
>Father, I shall become midnight

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Who's his Apollo?

Series confirmed ending on "yes father I shall become a bat"

>no ears

what is even the plot of this show? why isn't he traveling around the world training or something?

Its mostly about Gordon doing shit as the others grow into their roles. Bruce isnt travelling because Ra's Al Ghul is in Gotham.

I really need to catch up with this show. Last I remember Commissioner Thing roid raged a guy through a wall 20 storeys high.

Remember "Mask of the Phantasm?" Bruce attempted to fight crime without being Batman for a time. Didn't go over so well, until that fateful bat showed up when he went on his "criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot" spiel.

It'll happen, but he's gotta go through more growing pains first.


It was just one outing user.

Gotham doesn't have to follow it to a tee, y'know. Just the concept. And it's doing just that.

Give it time, Bruce will don the mantle of the Bat soon enough.

who cares about Ra's? He only trained Bruce in the Nolan trilogy.

Well that was extremely underwhelming.

>putting on a mask and wanting to fight crime is enough to make you into Batman

The entire point of the character is that he had to become more than human to be able to do what he does. Exiling himself from his hunting grounds/territory, training for years both in mind and spirit and becoming something more than just a man, but a cause itself. He didn't turn himself into Batman just like that, willingly, he was consumed by his desire to control and protect his city; The journey of training is exactly what breaks down the Man and builds up the Bat, what symbolizes his devotion to the crusade on evil-doing.

I simply cannot see this kid growing into the Bruce Wayne we all know and enjoy. Sure, the show is its own thing and all that, but the whole point as a "prequel" kinda falls flat when the actual future of the story isn't the one we're expecting to see.

Give him two seasons

Bruce became Midnight? Did a homosexual crashed into his mansion's window?

I thought he was gonna be owlman?

Oh my god, that would the greatest fucking twist in the history of serialized television.

Earth One Bruce didn't do any of that stuff

>GOTHAM Moves To Thursday Nights
Is that a good thing or is that a guaranteed death slot?

it's not my idea

I dont watch the show, the massive liberties they take trigger my 'tism

Honestly? Depends on the network. For Fox, Thursday is sort of a middle of the road, but a downgrade from Monday (wait....was it on Mondays?).

What A shit Article

That would be really great. Highly doubt it, but it's fun to entertain the idea.

Earth One is pretty underwhelming too. I'd say that's exactly the point of the series, showcasing a moral "grounded" Batman, but it's definitely not the one we think of when we're talking about Batman. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we don't expect Gotham to be a prequel to Earth One Batman, but to a version of him that closer resembles something in the main comics.

Just like my favorite cw leather suits.

Yeah, it was on Mondays. Shit, I hope it doesn't get cancelled.

He looks like a gimp.
>Justice is my safe word!

is he retarded/

From the trailer, he majorly fucks up or gets out of his depth, and ends up arrested. Clearly it isn't going to stick as he seems to put that costume on later. I am curious how he is going to end up Batman without it being blatently obvious it's Bruce in the last season.

Then again, at this point Gordon, Bullock and Alfred are basically bros, so it will likely get swept under the rug.

Honestly, I'm loving Gotham, and how it went from taking itself a bit to seriously to being camp as fuck. It's like a beautiful blend of the Nolan films, Burtons films, and a CW budget.

It's also interesting to see Bruce in his Year -2 or so days. He has grown fast, and is nearly ready to wear the mask, but not quite as is clear in the OP. Another year or so and just a little bulking, and he might just about pass as Batman. He'll have to nail Selina though, else he'll be Batboy. Wonder if Talia will make her first appearance soon.

Seems they are going the Earth One origin, aside from a little Talon training he has already had. Fine by me. I love those books, and wish they would fucking hurry up with book 3. I've never seen such a slow straight-to-trade series.

>"You're standing in evidence."

>Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot, so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible... a... a
>As if an answer, a huge faggot flies in the open window!

i literally just said this. at this point, just make bruce and alfred leave and focus on the fucking city.


>be best DC show
>everyone hates it

He's gonna rape criminals and this show was actually Bueno Excellente: the origins

>That's it, it's an omen! I shall become OP!

You can argue that he doesn't need to leave at this point; despite jobbing to literally everyone, Alfred is an extremely competant hand-to-hand fight and trained Bruce to the point he surpassed him. Selina, being agile as fuck and seeming to know some martial arts, couldn't even land a hit fairly recently, he beat the everloving shit out of proto-Joker recently in a very Batman fashion, and took down a gang of toughs.

AFTER all that, he recently get kidnapped by the Court of Owls, taken out of the country, and was trained (mostly off screen) to the point he could take down a standard Talon. I say standard because typical or mook isn't fair. These Talons are full on comic bullshit, able to flip around, block bullets with swords, and execute entire gangs of gun wielding thugs solo.

Now he is playing vigilante, but he has also attracted Ra's interest, and I expect Talia to turn up as a lure, and then some League of Assassins training, which will probably take care of his martial arts skills and give him some acrobatic ability beyond the parkour he learned with Selina.

Once he is done he'll have suitable skills to be Year One Batman.

>repeats the exact same character arcs every season
>best anything

I can't wait for the next season's vaguely effeminate version of a Batman villain who becomes inexplicably obsessed with James Gordon and spends eight episodes ina row trying to prove that he's no different from the criminals he fights

Meanwhile, Bruce and Selina will break up seven times, Penguin will have six different and utterly random character arcs in a row that rapidly change his personality every five episodes, Alfred will switch between manservant and Guy Ritchie limey bloke and Bullock will do nothing despite being the best character on the show.

You are seriously blasting a fairly long running show for repeating plot concepts on a fucking western comics board? I mean, I agree, but still. Shit dude. Our entire medium is built on repeating tropes with a few intesting new stories that keep us hooked.

>Bruce and Selina will break up seven times
>Bullock will do nothing despite being the best character on the show.

These do fucking hurt though.

There's a difference between TV shows repeating tropes and arcs and James Gordon going though the same fucking "am i good man or angry man this twink faggot is testing me" shit every fucking season because they can't figure out any other arc for him.

This show ran dout of ideas in Season One. It's Gordon vs Penguin over and over again but the Mad Libs just switching out the villains. Nobody has evolved except Bruce, who is a good character and actor stuck with a Selina-shaped weight around his neck and endless mystery boxes about his dead parents that nobody gives a shit about.

I'm not mad that seasons of TV have similar plot beats, I'm not a lunatic. But good TV can explore these ideas in different ways, and Gotham can't help but just do the same TV season over and over again.

>the massive liberties they take trigger my 'tism
This is the only reason I enjoy Gotham, it's not really attempting to be an adaptation and flopping horribly like most superhero movies

They are supposed to be Zero Year right now. I kinda want them to continue into Year One and even Year Two where he picks up Dick, because we have no live-action alternative except the DCEU and it's still a few years before Flashpoint fixes it.

>C'mon tom it's not that bad.
Have we all forgot about this.

Is he about to sacrifice the band of the hawk or something?

...Black Hood? Because that's hilarious on several levels. I dropped the show before he started wearing that. It doesn't even protect his identity, or neck, so what made him decide he too needed to dress luck a lunatic?

It really helps that they know their limits and have good writers.
Some of the CW shows constantly try to give us movie-tier action scenes on a tv show budget and schedule, and it turns out shit.

Magnegro/diggle every one just told him he needs a "mask" to hide his identity and that's the shit they came up with,not sure if they are going with it this seasons but it's hilarious

>tfw livewatching that finale with Sup Forums
>tfw "birth name is Cyrus Gold"
Thread lost its shit.

Kill yourself, Damianfag

What? Damian is shit, that article is also shit.

Nothing to worry about unless it starts airing on Fridays, then it's in actual danger of being cancelled