What is your opinion of Over The Garden Wall?

What is your opinion of Over The Garden Wall?

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not bad

Great little gem to watch in the Fall.

It's uh... it's amazing.

sjw tumblr shit


The twist in the second to last episode was amazing.

I mean, it was all amazing, but endings are usually where things drop the ball. The fact it delivered is more amazing.

great on all levels
unbelievably comfy atmosphere with the autumnal color palette, the soundtrack and slower pacing
probably my favorite modern CN show
literally nothing SJW in the entire show

pure comfiness

I'm in love with Langtree's Lament


I really wish it was longer

Black girlfriend

wiat, how do you know if she's black?
isn't she in a costume the entire time?

Her hands and neck dummy


could easily be some kind of paki

Tumblur BTFO

Liked it enough, but it sometimes felt like it didnt want to commit to the unsettling & creepy nature of the show.

It's a childrens cartoon that aired on tv its about as creepy and unsettling as adventure time

needs more cleavage

show wasn't really creepy, even though it definitely had a few unsettling moments

How is having a black girlfriend "SJW bullshit"? Sounds ok to me

It was nice and quality but nothing groundbreaking. Reminded me of wind in the willows.

Beatrice was hot and I liked the frog.

It is
I'm just pointing out she's black
some other guy thinks its SJW


Race mixing is not a good thing you fucking cucks

ah, sorry about that


>taking black women is being a cuck
it's literally cucking blacks

I'm not even Sup Forums but for real, blacks belong with their own race and everyone who isn't white should just go back to their own country and stop overcrowding america. They can do whatever they want and I wish them all the best but they need to get out and leave us in peace. Anything that suggests otherwise is sjw bull.

No it's diluting our gene pool. Do you want less powerful babies? Huh do you?

The whole series is about the length of a good film, which makes it perfect for autumn marathons.

Perfect little gem. Just the right size and shape and conveys what it wants without straying from its goals. Great animation and look.


nah, it's perfect as it is
better to have 20 episodes of a great show than 200 of a mediocre one

I can't express how much I loved "Over the Garden Wall".

Literally my favorite work of western animation of the last dscade. I ritualistically watch it every Fall because it encompasses the atmosphere of the season so perfectly.

My head-canon and desire is that they'd do thres other mini-series each corresponding to Winter, Spring and finally Summer where Mort goes off to college.

No aurgment. Fuck off my board sjw cucks. Again racemixing is bad and you should feel bad. We are going to be a minoity soon if we keep this all and racemixing meanz that we are spreading our supergenes to (((them))) for easy takeover once we weak enough

>blacks bread to be strong slaves but less intelligent
>whites more intelligent not as strong
>not wanting the best of both worlds
>not wanting loyal white fathers and protective black mothers raising these superior humans

Loks like the jews got to you
It's fine. Come to Sup Forums one day. Never too late to be redpilled.

No aurgment. Fuck off my board Sup Forums cucks.

it was okay but I didn't get the rapturous enjoyment half the fans seem to have. must be a halloween thing.

Go fuck yourself cuck. Go for a fucking nigger since your jew masters told you to. Enjoy being a cuck once you can't please her with your mircodick.

Still no argument.

Sup Forums is like, half the board. The comic industry is as big of a left/right battleground as video games. That's why it's such a shitty time to be into comics.

Fuck off my board cuck
We're winning though so all is good. All this sjw bullshit is just the dying twitch of the buttblasted left caused by Trump. Hopefully once he gets his 8 years they give up and kill themselves.

Its like watching a parrot.
Your owners give you any other phases?
Come on, that had to have thought it was funny to teach you the 14 words.
Do you know them?

I don't need to big words for to BTFO you fucking cucks

Nah man, this is a pendulum. Trump was a response to Obama, who was a response to Bush, who was a response to Clinton, etc. This weird cultural war/moral panic bullshit will only escalate. The next president will be the leftist equivalent of Trump. It only gets worse.

>zoidberg quote
Spotted the redditor.

Nah man. Trump is gonna win big in 4 years. Naysayer said that his chances of winning were 0% and look who's in the office now cucks. Support for him is rising and he has Sup Forums on his side. 8 more years. MAGA

>he's so deep in he can't tell when he's being trolled by a pro race mixing post
Man its easy to trigger you moral panicing faggots ain't it?

Kill yourself cuck. I got kicked out of reddit anyway. You can't express any opinion that isn't sjw without getting downvoted like crazy anyway.

You'll see once trump makes interracial marriage illegal and builds tbe wall.

>perfectly good thread about an amazing series ruinined once again by Sup Forums and baiters
Jesus fucking Christ rise above all this pointless fear mongering, start thinking for yourself and kindly fuck off with your bullshit, nobobdy actually cares in any meaningful way.

Sounds like something a jew would say

Man I got all excited talk about my favorite fall comfy and I walk in on this shit.

Go back to your own board pol/fag.

Sup Forums is basically all of Sup Forums at this point. And there's no getting rid of us.

Sup Forums will be the death of Sup Forums. Internet is already shutting down other Nazi hideouts. Either Sup Forums gets deleted, causing a brief spillover to other boards and the rest of the internet, until you faggots calm down, or Sup Forums gets deleted or sold to some rich anti-trumper.

The Beast literally gave me nightmares. Genuinely and seriously.

He's the darkest thing to come out of CN since Clay Puppington. The demonic personification of despair and depression who uses your love for others to get you to kill yourself or serve him forever.

He literally used puns to make a little boy freeze to death. Fuck him.

Nah trump won't allow that to happen. He knows who really got him into office and who will win him the next election.

Seriously. You'd think they'd be smart enough to keep low after the Charleston thing, now that EVERYONE in America thinks they're TikiTorch toddlers who cry on YouTube when they get called out for their faggotry.

Last year they benefited from Trump and vice versa, but now it's flipped. His autistic tantrums make them look bad, and their childish antics and Muslim Nascar skills in Charleston are costing him big.

Yes keep beliving what the mass media tells you. The jews never liked trump so of course they told the media to bad mouth him. And the Charleston thing is just a natural uprising agaisnt white rasicm and sjws. Only natural to feel oppressed when we're call nazis and attacked just because we wanna make america great again. It's the left's fault for making things this way and eslcating things into voilence.

Nothing makes america great again like Nazis!

Seriously. The TikiFags were chanting about Jews And as Midwestern bagel boy who's never seen a dime of any Hollywood Elite Global Conspiracy money, I'm a bit offended..

People want to arrest me just because I practiced free speech and because the riot I started got a girl killed! This isn't fair! We had a safe space to spew our tisms! This is the SJW'S fault!


Fake newz. They weren't nazis, the left only called nazis because they dared fo speak out about white racsism. And you don't need to be a nazi to be concerned about the jewish threat which is real and easy to spot if you know the signs. You fucking jew. Go back to tumlur/reddjt

He actually cried on a vlog. What a little pussy snowflakes.

A lot of people find it great because of the storytelling aspect of it, in addition of the music. There could be something that you missed watching the show, but if not, I guess its not for everyone.

Faslely accured by his countrymen for being a nazi when he was jusf trying to get equal rights for whites, stop the jew plans and make america great again and beaten by sjws for it. I would cry too.

So the swastika flags and antisemitic slurs were just decorative right? TooDeepForMe?

Get them tiki torches while you can kiddo. Summer's almost over.

The Beast is a well-crafted villain, and his motives and methods are what makes him a unique and dangerous villain. I quite enjoyed him, although yeah, he was evil.

This board is really tumblur. Swarming with sjws. Fuck you guys. Good luck with 8 more years of based trump. This is just the start. Fuckinf cucks. I'm out

>show wasn't really creepy
That's what he meant.

Of course you would cry. You're all a bunch of whiny snowflakes blaming your problems on jews women and blacks.

Sounds like I won! Run back to your basement little TikiFag. Go blog about how unfair it is.

If you want superior babies it's better to breed an asian since whites are more physically fit than asians but asians are more smarter than both blacks and whites.
also you get a loyal wife who raises your kids well instead of handling them poorly and raising criminals, like black children raised by their black mothers tend to be.

>tfw it was a ruse and user was actually a Native American

i challenge that

Fuck I wanna smash wertina

Wirt turns out to be a lot more popular than he thinks he is. As we see from his neurotic behaviour throughout the episodes this is in spite of his personality, rather than because of it.
I therefore pose the theory that Wirt is stunningly handsome.
This would imply female Wirt has gigantic bazongas.
I rest my case.

I always figured he looked like Elijah Wood.

>Wirt turns out to be a lot more popular than he thinks he is.
Love when they do that.

Does it have to do with the fact that he is voiced by Elijah Wood




>he thinks he's part of a conglomerate

Christ kid


Thanks for this mods. We now essentially have an unusable board.

It was an endearing project with great atmosphere still plagued by the quality drop of modern-day art-styles.

I'm more ashamed than I should be.

And this thread will probably be up for a day or two. So this will sit here and stink up the board.

that would be fem wirt

The alternative is the Sup Forums shitting is deleted 4 hours from how when the thread is completely dead and successfully derail and 5 minutes from being archived

I didn't know myself until I checked for Lorna's VA
that high pitched singing voice turns me on

The Jason Funderberker reveal is golden. Everyone expects a chad and he's this nasally dork.

Wirt is cute, C U T E!

again, it's a shame he doesn't have that many pics.
Or lewd/R34 stuff

>ywn be a chadling afraid some dork will steal your eboney get it princess from you
>ywn have every girl you meet show various levels of positive interest towards you

also Auntie Whispers is voiced by Tim Curry
shit blew my fucking mind

Great comics & cartoon discussion in here!
