Wtf i love the punisher now

wtf i love the punisher now


He has romantic feelings towards Francis "Frank" Castle, the vigilant known as the Punisher.

And then he kills a black guy?

He kills dozens of people without any reason to suspect they did anything wrong.

In a series where he later almost commits suicide after thinking he killed some kid with a stray bullet.

>without any reason to suspect they did anything wrong.
They were conspiring to shut down electricity in states to artificially inflate demand and price. Hospitals need it to keep patients on life support alive. The guy even openly admits this and tells Punisher he can't do anything about it.

they pretty much shittalked him into doing it

Not to mention the unanimous support of the co-conspirators for the plan and the affirmation that it would be done repeatedly and without any remorse or hesitation.

Actually for all Castle knows because mind you he isn't on the boat some of those people could have objected, hell for all he knows one of them was about to call the feds.

That last panel is an edit, isn't it?

>wtf i love the punisher now

first, you are fucking faggot, OP.

second, if you didn't ALWAYS love the Punisher, fuck you.

third, good job on finally awakening to you inner Frank. Faggot.

Nope not one bit.

it isn't

welcome to MAX.

Weren't there any caterers on board the party boat? Or ship's crew?

It's a very badly written story.

The all signed a waver before taking the job that said "I am 100% in support of killing old ladies." Punisher is in the moral clear.

Am I supposed to be impressed? Reads just like any other dumbass Marvel screed, without the ridiculous word censor characters.

There were, but they were all conveniently the company's own apparently complicit employees because they for some reason didn't want to outsource for the party.

They let the guy with the tray of hors d'oeuvres in on the murder plan?

They treat all the employees as part of a team, I'll give them that.

I don't remember all the stockholders (most of the people on the boat) being in on it, just the few big wigs that were running the show.

>not saving your love for Bara-Cutie

Yeah, I agree this was a pretty dodgy move for a man who supposedly takes great care to not harm innocents.
There were a lot of company investors on that boat who'd just had the evil plan sprung on them. For all Frank knew, there could have been many of them who were in no way OK with it.

This ending stuck out to me as an enormous breach of Frank's ethics.

Silly user, corporate executives aren't people.

If Netflix introduces Barracuda to its world, and the world to Barracuda in the Punisher then I'll forgive them everything.

I'm just not sure who could really do him justice. It's not just the size, it's the scheming, the unflinching confidence, the complete ruthlessness.

You would need to mix a lot of black actors to get him.

It's a shame Michael Clarke Duncan isn't around.

He would need to be a Fusion of Michael Clarke Duncan, Terry Crews, and Kimbo Slice in order for it translate well to 3D

MCD would have been the best choice. Tommy Lister is the next best thing.

I could see it.

Now you're in to "Were the guys working on the second death star just innocent victims?" territory.

The death stars were super-weapons though. Not a great comparison.

Yeah but that's the whole point of the Eddie Izzard bit, that he doubts the cafeteria staff and the janitors are pure evil.

go back to Sup Forums Mike

Netflix is all about downsizing so Terry Crews is just fine

The Punisher would kill anybody who's a criminal and who's crime leads to innocent deaths

The people there deserved to die

>Sup Forums is complaining about Punisher MAX now

and they say social engineering is a myth

it's summer. get used to it.

For what? Most people on the boat had done nothing wrong.

There will never be a Punisher thread where at least one user doesn't use it to bitch about morals

It's not a complaint about morals, it's a complaint about inconsistent writing

>For what? Most people on the boat had done nothing wrong.

If they're part of the corporation, they're part of it.

Does Frank go through the individual crimes of every gangster he kills? No, because they're all contributing to the problem.

The guy even says it himself, "we're a corporate institution", therefor all individuals who make up the greater sum are all guilty

So every employee of the American government is guilty of all the shady shit the gov't has done? Yeah good luck going through your life with that kind of shitty logic.

looking at it politically, punisher is more of an... accelerant than a solution.

>The guy even says it himself, "we're a corporate institution", therefor all individuals who make up the greater sum are all guilty

Frank kills that anti-corporate vigilante in Welcome Back Frank for doing that exact thing.

>Yeah good luck going through your life with that kind of shitty logic.


And yeah, if you drive your buddies around while they gang rape people in the backseat, you're no less innocent because you were "just the driver"

Yeah I'm not about to get into an argument with a retard who thinks that's an applicable analogy in any context.

Well, Marvel Knights Frank is technically a totally different Frank than MAX Frank, so that kind of doesn't matter anyway

The shareholders weren't complicit in any crime
They were killed because the executive of the company they invested in was planning a sinister scheme. Without their knowledge.

He literally says "we will do it"
Frank at that point had to punish any people connected to such scheme that he could, because of admitted guilt

>Does Frank go through the individual crimes of every gangster he kills?
Yes, sometimes he actually does that.

Reminder that one of the two people he's gunning down here is just a guy in a suit that some supercriminal hired to speak for him just in case something like this happened.

Forgot pic

Working for a super criminal is a crime

Not all the time, sometimes he just kills everyone involved no matter their roll in the grander operation

>Working for a super criminal is a crime
He was literally going to superheroes to ask to be able to work with them to do good.

That's literally just shooting the messenger. What's next, mailmen that visit crack houses?

So Frank lets one lying, sociopathic cunt who was going to blackout a state speak for everyone else? And this was enough for him to murder all those people? We know for a fact that it was just a few guys having clandestine meetings who knew about the blackout shit. The other people were just there celebrating being successful investors for what they probably thought was a legitimate company.

Yeah, nah. There's no defending this trash, it's not even "toe-ing the line of morality", it's pretty much supervillain territory.

>They were conspiring to shut down electricity in states to artificially inflate demand and price

You sayin the Punisher is a goddamn commie who'd throw himself between the market and the invisible hand?

Murdering the rich without eating them is indeed a severe breach of communist ethics.

>Working for a super criminal is a crime

Frank should an hero then since his debut had him working for the Jackal.

But corporations are people, you silly willy.

The art in the panel would imply they all agree with mr. suit.

Also, part of your problem
>supervillain territory
Punisher MAX is not a superhero story, don't think of Frank as a superhero, think of him as a balls out testosterone fueled action movie hero a la Rambo or Arnold

That shift in perspective might change things for you

>The art in the panel would imply they all agree with mr. suit.
Dude on the right could be saying 'This is pretty fucked up', and the guy on the phone near him could be selling his stocks ASAP

The art is literally just a bunch of people frowning. It doesn't say shit about anything, especially since all we see is the moment the douche admits to it, immediately after which Frank kills them all.

And at no point did I say Punisher is a superhero. I'm not sure why you're bringing that up.

>And at no point did I say Punisher is a superhero. I'm not sure why you're bringing that up.

Because you seem to be holding him to a standard of morality only ever portrayed in super hero comics, where often in R action movies the heroes of the tale tend to not give a shit/are trigger happy madmen by that standard, and that's always the vibe I got from Punisher MAX, it's supposed to be an over the top action story, not a tale of super heroics or super villainy

>CEO of an electric company plans on creating blackouts in a state in order to sell electricity at steeper price
>One worker chickens and decides to tell the feds
>One of his coworkers hires some muscle to silence him
>Punisher wastes the muscle and frees the guy they were about to kill
>Ends up learning about the CEOs plan
>Goes to Florida to take care of CEO
>Guy who told Punisher chickens and goes back to his old job, telling them that Punisher is coming
>CEO hires the giga-nigger known as Barracuda
>Barracuda tries to kill Punisher but fials and lives
>CEOs number one guy offs the snitch and then hires Barracuda so he can take over the company, with CEO taking fall for the reveal of the blackout plan
>Tries to off Barracuda
>Punisher tries to off CEO and his party on a boat by attaching bombs on it and decides to wait till CEO makes it to the boat via chopper
>Bombs are almost all found but Barracuda comes around for vengeance against the CEOs number one guy
>CEO hears that the jig is up while on the chopper and jumps out of a flying chopper to the sea
>Punisher calls the boat and tells them whats up
>CEOs number one tells him that they found the boats and that he can do squat
>This pic happens
>Sharks eat well that evening

>They fouund the boats
Ment to write bombs.

>where often in R action movies the heroes of the tale tend to not give a shit/are trigger happy madmen by that standard
Rambo was in the middle of a psychotic break and managed to not kill a single person during First Blood. And people were actively trying to kill him.

So only superhero comics hold themselves to the idea that killing presumably innocent civilians is bad? TIL.

>and managed to not kill a single person during First Blood
AFAIK the book had it differently.
And besides, he did made that one guy fall out of the choppa.

Do consider the fact that Frank was beaten up badly and in pretty shitty state by the time he was there to listen to the walkie talkie that he most likely didn't give a damn and was just waiting for an excuse to blow something/one up.

Well, Punisher is about killing though, that's literally the purpose of his character and his entire concept. He's basically a walking talking inner monologueing manifestation of death, he'd be Michael Myers if he was the badguy of his stories and preferred knives to guns

>And besides, he did made that one guy fall out of the choppa.
I meant innocent person
>AFAIK the book had it differently.
Rambo dies in the book

That dude was shooting to kill someone he knew didn't do anything wrong just because he was mad.

Fuck him and everyone near him.

>Rambo isn't about killing

He kills one person in the first movie and it was an accident.

>in the first movie
He has 503 confirmed kills.

Yeah, in the war that doesn't happen in the movie.
By your logic, any movie that has a soldier character in them is about killing.
First Blood was about A.) how war fucks with veterans coming home ("You can't just turn it off!"), and B.) How people in the USA don't understand and don't care enough to understand what they went through.

I hate when retards bring this up. Corporations are ran by people, so in effect they are people. People seem to conveniently forget that Unions operate off the same premise but since they have a leftist friendly name, they don't get the same treatment

He's saying the Punisher isn't going to stand idly by and let people die if there's something he can do about it

>in the war that doesn't happen in the movie.
He has 444 onscreen kills.
>By your logic, any movie that has a soldier character in them is about killing.
Rambo is the name of the character. The movie is called First Blood. If you meant the movie isn't about killing, maybe say that. You said Rambo himself isn't about killing, which is ludicrous.

Don't blame me for being confused when you fucked up the names.

>Rambo dies in the book
The sheriff too. All in all it's a pretty decent read.

>He has 444 onscreen kills.
In First Blood?

Hospitals have emergency generators, no one was going to die. It's a case of a liberal writer getting on his soapbox about ebil capitalism.

True, but what if you didn't know, or appreciate the crime?

>Hospitals have emergency generators, no one was going to die

Hospitals are a bad example, but if you think a total blackout of the electric grid doesn't result in innocents dying, you're a fucking idiot. The car accidents, people getting stuck in elevators, no alarms working, EMT and police resources become over-worked and can't reach to everyone, looting...

His military dad puts a bullet in his head rather than a coat over his shoulders in the book though.

Stallone couldn't deal with that, so he had them re-write the thing to serve both his daddy issues and the Great American Legend of Dindu Nuff.

Actually they filmed both versions and the studio decided the release version would sell better. Given the number of sequels, they were right.

>I hate when retards bring this up. Corporations are ran by people, so in effect they are people.

The joke there is that Mitt went fully say the silent parts out loud when somebody asked him how come that legal persons get to encroach upon the rights of natural persons in the US nowadays.

I could have sworn Frank says something along the lines of "Fuck it. I've had enough of this shit." before blowing the boat up. Not that it necessarily makes him morally right, but it at least it would provide an explanation of why he did it.

>Frank isn't perfect? wtf I hate the punisher now

Ennis makes it very clear that Frank is not a good person and you shouldn't identify with him. Besides, him blowing up the boat and potentially killing innocents to prevent a state wide black out that would kill significantly more innocents is a tactically sound decision. Is it moral? Nigga I don't know, I didn't major in philosophy. But I can tell you it was clearly the lesser of the two evils.

You retard almost no one died in the 2003 blackout and that affected more than one state. Black outs don't cause mass histeria and road rules for blackouts are common sense for people who know how to drive. You stop at every light thats out and give right of way to the person who came up to the light first. This story is shit, the same "evil businessman" bullshit that every leftist jerks off to

>give rights to somebody who clearly looks not white

I see how that could make blackouts fatal for US motorists.

The other shareholders knew. The story even starts with the problem of one of them being chickenshit and running, then targeted for removal and by chance running into Frank.

If at any point they considered the blackouts to be bad, they would've went to the police already. Or step up against it. They didn't, which makes them complicit of the crime.

Chef Ainsley Harriot.

Just look at that fuckin' smile. How could someone be so cheerful and so smug at the same time?

>cafeteria staff and janitors

You mean droids and droids? They can be programmed to be pure evil, if that makes you feel better.