visual divice to make readers look at the part of the panel where he wanted them to look.)

They were overdone in the '70s but I never really understood the blanket ban on third-person captions. Alan Moore started out writing tons of captions (Swamp Thing) and then at some point he decided to have no captions ever unless they were from a character in the story. Both seem a bit extreme.

Captions probably became less necessary once art and coloring became more detailed and storytelling became "decompressed."

A lot of the old captions were supposed to fill in what happened between the panels, so if you had a panel of someone standing at a door, and in the next panel they were gone, the Marvel Method writer might put in a "AND WITH THAT, HE IS GONE!" caption so we knew he walked out, even though we didn't actually see it.

Today's writers will usually script everything they want us to see, and even if a page is confusing they'd rather we be confused than over-explain it. I guess it's better that way, but every week I see at least one scene where I don't know what's going on.

Busiek's always been good at using his words to guide you around others art. It helps that his BFF is Scott McCloud.

Why do folks here ignore how he and Preist talk about how racist as fuck comics was and still is.

Hell, half the reason Hama GOT gijoe was because they had him walled off in the "shit project" pile.

What DO they say about the current stuff and the old days?

I hear how Priest hates being "the black writer to write black people." I figure that's a bizarre left wing racism where they think they're being progressive but it's still idiotic racism. Anything else, or just that dumb fuckery?

I think it's a mix of small-time racism and "SJW(or whoever could make a loud mess we don't want) don't want a white guy writing negros, this guy is good at writing negros and he's a negro himself! Jackpot!"

As much as I love Hama, he's not free from stupid moments. He said he made Storm Shadow a good guy so there would be a good guy Asian. But I never heard anybody telling him Snake Eyes couldn't be Asian himself.


Yeah. Yeah of course he drew this.

Trust me, a black guy never getting Superman isnt a "progressive" thing.

Hell Yang only got Superman because

1. He had hype from the Eisners

2. They wanted him to make an asian Superman

Snake Eyes was based on a white guy he knew in the actual war. Like half his backstory totally happened.

He was writing the main Superman title well before Rebirth/Kenan, and Greg Pak was on Action.

I'm saying the left wing has its own ways of being racist in their efforts to avoid being racist. It's idiotic, but there you go.

And yes Snake Eyes was based on an old army friend, but that was LARRY'S decision. He decided to make the heroic martial arts guy a white blonde haired man, then he felt he needed to make Tommy a hero to counter that. So while the plot line is fantastic, the reasoning is a bit.... stupid. In that Hama did it to himself rather than any company forcing things on him and him fixing. So it's a bit eye rolling.

I know.

He said later on the originally wanted him to do a Kenan type character(even though he is so gosh darn american he needed his moms help fir it later on) and instead he pushed back wantign to do Kal EL Superman.

I mean, the 80s era did have a lot of "the only Asians are evil ninja types" cliche, he adapted his real life and then added onto the story because he recognized the power of fiction.

Because they do good work so they can say whatever the fuck they want

It's like if Basil Wolverton drew for Beano.

Hama seemed to have a hate boner for Quick Kick & I always wondered why.