Rick and Morty - Pre-Premiere Discussion Hype Thread

Rick and Morty get a vacation, I guess. They didn't really do anything on their own this entire season.

"Rest and Ricklaxation"
>Rick and Morty need a break.

>Sneak Peek:


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Really hating how "normal" this season is, hooefully it leads to evil morty


Love the show btw

I predict another boring episode.

I hope Rick gets fucked and Morty kills a man.

>In and out, 20 minutes adventure

Looks cool so far. Sort of a Wonder Years vibe with Morty trying to get with Jessica. I get the feeling this is where shit is going to start getting real for Morty though, since he hasn't really been the main focus of many episodes. Besides Vindicators I guess.

I hate how these shows air late Sunday night, I'm not going to be able to watch this until after work tomorrow

Isn't this episode supposed to get pretty fucked up, though?


>Justin Roiland has every minute of the new season of “Rick and Morty” accounted for, which makes it easy for the cartoon co-creator to pinpoint the exact moment that’s making him anxious.

>It’s the last bit of the sixth episode in the third season. “We need to pop the hood on just the end,” Roiland explained inside the Burbank studio that houses the Adult Swim series.

>Yet even with the necessary, and happy, distraction of Episode 5, Roiland repeatedly returned to the perceived problem at the end of Episode 6 until co-creator Dan Harmon gleefully appeared with the solution: “It’s a classic ‘Star Trek’ episode with the malfunctioning transporter!”

Who cares, everyone pirates it anyway.

Agreed. Sunday is the worst night to air new stuff

Well yeah, I'm not going to be able to pirate it until after work tomorrow.

>no early spoiler pic leaks from Misseps

Guess we're going in blind on this one then.

Good. Fuck leaked pics

it's really fucked up that morty is still trying to "live a teenage life" and have a highschool romance considering what he's done.

Rate the episodes so far.

The Rickshank Redemption - 10/10
Rickmancing The Stone - 5/10
Pickle Rick - 8/10 (fuck you people I liked it)
The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy - 8/10

Where to, Miami?

Now that he's starting to go loony I wonder if there's a chance of him going full rape on Jessica?

>implying the show will ever address how morty has done things worse than casually mutilating a guy but goes back to "just a normal kid"


Pickle Rick has honestly been one of the better episodes. Whirly Dirly was two good ideas for episodes shoved together into a disappointing mess. Rickshank was pretty great if you ignore how it was just a way to not deal with continuity.

So does Rick need Jerry for something?

He could have easily killed him and made a Jerry robot that does nothing like in the Mad Max episode.

The only thing he needs him for is keeping Morty happy.

Right, so he could make a Jerry robot.

Morty would notice you idiot

he wants that pasty Jerry dick

Why should he go through that much effort? Why would he make the effort to KILL Jerry?

I remember seeing the post-adventure joke before. Did they use that clip in some preview a few months back?

Yea just like Beth (who's smarter than Morty) noticed when Rick replaced the whole family.

And Morty doesn't really care about his dad anymore.

He didn't need to make any effort, just leave him strapped to that chair.

But then he has to replace Jerry. Make a robot duplicate or something and he's already proved that's a very, very short term solution.

Beth wasn't looking too smart when she didn't notice them. Morty would probably notice when his dad suddenly acts like a parody of himself.

>Morty doesn't really care about his dad anymore
He cares at least a little, since he made Rick take him on an adventure.

Yeah, it was a preview.

>Rick and Morty go on vacation
>Entire episode is them watching interdimensional cable on the flight over
How would you feel?

He said he made Rick take Jerry on an adventure as an excuse to not go on an adventure.

fuck no

The sad thing is I could see it.

The only thing worse would be a clipshow.

didn't staff say they weren't doing those anymore

He already did that in season one.

Pickle Rick was the worst goddamn episode ever.

It literally did nothing but spell out what every other episode in the series has already told us about their family dynamic.

Worse it did it while undermining several characters and doing the classic Hollywood "Ohh ignore the poor writing and character assassination and just look at the flashy action over here!" bullshit that Rick and Morty has largely avoided.

But did they say they wouldn't do inter-dimensional satellite? or inter-dimensional wifi?

He seemed pretty convinced that he needed to bring Jerry back to keep Morty happy.

The reason Rick keeps Jerry alive is because he can't bring himself to kill his own father.

Yea cause Morty manipulated him.

>morty is smart enough to manipulate rick
>beth is smarter than morty
Which of the new writers are you?


Finally, an evil Morty!

I think the first one was the weakest the rest is good.

I predict another thread full of whiners nagging about every tiny little complaint remotely possible of complaining about

That's honestly a pretty unique opinion.

It wasn't very funny or interesting. I don't get the hype.

I got his back, the first episode is probably the weakest episode thus far this season.

But you also thought every other episode was good? Not just in comparison?

How long until that one guy makes a hot autotuned steaming pile of remix from this episode and generates huge amounts of ad revenue for doing little to no work?

i-i think they're catchy

I am Alive was a Jam

Do we really a hype thread nine hours before the show fucking airs?


The other eps are not the best eps of the show but also not the worst. They aren't as bad as "interdimensional cable 2" or "Get Schwifty".

>Beth (who's smarter than Morty)



Last episode wasn't enough for you?


The Rickshank Redemption - Fuck you, fans, have a reset. Still 5/10.
Rickmancing The Stone - 4/10 Summer and Morty dick around in Mad Max world for 20 minutes.
Pickle Rick - 6/10 fun action.
Vindicators 3 - 6/10, the whole Saw parody is fun, but not exactly creative.
The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy - 6/10 felt kind of empty, but at the same time really light, and fun in a mild way.

Just a heads up, I'm grading these compared to the body of other R&M episodes. Compared to other shows and even stand-alone, most of these would have considerable higher marks.

If Morty rode Ethan, it would've. Unfortunately that didn't happen, so I need a gayer episode.

Well, this one will have plenty of dicks in it.

Beth is more intelligent than Morty. Morty is smarter when it comes to weird shit because he's been around it much more. You don't immediately think "robots" when your family is acting kind of strange.

He deserves no acclaim for making them, but it doesn't mean they are bad. They aren't much from a creative standpoint, but they are fun to listen to.

>canon breast enlargement
>doesn't keep them
Why is this a thing?

>"H-hey guys, look, this character would look like this with bigger boobs!..."
>"...I-it's just a joke though... heh-heh..."
>"S-she won't keep them, please don't write angry letters!"

>we are going to ruin everything and go to a new world where beth and jerry arent divorce drama and summer isnt a coke head.

robot morty becoming self aware and doing shit should have been its own whole episode.


Speaking of which. Why can't the monster of the week style episodes take place in various universes? Why does C-137 Rick get all the focus?

best you anything it'll be like that FG episode where Brian and Stewie go to Los Vegas and they mistakenly clone themselves with a warp pad accident. R&M clones we follow on a wacky adventure till they die/get fuck, normal R&M do jack shit.

people will not follow it. You mix that shit up all the time then you have flight and die ratings like Robot Chicken. People want continuity they can follow. That said if they were smart each season would be 12 episodes following one reality and then changing to a new one with perhaps a fun episode that ties the current and last season together.


Honestly? Not bad for shad. I guess because the nose isn't the typical fair.

He's doing more than you are, at least

it hasn't aired yet.

You think there's an alternate universe where rick and jerry became good buddies after the last episode? think there's a universe where summer kept her giant tits?

I think The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy is one of the best episodes from all 3 seasons.

Better than the inception episode or anatomy park or gazorpazorp (in my opinon) and better than interdimensional cable 2, total rickall, rickle in time or schwifty.

The best episodes (in my opinion) are those that I enjoy rewatching several times, like the satan episode, the first counsel of ricks episode, unity ep, miniverse ep, tiny rick ep, wedding ep, and whirly dirly.

Come and tell me how shit and plebeian my opinions are :^)

>not even a minute into the promo, crying and feelings are spilt everywhere

Oh boy, So Rebecca Sugar is guest writing.

7/10 opinion. Would not fuss over.

Also forgot to mention that s3e1 is pretty good imo, but not as good as the other episodes I listed as best

No, you autist. It's to generate artificial hype in normies: "WOW, if Rick motherfucking Sanchez is shaken-up it must be fucking hardcore!!!!!1". At least that's why it's in the promo. The thing is that it tells us fucking nothing of the episodes story. It just gets faggots speculating on what happened in that week that we won't get to see anyway.

What do you find so rewatchable about Whirly Dirly? It was pretty so-so in my opinion, and infinitely disappointing since a Jerry/Rick episode had the potential to be really interesting and funny, but it mostly wasn't.

Relax kiddo.

>shoulder freckles
Nice. Why do we dislike this guy?

There are, but not in the central finite curve.

Summers a loli now apparently
not that I mind

Nah I mostly agree, I would just add the purge episode in the pile of the "rewatchables" because that's the one I've seen the most because I genuinely love it

I'll look at summer's central finite curve if you pick up my lay down.


>Rick and Morty need a break
Yeah because they totally went to sooo many adventures this season,right guys?
Oh wait,they only did it once.

Every episode they act more and more out of character. Rick is a God machine in the first episode going far past what he was able to do in the past, episode 2 he openly cares about the kids while the kids are high and happy living in hell. episode 3 no one was making any sense even Beth was a mega bitch past what she usually is. Episode 4 Morty is just an asshole. Finally in episode 5 Beth goes full stupid and cares about a bf she has cheated on more than once and had a fucking epiphany three times in all three seasons that life is chaos and you should just enjoy the ride but melts when a boy doesn't want her. Now for six we get to watch Rick and Morty have a meltdown over something that isn't even their hardest adventure, I mean they have cheated death a total of 14 times so far so for this to be the breaker is fucking stupid.

>crying and feelings are spilt everywhere
Thats the joke you retard. Rick and Morty went on an adventure that was so long and dangerous it made them break down. And it all happened off screen. Holy shit stupid people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions.

i would be lying if i said i didnt like the whirly dirly one.

nice meme

i mean i allready knew you where an autist based on "dissapointed robot man" but damn.
I also love how you think crying in any source of media you directly associate with rebecca sugar.She totally invented crying.

He's objectively better than 90% of smut artists out there, but if you must: his talent is disproportionally small compared to his popularity, he barely improves with years of activity, he was an edgelord when he was young, is into dumb fetishes, he can sketch fine and then ruins it with his Mexican van artstyle coloring. Pick one, because if you hate him for all of those, you're a tryhard.