
who's best girl and why is it smugfu?

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form e cause sh reminds me of Ragyo.

smugfu a best

Why Russian fanartists are so based?


Is that a commie Lance?

No, it's SS Lance (it's just a recent drama over a popular klance artist drawing Lance as Nazi)

Reminder that Sven is alive, and the ultimate fishlad WILL return

this is fantastic

>Russian overwatch artist who managed to trigger every single tranny on tumblr
>Russian voltron artist managed to trigger the entire klance fandom with sexy nazi klance

Why are Russians so based?

>Russian overwatch artist who managed to trigger every single tranny on tumblr
Spoonfeed me on this drama please

Russian artist made art of Junkrat saying Junkrat was cis and not a girl. Tumblr went fucking nuts on them. In response they make art depicting a witch boiling trans ideology. Tumblr goes fucking nuts again and said they're drawing art of them boiling trans people.

They may as well be enemy number 1 in tumblr's overwatch fandom at the moment.


Too bad she probably won't do a complete set, I'd love a nazi Hunk

Overwatch is fucking dumb and I don't care because I'm not a Sup Forumsfag except for nippon shit.

Haggar redemption arc when?

Keksimus maxumus, Russians are savage

Never, she's loyal to her hubby only.

why is keith so slut?

I like Sacura's brand of trolling best.

I'd rather have "Allura, she-wolf of the SS" in all of nazixploitation glory.
Seriously, I hate how PC culture is killing the fun of nazixploitation.

Lance is cuban and Keith is texan though? The only possible nazi here is Pidge.

Don't be stupid, Pidge is Italian. She would be called a fascist, not a nazi.

Thank you based Russia

To the drawfag who drew Keith topping Shiro while wearing a schoolgirl uniform last thread, you're my hero.

"Viva il Duce"

I'm not into top keith but this is kawaii as fuck.

>implying spaghetti niggers are whiter than Lance's pure Scottish blood
Good one comrade, see you in the showers.

I'm ho happy my drunk request yesterday gave birth to this perfection!

Read the official book yo. Lance confirmed 100% Cuban.

>PC culture is killing the fun of nazixploitation.
Wolfenstein is some p fun nazisploitation
All the fun of nazi super-science with all the fun of murdering them with a goddamned axe.

*100% scots-cuban

"Official" book is apocrypha, written by schismatics

I don't have a nazi kink and I don't give a shit about PC or non PC culture so I'm just here somewhat confused but enjoying the upset anons.

So is Lance gonna have 1000 brothers and sisters, hate america and wear a plaid skirt?


You clearly have no idea how Nazism worked. Anybody could be considered honorary Aryan if they had the principles. This is why Italians, North Indians, and Japanese, were considered Aryans but not Slavs despite Slavs being "whiter" than all of them.

This. The "nords are Aryan" thing is a Neo-Nazi meme.

>North Indians
Weren't North Indians supposed to be the OG Aryans that the Germans were descended from?
Japanese were considered a "Preserver" race, who could maintain culture, but not create it on their own.

They even considered some Jews honorary Aryans...

No shit buddy, I was making a silly joke.

the japanese were considered yellow aryans (basically it was an excuse to get them on their side despite them not being aryans)

Allura is clearly the only Nazi in Voltron, then.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Voltron finale. It confirms the real Shiro never comes back. (Pic is Kuron)
Listen youtube.com/watch?v=pXth84G7dkM&feature=youtu.be

>Scottish blood

Indo-Iranians to be more specific.

The only thing I know about twin peaks is that there's a character who wanted a red chair and it takes place in oregon (the state I live in) but looks nothing like oregon.

yeah, its pretty much completely arbitrary. which i assume was the joke, not sure why someone bothered to sperg out about it

Scots are descended from filthy Irish and are cucks to the eternal Anglo.

>YWN be interrogated by latex Nazi dominatrix Allura before breaking free of your bonds and silently choking her to death while she struggles beneath you
Feels bad man.

>it takes place in oregon
It takes place in Washington

Because I wanted to post shiro looking offended.

Really? I totally thought it was meant to be Oregon, granted I only saw one episode in the background.

No shit buddy, he's literally rehashing an old /his/ pasta.

oh, i wasn't implying you were user. here's a mad Shiro as an apology

Thank you for noticing.

It's the best.

Too much slutty Keith in this thread too early on.

Shiro is the best he is the bomb he almost exploded into pieces from the galra.

I don't into /his/, so I guess I've been memed on.

Keith is always a slut though

Looks like this thread needs to be enHANCEd.

>So is this the last time we’ll see a flashback of the original Paladins? Montgomery slyly answers that the episode contained, “what we wanted to tell the audience so far. Whatever else we have up our sleeves is for us to know and you to find out”

What did she mean by this?

But Slav is green not white.

Nope, Pidge is descended from Nazi scientists on her father's side. Her mother comes from a family of aristocratic Italian fascists. Sam and Colleen hope Pidge will marry Shiro one day to make the Axis ubermensch.


get it like pace yourself? but like...my ship is better.

Exactly what she said. Meant: "Any answer at this point would be a spoiler, so wait the fuck up"

It means Blue-Keith theorists got BTFO.

Slav is literally an Aryan. I don't mean the Nazi meme type.

>radical feminism
>draws nazi art


The manipulative yandere tween Keith who sabotages all of Shiro's relationships posting was pretty funny last thread.

Aww, pure love between SS officer and dirty untermensch is co cute!

Feminists are silly and none of them are on even remotely the same page, come on user kun you should know this by now.

Those are two different artists, user.

Most Eastern European women (and a lot of Arab Muslimahs) seem to be radfems. I think it's because they think trannies are scum.

It means they're going to pull a Fado and Laruto with Blaytz and Trigel where they reveal the special weapons of the Blue and Green Lions.
Also Blaytz will hit on Shiro in a way that doesn't offend the Dreamworks execs.

Ok that explains it.

I've noticed that too. The ones in Western Europe and America tend to be liberal feminists.

But Muslim countries are OK with trannies despite hating gays, hell Iran is the second capital of the sex change industry after Thailand.

is Lance a size queen?

I think it's more for the ~~~~*~*Aesthetic~~*~ than actual ideological support.

I know this shouldn't surprise me since Muslim's are fucking crazy, but this really makes no sense what so ever lol.

>Muslim's are fucking crazy
What Muslim? What of his is crazy?

It differs from country to country in Mudslime world. And Iranians are fucking scum of the Earth, giving gays a choice between sex-change operation and death.

Better off changing your sex than being a real gay!

I'm guessing the Koran doesn't mention anything about chromosomes, just that ponos=male and vagoo=female.

Beats me, Pat Robertson is also the exact same way. Fundies are fucking weird.

in Iran's case this is one in the same since saying you're a tranny/dating a tranny is the only way to avoid punishment for homofaggotry, and you're forced to go through sex reassignment surgery

So basically they're like nazi furfags?

I think so, yeah. Nazis just have a very striking aesthetic.

I'm a fervent Nazi-hater, but I think their uniforms are nice. The fact that I have a snuff fetish makes it all okay.

Hugo Boss, baby.

From what I've heard it's all about the uniforms, pretty much everyone can admit nazi uniforms are slick as fuck I just personally don't have a uniform fetish outside of like school girls/meido shit. Looks cool but I don't really loose my shit over it.


I once jerked off a dude with one of those crazy split-dicks that looks like a squid. it was challenging, but chill

There needs to be more Nazi snuff, so I can enjoy cute guys/grills in Nazi themed latex being hanged/smothered/stabbed without guilt.

Because they believe reproductive rights are more important that all-gender restrooms.

>I hate how PC culture is killing the fun of nazixploitation.

Get a grip, kid. It's not healthy to live in a bubble.

Allura can turn into a giantess just for him.

Muslim countries aren't ok with trannies. Iran is just a whacky Shiite-hole. They do prefer trannies over gays though.

Because they view transsexuality as a disease that can be cured via a sex change. They hate the gay for his homosexuality but if he become a straight woman then he's normal again. It's a twisted form of conversion therapy.

Cyka bylat

Your spoiler made me horny, I had to go find some good Galra rape-fics right now.

Not the same artist. I actually lowkey agree with radfem ideology but I think the feminist movement is a joke so I don't really care.

are you ready for another flashback episode, /vld/? or would you prefer the OG trio to fall out of some cryopods or whatever bullshit and have wacky adventures with the main cast

Same. I once talked about how too many women die during menstruation rituals and got called a TERF ~because periods aren't exclusive to women~ or some shit. I searched up the term and read up on radfem theory and it makes more sense than the popular tumblr feminism 2bh.