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The animation, quality, and models of B:TAS look way better than TNBA and JL(U).

I ship it.

Fucking heretic.

When was the last time Batman was portrayed as a paranoid nutjob?

I love the look Ivy and Robin share

What's your beef? They're both human.

I pretty much agree with each post there in the OP

They are wondering why her girlfriend and his daddy are kissing

But Harley never had a "Bad Day". She chose to throw away her life of privilege and safety away so she could get her rocks off with the Joker. Batman isn't being a nice guy, he wouldn't have done this if she looked like Killer Croc, he's only being nice because she's pretty. He's thinking with his dick not his heart.

All of Harley's problems are of her own creation and she alone is the only one who can solve them.

I don't know why people like think the Timm/Dini version is some kind od beacon of hope. If anything he's the most cynical and ineffective versuon if Batman out there. Remember, he becomes a bitter old man who ends up all alone and senile after having desteoyed the lives of his sidekicks. He leavs gotham an even worse shithole than it was before he he came along. He is a failure of a superhero and if it wasn't for Amanda Waller he would have died a lonely failure.

Plus this particular Batman likes to perv on young, barely legal flesh. It's canon.

You don't even know what the episode is about.

She got out of Arkham after being given a clean bill of mental health, and due to a sort of relapse and also genuine fear, ends up accidentally kidnapping someone.

Batman is trying to help her because for the first time shown, Harley is trying to stay out of trouble. She failed, and that's the tragedy. A lot of the time, the DCAU kept her on the line of a cry for help or genuine super hench mad woman.

She tried and that's why Batman was kind to her.

I've seen the episode, hell i still have my old vhs tapes frm when i recorded the reruns of kid wb.

I was talking about Harley's entire character. Harley from inception has never been consistently written. The only constant is that she choses to be what she is. Her charcterzation shows us her good girl act only ever lasts until the Joker shows up in her life again and then she always, willingly goes back to a life of crime.

Harley Quinn is not a good person and Batman's kindness is wasted on her. Hell if he had done a better job keeping her in Arkham she wouldn't have helped the Joker mindrape Tim Drake. So fat lot of good that did him.

She's not a good person, but she was trying to be. That's enough for someone to deserve help.

She choose to get better, and slipped up. It's more than 99% of Bats' rogue gallery has ever done.

Then you're misunderstanding Batman then when he said "I had a bad day too". He's referring to his origin, yes. But he's not telling Harley that her origin was the same. Rather in that present time, she was having a bad day.

My only beef is there are at least three other episodes where he doesn't buy the villain "going straight" when they really were trying and they just get pushed over the edge and he had 0 sympathy for them.

Batman doesn't trust guy crooks.

>Penguin tries to be a better person
>finds a girlfriend and tries to live a happy life
>IT'S JUST A PRANK BRUH, cue status quo
That was the first time I got mad because of a cartoon. I wish Penguin killed that fucking bitch.

And then this happened.

Ever heard of "Status Quo" OP?

Fuck all this noise. Where's the double buttcrack I've been hearing about?

Yes and that help is in a padded cell in arkham.

That's most of Batman's rogue gallery at one point or another if we're being honest.

No I understood it fine, what i'm saying is that Batman is being stupid for buying her act. That wasn't a bad day for harley, it was a tuesday. And it was a badly written out of character moment for Bats because Harley is Timm and Dini's pet waifu.

This. Harley gets to go good because she's female.

>Yes and that help is in a padded cell in arkham.

Except yknow, the episode points out her having received that help from the padded cell by giving her a certificate stating that she's sane and free to go, you edgelord.

Batman having an even half-decent track record with getting his villains to reform works miles to justify his no-kill policy and flesh him out as a character.
Its like the scene in Killing Joke where Joker compares him and Batman to too mental patients trying to escape. it shows that while Batman may be a crazy cook who dresses as a bat, he's able to engage other crazy cooks on the same level as them and try to show them the way out.

I get that for merchandising reasons his A-list villains are never gonna be allowed to reform in the comics, but there's plenty of sidekicks and D-listers nobody would miss if they got to reform and stay reformed.

Actually, the only serious member of DCAU Batman's rogue's gallery to permanently go straight in the show is The Ventriloquist. Bruce even gets him a job at Wayne Enterprises.

And the doctors at arkham were clearly wrong because they are laughably incompetent and/or Harley tricked them by feigning sanity, something she is quite capable of doing. Remember, she goes on to help a psychotic serial killer kidnap and torture a teenage boy into believing he is their lovechild, sane people don't do that.

Which brings me back to my original point that Batman only bought her good girl act because he was either thinking with his dick or he is just that stupid because he is a terrible Batman.

>plenty of sidekicks and D-listers nobody would miss if they got to reform and stay reformed.
Killer Croc. He's such a meh bad guy that who wouldn't be interested in seeing him reform?

>remember, she does thing that was created for a movie years after this episode aired!

Sure showed me user.

So we ignore canon if it came first?

No but we don't hold events that are yet to come against the presented material. It's the whole Hitler's baby thing. But then again you'd probably be all for infanticide eh, Magneto?

>No but we don't hold events that are yet to come against the presented material.
But it did come, we watch many seasons of it and according to both Timm and Dini it's canon. It's the whole reason they wrote 'Epilogue' in JLU.

It's all the same Harley written Paul Dini, that was her last appereance in DCAU until recently and shows that Harley was always going to be a willing participant in the Jokers anarchy and nothing Batman did was ever going to stop or reform her. Only the Joker's death was enough to stop her and that was done by a mindraped boy.

So everything before that was just pointless dickery by an ineffectual superhero.

>being this delirious

Those babys had it coming.

Yes it did come, well after the events of the image in the OP picture.

So everything before that was just pointless dickery by an ineffectual superhero.

That sums up Batman for the past 30 years

Are you understanding the discussion? Harley was getting pity from Bats when everything before and after that shows she's just as much a monster as the rest of his rouge gallery.

The entirety of "Preptime" hinges on Batman being a paranoid nutjob.

And then she quit and became an elderly lady that's not even a criminal anymore and boxed out the ears of her delinquent grandchildren. What's your point?

That doesn't erase or absolve her of her sins. It just means she got away with her life of crime without having to face the consequences she had coming to her.

She should have been put behind bars at the end, but again she is Dini and Timm's favoritest waifu so she gets a pass.

>It just means she got away with her life of crime without having to face the consequences she had coming to her.
Pure speculation. For all you know with Joker's death all that crime finally weighed on her and she chose to walk the straight and narrow.

>i miss back when Batman wasn't a paranoid nutjob
So like, 45 years ago?

does this count?

If they're honestly going to do a complete 360 and become model citizens, why should they be punished? Just let them be members of society on a probationary basis.

Thats not how that works, she was a violent criminal who robbed and assaulted countless people and was most likely an accessory to multiple murders. Doesn't matter how good she promises to be, she's still committed those crimes, she still destroyed lives, she is still a criminal and criminals belong in prison.

Criminals don't just get say" Whoopsie daisy! My bad, promise i won't do it again! For realsies this time" There are plenty of reformed violent criminals behind bars who become born again christians, doesn't mean they get to walk free and not pay for their crimes.

Batman V Superman was arguably the last "big" one.

She was also a psychiatrist before Joker got his hands on her, what's your point?

Yeah but then what? Do you pay for your crimes for the rest of your life or at some point are you able to re-enter society and try again? Because if its the former why bother with prisons at all? Just skip straight to the death penalty since we're saying they're never gonna get to have a life again.

>The animation, quality, and models of B:TAS look way better than TNBA and JL(U).

When they were properly animated. That was the problem with that iteration of the series, not every animation studio they outsourced to could handle the detailed models and complicated animation. The Joker, in particular, would go wildly off model in some episodes. They would go to TMS and spare no expense when it mattered most to them - standard practice for WB in the 90's for all their shows, and it's no coincidence those are the episodes most people love.

But it is the reason that Timm went with simpler designs for Superman, and simpler still for Batman/Superman and JLU. It was just easier to keep a consistent look that way.

>MFW as the OP of this thread, all I was trying to find were cute Harley pics, and that alternate universe where she became a Robin.

And Ted Bundy was a voluteer at a suicide hotline crisis center. What's YOUR point? Life before and after a crime doesn't negate the crime. You could be goddamn mother theresa 99.99% of your life but if kidnap and brutally torture a boy your ass belongs in prison.

>Life before and after a crime doesn't negate the crime.

Eh, kinda does actually. After a certain amount of time you can get your criminal records sealed or expunged, basically a sort of "soft reset" on your record. They're still there, but nothing short of a court order to unseal them will give anyone any right to pry into it, and the things you can get sealed can be as minor as speeding to who knows what.

Reminder that the Joker's basically a mentally ill homeless white man who can't get regular employment, and Bruce Wayne's hobby is beaing the shit out of him whenever he can get his hands on him.

>Do you pay for your crimes for the rest of your life

When you're the Jokers right hand woman and at the very minimum helped carry out his murders then yes. Also she had kids and raised her two grandkids, she got away with it.

This is the same Gotham where a person can be considered fit to return to society long before Alfred or Jim Gordon can bite the big one. "Paying for your crimes" happens at a ridiculously fast pace.

It's not paranoid if he's right

Yes but they still answered for their crimes in the first place which Harley hasn't. And Harley would be such a high profile public criminal that sealing her records would be pointless.

Now we're arguing cartoon/tv logic versus real world logic. But for the sake of argument, Harley's last crime was one that destroyed the lives of Batmans closest allies and started the end of Bruce's life as Batman. Any sort of comeuppance Harley would face should be appropriately severe to match the weight of that act. The Joker paid with his life but Harley...big ol' goose egg.

How do you know she didn't pay for it during the span of time between Joker's death and being Nana Harley?

We're never given any clues or context to tell us otherwise. All we know is the she raised the Dee Dee's which was a wink from Dini telling us Harley got a happy end, well happier than Bruce at least, she raised a family and gets to raise her grandkids. Timm and Dini loved Harley and they thought this was the last time they would get to write for her so of course they wanted to send her off with smiles not something dark like having her suffer in jail.

Even with the "Dini luvs Harley" thing, like I said, paying for crimes is hyper accelerated in the DC universe. Her "last crime was one that destroyed the lives of Batmans closest allies and started the end of Bruce's life as Batman" probably landed her a maximum of 5 years, because reasons.

Besides,the very first episode of Batman Beyond proves that it wasn't "the start of the end of Bruce's life as Batman".


That and the Rocket Girl or whoever her name was. I recall a Bruce Timm comic where she has actually turned into a superhero.

*insert Nietzsche quote here*