Just finished pic related and holy fuck have I not been this entertained in a long, long time.

Any word on season 2? Also general Lastman thread.

Other urls found in this thread:!5OATzZ5a!9U7nzCnCDeMwiPlRprfoqg!kH51UIaS!2VrAWwjmtPtqNujUPB7SD8KPiVEpQcyRhHF4-kIrpNU

Barring an adaptation of the comic, I doubt we'll be getting a season 2. This season was only made on the back of kickstarter afterall.

Good things don't happen
Time to read the comic

Anyone have the mega links?

I have the first three issues of the comic but I don't have a scanner

Re-reading the first volume last night after watching 3/4 of the show made me appreciate the overall plot even more.

Still got four episodes to go. I'm expecting the apocalypse.

Any word on an official or fan translation of Tome 7-10?

The company that was doing the english translations couldn't secure the Tomes 7+ publishing rights due to poor sales on 1-6. If the sales on 1-6 were to suddenly pick up and show more interest then they might be able to get those rights and start publishing them.

Watching it was one hell of a ride considering all of my knowledge of the series comes from the video game. The tournament finals and the last episode is really made me love this show. Fucking Duke Diamonds.

Also do the comics pick up where the show ends or is there some sort of gap in between?

When should more storytime for #4 be happening?!5OATzZ5a!9U7nzCnCDeMwiPlRprfoqg

>is there some sort of gap in between
~13 year timeskip.

>When should more storytime for #4 be happening?
I was going to do it today, but ended up getting side-tracked by some other stuff. I'll be doing it tomorrow though so keep an eye out for it.

Jesus Christ. I kinda hope they do another season if they can then. In the meantime I'll just start reading the comic I guess. Maybe even reinstall the game.

Thanks, user.


Where can I buy the comic? my lcs doesnt have it

That moment at the end when those hands slap in the ring, pure fucking magic. I love this series so damn much, it's like hellboy meets battle tendency.

Amazon. Each tome is only like $6.

>at the start of the final episode when it did the little "Previously on Lastman" segment and it quickly recaps the entire series by flashing important frames

Shit like that gets me rock hard.

Final episode was amazing on all fronts.

Ok, so maybe Nillipolis was always a shitty run-down place, but it looked like a sleepy tourist city in the show and managed to turn into Thunderdome by vol. 3.

At least it did tie up some obvious loose ends.

THANK GOD for you user. I've been looking for a fucking torrent almost everywhere! I don't have or want to make a Mega account just to bypass their dumbass size/bandwidth limit.

duke... had a hard life

going by what also happened in the comics, Aldana has a shittier life.

I feel like watching the series just made reading comic (thanks to user who storytimed it, by the way) worse. Don't get me wrong, the series is awesome, but I think I'd have less questions about what the fuck is going on. Like who is Christo.

does anyone know where to find the english versions of tomes 7-9?

You will love the Cristo reveal. It's very very anime. I still feel giddy with the implications.

Fuck this guy

Why is "Mendoza" the go-to name for a cop?

>search lastman on r34 hoping for some tomie lewds
>1 image
>it's this fucker

Taking lastman requests.

Some of the names in Lastman are references. At least I noticed it in the comics.

Do you realize that in Japan, some series are so good and respected, that no one actually thinks of making r34 of them because they don't want to cheapen it? I wouldn't want to cheapen Lastman at all with porn

Yeah, I know about the "type" they reference. Visually, you have H looking a lot like Jean Reno, the Bogaroffs (which have two separate names, Hamilton bros. on the tournament board and Seures (sp?) bros. when they fight with them), etc.

But seriously, it seems like if any TV show, film, cartoon, comic, etc. has cops, one will be a Mendoza.

to the people who read tomes 7-10 can you explain me how pax town went from an 80's surrealist vice city kind of place to a futuristic utopia ?

I'd like to know where people got access to tomes 7-10

the authors of the ocmic did a lot of hardocre hentai with the character according to balak, he said maybe one day they will publish a doujinshi with all that material

in this page they have almost all the tomes (in french)

Yea I don't mind them being in French. I suppose I can muddle through them since the comic is quite visual. I can just go through them again when an English translation comes out which will make it better the second time around.

I also forgot to do this.

Thank you.

you´re welcome user

I've read the first 6 volumes (thanks danke) and I still don't get why Richard even fought in the tournament. Just to prove he can? Or what?

you mean the tournament in the valley of kings?
he was running away from pax town, he just wanted to start anew in someplace else and since he was one of the only two people in pax town who knew about a city magically hidden from the rest of the world (he didnt knew about the new order of the lion) the valley of the kings
seems like thje best choice to run away, since everything he knows is about fights, the tournamente was his best choice for getting some good cash and reputation for his new start, but for some reason the mafia ctually knew how to go to the valley of the kings and (in a way) everything was for nothing

>seeing as there is a lastman thread up
I've translated volume 7 with google translate it's not perfect but it is pretty good!kH51UIaS!2VrAWwjmtPtqNujUPB7SD8KPiVEpQcyRhHF4-kIrpNU

I'd advise using adobe pdf reader for some reason the font goes a bit weird on browser

And please buy the books, support Lastman

good job user, thanks!
i stll hope one day there´s an offical release or some translation made by a french speaking translator
nonetheless your efforts are greatly appreciated, thanks you so much

Bumping so more people see this


Also Firefox seems to read the font correctly

That's awesome, thanks! Do you plan to do the same for 8 through 10?

Probably although it may take some time

I want to see more of Tomie having steamy sex with Richard while still mad with him for cheating

You are a hero

I don't even know what this is, I want to be a part of the club guys

Risking a chance for good relationship with a superstar bombshell for a /fit/ nubian peasant with shitty hair.

Wait wait wait, Mr. H is that guy who worked with Mendoza? So satisfying to finally connect SOME dots with the series.

So in the comics you can just cross the veil aslong as youre in the right place? You dont need the cup of champions?

Because Mr H shows up just like that in the valley of kings in the first volumes and Cudnas ex spy also went across in tome 7

Watch the cartoon

Just finished this and damn it certainly needs a second season.

The soundtrack is pretty dope

I prefer "First Fight" to "Last Fight"

What a rollercoaster, damn. All of my feels.

Watch the show:

Then once you're done with that, check out the comic.

The path through the veil was opened by Chorum and Howard at the end of the show. It stayed open after that, but you still needed to know how to navigate through the Iguana Queen's Breath to get to the Valley and know where the opening was.

Yep. I'm going to be doing Tome 4 storytime today which should allow you to connect some more dots.

Too late, I already read everything, including google translated Tome 7 from user. Still it'll be nice to talk about it. Is there more about Siri and how soon is it? I was spoiled by threads, and it's a shame that so far I had only one breadcrumb (that talk with psychic knight) made obvious by spoiler.

Tome 9 makes it pretty explicit. She keeps pictures of Dave, Richard and Chubby in her room, and after getting injured, she goes to Dave's Gym to treat her wounds.

That picture of Dave in Richard's bag though. Pulls on my heartstrings.

Sooo... Maybe someone have 4-6 books in English?

Current Win-o-Thread has them.

Thank you.

Wawe this sho is epic so epic

What is this and where can I watch this?

There's at least one Mega and a magnet in the thread. Otherwise it airs on Channel 4 in France and VRV in the US.

On a related note does anyone know how to get VRV in Europe?

So, Howard is basically the "main antagonist", right?

Pretty much.

didn't it lose money?

Barely even related, but does anyone remember another french conic about a guy who travels to another world to rescue his girlfriend who ended up being a lizard princess and the longer he stayed he started to turn into a lizard dude?

>hating based Howard

Ah fuck it tells me something


Fucking thank you, I knew it started with K but could only think of Les Kassos.

Storytime for T4:
A lot of returning characters from the comic for this one.

Don't we have a handful of french to English translators on Sup Forums? I remember Petite recently being translated. Maybe they should just give a quick double check to google translate jobs like this.

Also Bellybuttons. Guess we'd need to get their attention and hope they're interested.

Richard Aldana fighting Mike Tyson in his Mike Tyson Mysteries getup.

We should ask sosich. He does a lot books.

Will you still love him after seeing what he looks like when he reappears in the comic?

so he will not end with blue hair woman

this pair of tits was associated with this book in some way

and im jealous as fuck

oh, that's so Balak it hurts

*France 4

Why did you post a picture of Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli?

>tfw no one wants to watch Last Man and instead just bitch about how it's on VRV

god damn

he has done what i wanted to do with a comic

what do i do now?

I wish I could watch it if VRV was available in my country.