ITT-people Sup Forums blows out proportion but arent really that bad

>ITT-people Sup Forums blows out proportion but arent really that bad
Literally all the problems with the show besides townie filler originated from zuke. Sugars kinda spuneless and she couldnt reel her staff in until it reached a boiling point and fired zuke, and honestly sugar seems like a nice person.

Always thought it was funny that her last name is Sugar and she writes such a cutesy sweet show.

>that weird moment when you fall for a reverse trap

Did you believe the memes that she was a young Jewish boy?

Do you know what a reverse trap is?

no. But she kind of looks like a dude I knew in HS so it's kind of freaking me out.

I love Funhaus

Yes, a girl who looks like a boy. Like Naoto from Persona, right?

Zuke wasn't exactly the source of everything wrong either.

Even with Lapidot, the other boarders portrayed them the same way.


And I love Rebecca, I really do, but she honestly does look like a young Michael Cera with that haircut. She even managed to pull off cosplaying as Luffy:

>Literally all the problems with the show besides townie filler originated from zuke
How could you say something so wrong, about a show that was flawed at the very concept, especially considering it was shit long before she ever came onboard, and continues to be shit after. The hatred of Zuke is completely unfounded, sure she's a faggot, but in no way worse than the rest of the staff. Stop shifting blame for your shit onto anyone but the person who created it. Rebecca ruins everything she touches.

forgot pic

>Even with Lapidot, the other boarders portrayed them the same way.
Shes the one who took it to cancerous levels

>Rebecca ruins everything she touches.
She did fine with AT and Hotel Transylvania was completely untouched.

Everything is a hyperbole when she's only been professionally animating since 2010.

How is this SJW?

Aren't we always telling people to make their own shows if they want to see gays/blacks/women in shows, they should make their own?

>show is bad just because its got gay characters
This show has a lot of problems but the LGBT undertones arent one of them. Also even with all its problems i still love the show and am pissed its been effectively cancelled and reruns have been taken off in favor of more TTG cancer

She literally did nothing wrong.

By this logic, Milestone is shit because they decided to wanted to have black characters in comics.

If you didn't know who she was, would you really think she was young boy?

>Literally all the problems with the show
All stem from the show existing.
Fuck Sugar, fuck Singing & Crying Universe, and fuck Bipolarity Time.

>Literally all the problems with the show besides townie filler originated from zuke. Sugars kinda spuneless and she couldnt reel her staff in until it reached a boiling point and fired zuke, and honestly sugar seems like a nice person.

Objectively false. If anything the majority of the problems with this show had nothing to do with the Zuke drama.

>hey, X is pretty cool
>I like X
>really? I like X too!
>fuck man, I LOVE X!
>holy shit, stop talking about X, faggots
>why are there 4 X threads up at once?
>Xfags are so fucking annoying, holy shit
>X thread? better start spamming in it, hopefully it will get 404ed
>go back to your containment thread, Xfags
>go back to your containment board, Xfags
>months later
>you know now that the dust has settled, X is pretty cool
Literally the nature of everything that ever touches Sup Forums. Becky Sucrose is rad though, I bet her in person and she's really cool.

maybe because im bi but i actually think shes really cute and am jealous ian gets to bone her

Who this?

*met her in person

Alright then, tell me why the show is bad without saying its because its gay or there crying in it
What was she like?

Ow, the edge.

Seth MacFarlane. for similar reasons to those OP posted.

social climbing twat who couldn't write relationships to save her skin

VivziePop. She made a webcomic called Zoophobia, that one werewolf video with the Kesha song, and is now working on a web series called Hazbin Hotel. Sup Forums hates her for reasons I can't quite fathom. I think it might have to with some overblown drama with another artist, but the details for that are really flimsy, or just plain not liking her work and deciding that makes her a horrible person.

But what do I know. I'm some faggot who shitposts on Sup Forums.

Zuke did nothing wrong

>social climbing twat
How so?
>couldn't write relationships to save her skin
Eh, I'd disagree with this.

this, even if its not the best, it's not like its forced because she's been pressure by consumers

She's really nice. I met her at MAGfest when Attack the Light and the episode On the Run were announced. I told her that her show helped me though a trying time in my life (was going through a bad breakup then) and she was very happy to hear that. She was quiet but really nice, so pretty much the same how she is in interviews. She's just an overall genuinely nice gal.

>She did fine with AT
This is the worst thing she did.
Reminder that she is at fault for
>Flame Princess
>Fionna and Cake
>Jake the Dog
>I remember you/Simon and Marcy
She killed AT.
>Blacks are the same as gays
Putting a political message above good story telling is retarded. So unless they have another excuse for their inability to tell an engaging or even moderately serviceable story, this is a problem.
>its been effectively cancelled and reruns have been taken off in favor of more TTG cancer
It's not canceled and TTG is unironically not as bad as this garbage fire. TTG is mediocre and boring, but SU is painful to watch.
There is no "we" you might have said this, I disagree, leave the gay pairings to the fans to headcanon about in their sex chats.

>There is no "we" you might have said this, I disagree, leave the gay pairings to the fans to headcanon about in their sex chats.
So gay creators aren't allowed to have gay characters on their own show?
That's such ass backwards logic.

That's a shitty picture, OP. Here's a better one.

>Fionna and Cake
That was Natasha Allegri you retard.

>So gay creators aren't allowed to have gay characters on their own show?
When like half of your characters are some sort of queer in a kids show, it starts to get ridiculous, yeah.

>They aren't allowed
When did I say this? You can think something is stupid without thinking they should be forbidden from doing this. I don't think you should disagree with me but I'm not going to throw you in jail for it. I just won't agree with you or like what you said. These are opinions user, we're all just talking opinions.
All of "her" pictures are shitty, "she" looks like a horse got plastic surgery
[pic related]


The pacing is off, the world building depends on mystery which is only ever upheld behind a wall of 'I don't need to tell you this until later despite the fact that it would be pertinent information for you to know' and people just not asking questions or reacting to phenomenon like normal people would, the fact that Steven's powers are at a point where they border on OP and could potentially negate any form of tension because he can now potentially rez anyone, the fact that many of the conflicts are resolved by deus ex machina with a random power or person or object conveniently coming in to save the characters at the last minute, the consequences that do occur out of character's stupid/selfish actions are either so insignificant that they could be ignored or significantly postponed/only addressed after hundreds of episodes. The fact that townies are focused on for the purpose of 'well we got to care about the earth somehow and understand why the gems want to protect the earth' despite the fact that the gems don't remotely care about these people or the earth at all except out of some selfish/delusional obligations.

I thought Fiona and Cake was Nat's fault.

>This is som how half
90% of the cast is straight.

Fionna and Cake was Nat's brainchild. She actually come up with the idea during a rule 63 thread on Sup Forums.

Sugar did work on the episode but to say she's completely responsible for them is stupid.

>F&C is a fault
have you tried fapping to her?

How is it stupid though?
You seem to think that having gay characters is bad on principal.

I love Becky. She's so punk

>Blacks are the same as gays
Not what I said but thank you for proving you're retarded.

She only made the characters, who aren't bad, in fact Allegri's comics with them are good. I was referring to the episode Fionna and Cake, which was a dumpster fire, and am completely willing to admit Sugar did a better job in the later F&C episode Bad little boy.

You compared having gay characters in a comic to having black characters, which is radically fucking different.

I fucking hate these faggots. Think media always brainwashes people.

>All of "her" pictures are shitty, "she" looks like a horse got plastic surgery
She's currently engaged to her boyfriend of eight years, she must be doing something right.

>Fionna and Cake
>Jake the Dog
>I remember you/Simon and Marcy
All good episodes. I don't like SU, but your hateboner for Sugar is unjustified. She's got talent.

>You compared having gay characters in a comic to having black characters, which is radically fucking different.
How so? Keep in mind, there were plenty of gay characters in Milestone.

Someone for everyone user, doesn't mean she doesn't look worse than a bear's dirty foot. Also, source?

You mean this guy?

You can see an engagement ring during the SDCC 2017 footage. There's an interview with her where it's in plain sight.
Is it weird I find these two cute together?

>and am completely willing to admit Sugar did a better job in the later F&C episode Bad little boy.
Hell no, the first F+C is the only good one. Bad Little Boy was less like a parody of fanfiction and more like actual fanfiction.

>TTG is unironically not as bad as this garbage fire
Kill yourself



What ever happened to that show Ian went solo for?

>The pacing is off, the world building depends on mystery which is only ever upheld behind a wall of 'I don't need to tell you this until later despite the fact that it would be pertinent information for you to know' and people just not asking questions or reacting to phenomenon like normal people would, the fact that Steven's powers are at a point where they border on OP and could potentially negate any form of tension because he can now potentially rez anyone, the fact that many of the conflicts are resolved by deus ex machina with a random power or person or object conveniently coming in to save the characters at the last minute, the consequences that do occur out of character's stupid/selfish actions are either so insignificant that they could be ignored or significantly postponed/only addressed after hundreds of episodes. The fact that townies are focused on for the purpose of 'well we got to care about the earth somehow and understand why the gems want to protect the earth' despite the fact that the gems don't remotely care about these people or the earth at all except out of some selfish/delusional obligations.
Holy shit, that actually was a good argument and didnt devolve into name calling. Good job user

By what fucking standard are Gotcha or Jake the Dog good episodes?
I can understand Simon and Marcy/I remember you, people like the songs, even though the story they told was cliche boring garbage that never even needed to be known, and the entire plot connected to them was disappointing. But there is literally no redeeming factor in Jake the Dog or Gotcha.
Shit opinion, immediately discarded.
So, random speculation based on jewellery. got it.

He had to do a quick rewipe.

OK KO? It's still on, I think.

Better and more likable than the actual crystal gems

Oh, that's his show? I guess I'll try it then. Looked not so hot but for him, I'll give ti a go.

>So, random speculation based on jewellery. got it.
You do realize it's called the "ring finger" for a fucking reason, right?

Yes but she can't go to space due to it having no streets.

You literally have no idea who, if anyone, she's engaged to.

>special snowflake love interest that never really does anything a love interest does
>the traitor that had character development until she turned into the AYYY LMAO meme character
>the rape victim

god damn that is some awful art

Anything's better than toaster nose.

>has been in a relationship with Ian Jones-Quartey for 8 years and counting
>they have helped each other with their animations since college
Really fires up the old neurons.

Eh, I've seen worse.

How tall is lapis?

Taller than Peridot, Steven, Amethyst and Connie, shorter than Garnet and Pearl.

She's not supposed to be the same size as Peridot.

>Is it weird I find these two cute together?
No, they are. But I just hope they don't have kids, it would be cruel and unnecessary.

SIlly man, as long as she can avoid the loo she'll be fine.
>special snowflake love interest that never really does anything a love interest does
She's far funnier and more likable than Steven, and is in no way a bigger snowflake than "THE ONLY HUMAN GEM HYBRID IN EXISTENCE"
>the traitor that had character development until she turned into the AYYY LMAO meme character
Ayyy LMAO MEME > The rest of the shit cast who are at the very least equally unfunny, and at least twice as unlikable and disappointing
>the rape victim
This is a bad thing? Her moody attitude is endearing, it's a good contrast to Peridot.
No fucking idea, that tends to happen when you hire a bunch of talentless hacks to make a cartoon.

Peridot isn't supposed to be the same size as Peridot.

not Sup Forums related and I don't see them get much shit but I agree
Elyse is the funniest woman I've seen in any gaming/lets play YT thing


If you look closely at the pic, she's actually a bit taller than Peridot.
The proportions just make her look smaller.

All of those episodes are good. You didn't list her worst episode, Bad Little Boy, which was boring fan pandering to the highest degree, but I guess that could be included under Fionna and Cake.

Jake the Dog was solid enough even if I agree that the whole Farmworld arc was kind of a waste of time, and Gotcha is a legitimately great episode where LSP was bearable and actually seemed to learn something about herself and other people, and Finn was really cool in it. Plus there was a real nifty adventure thrown in.

>that tends to happen when you hire a bunch of talentless hacks to make a cartoon.
The person who boarded the episode was an EEnE alumni though.


>the rapist

All I know is that they're much better in 2d


Gotcha was sweet. The entire story was about LSP realising what a nice, standup guy Finn is, and it was funny to boot.

Jake the Dog was a great episode. Finn becoming corrupted by the Ice Crown and the whole Farmworld dimension going to shit juxtaposed with Jake and Prismo's banter in the jacuzzi, what's not to like?

>Shit opinion, immediately discarded.
Bad Little Boy is easily one of Sugar's weakest episodes. Practically non-existent story with no real conflict and failed at what the first F+C did so well, which was parodying fanfiction. It lacked self-awareness and wasn't particularly funny or interesting.

Your taste is some of the worst I've seen.

>rapist is trying to fuck you while aiming a gun at you, says let them do it
>you say okay out of fear

>this wasn't a rape in your world
granted Lapis wasn't that bad off and did actually want to do it in the end, but reminder that the first thing she did after getting out of the wreckage was fly away before Jasper grabbed her. it wasn't voluntary, she just decided to capitalize on it to torture Jasper.

>Sugar made 5 (very debatably) bad episodes
>this means she did a horrible job
nigger I could go through the episode list and show all the good shit she did. she was able to make episodes that were funny, had very good action by AT standards, sad, interesting from a character/lore perspective, whatever the fuck. she could do pretty much everything well, and her fuckups were few.
the one thing you could say she did wrong is introduce plots, like Flame Princess or Lady's kids, that weren't able to flower in an interesting and satisfying way because she left the show or wasn't able to be there every step of the way to care for them. Sugar was good and didn't kill the show at all.

and Gotcha is a real fun episode fuck you

she wasn't being held at gunpoint at that moment.
>she just decided to capitalize on it to torture Jasper.
Exactly, she DECIDED. If that's not consenting I don't know what is.

she still didn't want it to happen though, she was just using the rape as revenge while being raped.
it's more like while the person was raping them they pushed both of them out a window and injured the both of them, not the person consenting to it.
once again, her first instinct was to run, not go over to Jasper and fuse.


>You didn't list her worst episode, Bad Little Boy
Her best episode, the episode was simple fun and exciting, it had something to compliment the singing instead of just random movements on screen, There were legitimately good jokes throughout, Marshal Lee's voice actor was perfect for the part. It was a great episode through and through.
>Jake the Dog
The dialogue was awful, there were a few good visuals, any suspense in the episode was killed knowing Jake had his wish, and that it was nothing but an alternate universe.
>Gotcha is a legitimately great episode
I had to read this, with my own two eyes
>episode where LSP was bearable
There is no such thing
>Practically non-existent story with no real conflict
This is a stretch. Fionna and Marshal Lee go to a party and Marshal kidnaps Cake. This episode has as much of a story as any other good AT episode, and as little of a story as any other good AT episode.
>failed at what the first F+C did so well
Nothing. Literally nothing.
>wasn't particularly funny or interesting.
Watch the episode
>I could go through the episode list and show all the good shit she did
Very little
>she was able to make episodes that were funny, had very good action by AT standards, sad, interesting from a character/lore perspective, whatever the fuck. she could do pretty much everything well
Patently false


>there are people alive that thing Rebecca Sugar's best episode was actually Bad Little Boy
What the hell man. For your sake I hope you're a 17 year old girl who had her sexual awakening when that episode first aired and Marshall Lee was just so dreamy, because otherwise how can you have taste so shitty?