Jason Aaron explains how humans are alive in 1,000,000 BC

>IGN:With the internet being the internet, I saw a lot of people saying how humans weren't around in 1,000,000 BC, meaning this team couldn’t exist. So what do you say to those people?

>Aaron: Well, I'd say yeah, sure, yeah, I get that part. You know, we are looking at a lineup that includes the All-Father of Asgard and someone from a mystical kung fu city and the wielder of an ancient cosmic star brand, and all these sorts of things. So, I would just say that this is a prehistory of the Marvel universe, which is very, obviously very different than what we know. But, even beyond that, again, this story will reveal a lot about that time period that we don't know. There's a lot to play with there, and this is going to explore all that, the beginning of the Marvel universe, in a very huge, profound way.

Say what you will, but that Ghost Rider is cool as fuck

This will be very dumb but ultimately inoffensive but retards ill find some way of working themselves into a frothing anger because it's cool to hate Marvel now, regardless of what they do

Yeah this idea was cool in Transformers vs Gi Joe, cool when Kelly did it, cool when Morrison did it and cool in Ghost rider.

Why is it being mocked around like some sort of meme.

That Ghost Rider is boring as fuck. Why the fuck isn't the mammoth a giant flaming skeleton mammoth? What a wasted god damn opportunity, even the double-armed Indian Ghost Rider got a flaming skeleton elephant.

The only things that bother me are
>the Phoenix is another redhead
>it's not the Panther god himself

Also I would like to know which spirit of vengeance this is.

Sabertooth tiger ghost rider would be better.

I'm just fucking tired of Marvel making a team up of random OC characters and labelling it as a never before seen Avengers team.

Isn't Legacy the comic that Marvel said will break the internet?

>this is a prehistory of the Marvel universe, which is very, obviously very different than what we know.
You idiot, the greater history of the world was supposed to be as most similar as possible to "our".

Change shit and everything stops making sense.

Also, if people have a problem with humans being around at the time in a story with the All-Father of Asgard and someone from a mystical kung fu city and the wielder of an ancient cosmic star brand, and all these sorts of things, then you have completely failed at maintaining the suspension of disbelief.

So, yeah.

But notice bear and shark are just bear and shark.

I fucking tired of the Anti-sjw and SJW crap. I sick of your people, your lifestyle, your thinking, I hope you kill yourself.

>You idiot, the greater history of the world was supposed to be as most similar as possible to "our".
>Change shit and everything stops making sense.

This is happening more and more.

Too small to ride comfortably, user and can't carry other people.

>he gets paid to try and explain this hack bullshit

How can anyone be comfortable with being that pathetic

So since Odin has the mjolnir and mjolnir is now sentient does that mean Odin in his prime was also named Thor? Since the enchantment is "Whoever is worthy will wield the power of Thor"?

how about just "its comics, fuck off"

Calling it "prehistory" doesn't explain anything. Starbrand itself is originally from an alternate universe called the "New Universe" and it was never native to 616.

Since 616 universe, and all the rest multiverse, was destroyed and freshly reborn, why not just call it what it is?

Bullshit that was cooked up by the molecule man while sitting in his room and eating popcorn. While laughing at the utter nonsense that his universe has become.


No. The homage variant covers is what they said would break the internet.

That's lame.

>You idiot, the greater history of the world was supposed to be as most similar as possible to "our".
>Change shit and everything stops making sense


In DC, humans existed 1000000 years ago too.

> Isn't Legacy the comic that Marvel said will break the internet?

They also said Generations would be good.

No? Life started on earth does not necessarily mean humans.


This is a good idea honestly. DC does it that way and it's all good.

The starbrand didnt come from the New Universe, it entered it.

We have scene other universes get starbrands

>>Bullshit that was cooked up by the molecule man while sitting in his room and eating popcorn. While laughing at the utter nonsense that his universe has become.
it was actually imagined by Franklin Richards.

Which, if you think about it, makes sense.
It surely looks like a 10-years-old version of pre-history:big-ass number of years ago, with cavemen and dinosaurs together.

But that's totally not what Aaron was aiming to, isn't it?

Lol and now stores aren't even ordering the homage covers.

Final Crisis had the first human be a blond kid in like 17000 bce new jersey.

Not that different.

Are you talking about Kamandi? He's not the first human, he's actually the last human on earth.

>>In DC, humans existed 1000000 years ago too.
Might be. In _DC_.

Marvel always been supposed to have history being "like our", with limited changes not influencing the greater course.

NINE HUNDRED THOUSANDS years of evolution would change the fuck out of everything.

The Starbrand is part of a universal security system made by the Builders, an extra-dimensional race.
But the Starbrand is only PART of the system, it shouldn't go online without all the other parts.

17 thousand vs One Million? it's QUITE the difference.

the hammer doesn't have enchantment in that time

It was Anthro, you plebs.

He's talking about a blonde kid in New York, it's obviously Kamandi when Anthro was time hopping.

>No? Life started on earth does not necessarily mean humans.

Read Sandman. There is a chapter where they tell the number of ACTUAL humans that are immortal and existed in the past.

>I saw a lot of people saying how humans weren't around in 1,000,000 BC,
Sure they weren't any homo sapiens, but they were others human species. They coul have used that and give their characters a less modern human look.

Got the screen for that one? I thought user was talking about the life entity on earth/ life started on earth and not in Maltusia/Oa

There is a literal fuckton of Ghost Riders.

>This will be very dumb but shills will find some way of praising it because drones

I searched for it but couldn't find. I believe is on the first pages of the Destruction arc, where the narrator say how many humans existed on the past and are still alive, he goes back and back, and make sure to point that they are humans.

>Ghost Rider is cool as fuck
>rides a slow ass mammoth

The FIRST human, existing way earlier and also being in North america for some reason.

Even Moz used the same excuse

>Yeah this doesn't make historical sense but this isn't the irl so yeah Humanity began in gotham city.

It served the story needs for teh whole robw thign for Bruce to meet Kamandis tribe so now boom.

In the dcu mankind began in new fucking jersey.

Are you having a stroke?

VENGEANCE IS COMING!....eventually...

I know, I want to know which one is this.

>it's a Sup Forums doesn't read comics episode

Kirby storytime.

You know, just like in our history!

Kamandi ad Anthro are both blond and in New York/Jersey.

Grant was doing a whole Alpha/Omega theme


This was, approximately, 1 million years ago, too.

>I have some minor knowledge on a topic so I will not accept fiction that doesn't adhere to any of the laws of the universe getting that wrong
I fucking hate how the internet criticizes media.
It's like all those faggots who think they're clever for dismissing Disney's Hercules because Hades wasn't a bad guy in real Greek mythology. It's like the whole internet is Cinemasins, except unironically.

I'm sure there's a lot more to hate from Aaron's latest "offering" so really focusing on something completely inconsequential like that just strikes me as people showing off that they know something that is common knowledge and being smug about it.

so much this

>complaining that a superhero comic doesn't reflect IRL history

stop the fucking presses
On the real I'm not that interested in this comic but that's a dumb complaint from anyone with even a passing knowledge of the genre.

Why the people who don't read comcis are the ones who like to complain the most about them?

Eternals weren't initially canon to marvel universe, and it's more about Kirby's fascination with pseudo-science

Why people who can't spell comics properly are the first to defend shitty comics?

This is Marvel right?

You identified a typo, you might be really proud of yourself.

Selene is 17.000 years old, I wish this were more recent, kinda like Selene's lifespan, not a million years ago.

No, it's early Image

>I would just say that this is a prehistory of the Marvel universe, which is very, obviously very different than what we know.
But I thought that Marvel was realistic and based on science!1!

I certainly am. I am sick of smug fucks like you

I mean this makes sense if you just assume that the Marvel offices are running off old 90s equipment and loading a single gif for one of the covers takes about 5 minutes.

In that respect I'm sure processing all of them did in fact break their internet.

>Marvel always been supposed to have history being "like our",

I must have missed the lesson where Newton lived into the 1940s.

What I said that isn't true?

>not saying skelephant
Talk about a wasted opportunity

Everything. Assuming that people criticize because they don't read comics is pretty cuntish thing to do

People are literally complaining about something that is an actual thing on Marvel since decades ago, and is not new on the Big 2. Hell it's famous Kirby work and quite important for the MU lore.

You on the other side is REEEEing at a typo because you lack arguments.

On the one hand it makes sense that the Marvel universe doesn't follow the same timeline as the real world universe. And it's not like this will affect the actual story in any meaningful way other than autists losing their shit over the date being wrong.

On the other hand, why not just change the 1,000,000BC to 100,000BC and not have to come up with justifications for it? Just becaise one million is a cooler number?

>not just calling it Avengers 10,000 BC
Hell even 100,000 years ago there were people and that's far enough back to be outside of recorded history, there's no reason to extend it back beyond the known age of modern man (300,000 years)

>Just becaise one million is a cooler number?


Watching marvelfags trying to do crowd control is amazing

Because they shouldn't have to come up with justifications for it either way. The justification is inherent to the setting; a world where the Norse Gods exist as aliens and there's a long history of sorcerers on Earth doesn't necessarily have to follow real history, especially abstracting back that far.

Jesus christ, it's like you don't get it.
Just because I like Kirby's work, it does not mean that I want sub-par writers to rehash his ideas.
Kirby >>>>>>>>>>crap>>>>>> Aaron

>Even Moz used the same excuse

yes: mostly like our history, Eternals and Deviants had little effect on the greater course of history, with the normal humans going to be themselves.

Source on this happening 1 millions years ago?
Because he Celestial gene-modding apes happening 1 millions years ago make sense, but they, as we read, were the ANCESTORS of mankind.

More broadly, this is yet another symptom of the big problem of Marvel in general: readers don't have any trust in its authors.
So instead of reacting with trust to about getting things explained or simple suspension of disbelief, readers instead react with distrust and nitpicking because the authors didn't manage to get them involved enough to not care about technicalities.

This is a FAULT OF THE AUTHORS but they act like it's a PROBLEM OF THE READERS.

Most changes are no influential to the greater flow of history.

Except one must SELL those changes.
See above.

>More broadly, this is yet another symptom of the big problem of Marvel in general: readers don't have any trust in its authors.
>So instead of reacting with trust to about getting things explained or simple suspension of disbelief, readers instead react with distrust and nitpicking because the authors didn't manage to get them involved enough to not care about technicalities.
Yeah it's not like people do that with everything nowadays.

Not to say that Marvel's writers aren't shit but this is complaining about concept, not the undoubtedly poor execution.

It's a mix of both.
It's complaining about the concept because there is no doubt the execution will be poor.

Resurrecting Bucky was a bullshit idea, but the execution was good enough to sell it.

As the execution is preemptively though poor but it's yet to be published, the only thing remained to talk about is the concept, which by itself combined with lack of trust in the author, comes short to justify itself.

Yup. I would be fine with it if not every team had to be called the Avengers. If they were just a team formed in that era, cool. Otherwise no.

Yeah, that doesn't help either.
Causes the whole thing looking like milking the brand instead of being an interesting idea.

Which by itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but added to everything else just takes only its negative connotation.

Unless the explanation is "well, none of these are actual humans" then the explanation is wrong.

Look, I don't give a shit about the topic and i don't care that a bunch of liberal art majors comicbook writers are unaware that humans weren't around a million years ago. I'm not expecting anything more than grade school knowledge from these people so this one didn't even raise an eyebrow for me.

But I do despise duplicity and willful ignorance. When this little factual error is brought to their attention, they try to handwave it away by saying "well, this is Odin". OK, but having a semi-decent excuse for one of the characters is not an excuse for all 7 of them. You're wrong, you know you're wrong, but instead of admitting to it and learning, you feel the need to lie to cover up your ignorance. That, I'll call out.

The thing is, there was an easy out. "1mil BC was just a cool tagline, we know its more like 20k bc but that doesn't have zing to it". Maybe even note how the "DC One Million" event, 1mil years in the *future* and possibly part of the inspiration for Marvel's event, wasn't exactly 1mil years in the future but something like 830 thousand years. They still called it "one million" and nobody gave a crap.

I absolutely hate when insecure people who double-down on mistakes.

What IS the mistake?

Which there shouldn't be

boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder

>Maybe even note how the "DC One Million" event, 1mil years in the *future* and possibly part of the inspiration for Marvel's event, wasn't exactly 1mil years in the future but something like 830 thousand years
One Million was One Million MONTHS(issues) in the future.
Guess what is the result of One Million by 12(months)? 83 thousand years.

But, yeah. I think selling it as "just a cool tagline" would have resolved everything.
But many authors like, apparently, Aaron want their work to be taken seriously... while telling people "it's comics".

Seriously, if "it's comics" works then "it's just a tagline" works as well and nullify any possible comeback.
Iron man, after all, isn't actually Invincible, isn't him?

why not?
In-story it has been revealed that the "spirit of vengeance" is a fragment of God's Wrath that bound to various mortals, and that Johnny's and Danny's being fused with other spirits was actually unrelated to them being Ghost Riders-
No reason to think only one person at any time should become a Ghost Rider, or that Johnny had to be the first one ever.

The in-story explanation was sufficiently coherent with the previous history of the characters so the suspension of disbelief is preserved-

Honestly I just think Jason Aaron sucks.

>Unless the explanation is "well, none of these are actual humans" then the explanation is wrong.

Or the explanation that this is set in a superhero universe that isn't bound to the conventions of real history.

But that most of the history of mankind is the same as our was SHOWN OVER THE YEARS.
It's part of the setting: "Mostly our own history"

There are exceptions, obviously. But on a history book they would be like, side notes.
(With the exception of the Hyborian age, but it was basically reset back to pre-history and lasted a couple thousand years at best... nothing actually relevant. A paragraph in history books.)

Having something resembling Homo Sapiens around over twice as long changes A LOT because it stops being about Human History and becomes about Human Evolution.

Now, there are many ways this can be resolved in-story keeping everything coherent with what we did previously known.
But the problem with Author Trust shows itself: readers don't trust the authors to give them a satisfying explanation or a sufficiently entertaining story that would generate sufficient suspension of disbelief to ignore the problem.

And I do believe Marvel is dangerously underestimating how important is the readers' Trust in the Authors.

Marvel kinda shot themselves in the foot there. The homage variant covers actually got a lot of orders initially. Then Marvel decided, looking at their success, to turn all the homage variant covers into lenticular covers and charge more for all of them. The stores, not wanting these lenticular covers, cancelled their orders.

Had Marvel just made it so there was a normal version and a lenticular version then all would be fine and dandy, but they decided to force the lenticular versions on everyone.

>is The Eternals Marvel
Jesus Christ, I miss when this board wasn't just a Sup Forums subboard.

I apologize I haven't read a lot of golden age comics. I'm asking so I can broaden my horizons and maybe pick it up in the future.

>why not?

something something the classic ones should be the only ones because uniques something something

>and charge more for all of them.
wait, what?
JPop(Italian publisher) did something similar lately, switching all the pre-ordered #1 issues of a new series to the Limited edition, but they charged the same.
Guess what? They had an increase in orders.

OBVIOUSLY people would cancel their orders if they were suddenly forced to buy a more expensive version they didn't ask for in first place.Especially if there is a sensible difference in price: a, I dunno, 10cents difference might have gone without problems, but I'm going to bet it was at very least 1$ or more, right?

>golden age comics

>Golden Age

Why haven't you read everything by Kirby yet?

what are you replying to? because your conclusion was *my* conclusion, instead of doubling-down on the ignorance just acknowledge its a tagline.

Did you get lost halfway through your reply?

He was correcting you on saying that DC One Million was only a tagline but still agreeing with your main point.

I did correct you on One Million not being just a random tagline but having a specific meaning.

Then I went on agreeing with you and expanding motivation.

>but retards ill find some way of working themselves into a frothing anger
I can tell you what will happen. Aaron will STILL find a way to force feminism into this story somehow. SJWs always find a way to look at the past through a modern political lense.

Hey, shut up

I get Odin, BP, Phoenix and Ghost rider but how that fuck are they going to explain a hulk and sorcerer supreme with the same relics a million years in the past?

What the fuck are you talking about?

>how that fuck are they going to explain a hulk
He's not actually a Hulk., he's a neanderthal empowered by the Starbrand. He just fills the Hulk role on the team.