Unproduced Sup Forums movies thread

Remember that time they almost made another batman sequal after batman and robin, that wouldve had scarecrow, mad hatter, and harley quinn as the villains, and wouldve featured a cameo of the joker in a fear gas induced dream sequance that wouldve had jack nicholson cone back as the joker after what wouldve been 10 years?

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Yes. I do remember that.

Wish they had in a way. BF and B&R always got way more shit than they deserve.

Then again we probably wouldn't have had Nolanbats. And without Nolanbats there'd be no Baneposting. And without Baneposting there'd be no meme magic culture, and thus no kek, and thus Hillary would be dining on aborted fetuses in the White House as we speak.

Sometimes good things have to die, user. It's fate.

The Works would've been the earliest feature-length CGI film IIRC, were it not for limitations at the time as well as slow production. Toy Story took the prize instead.


What the fuck is The Works? It looks and sounds like a Residents film clip.

An AI goes rogue and wipes out the population of Earth with an army of robots and nukes. The only surviving humans are from space colonies and one of them goes to reclaim the planet for humanity. That's the female astronaut you see in the clip.

Apparently they never really settled on a single script though since they kept tweaking it to fit with what was possible in computer animation at the time. The whole thing eventually fell apart because of the cost and inefficiency of late '70s and early '80s computers.

If it'd come out in '81 or so, it'd have been one thing but after Tron in '82, Wargames in '83, and Terminator in '84, a lot of what would have made it amazing at the time visually or plotwise had already been done.

Not exactly unproduced, but I do wonder what the Dark Knight film would've been like had Heath Ledger lived.

I heard somewhere Nolan wanted to call it Gotham City instead, but the studio insisted on a title that contains "The Dark Knight". Is it true?

I'd believe it.
I was hoping the next film would have used anothoner bat-moniker, like "the caped crusader"
calling it "the dark knight rises" was lazy

I don't get why Joker would be a golfer.

It wasn't lazy. It was to symbolize that Bruce was the fire that rose from Gotham's ashes. There's a fuck ton of self-referential and religious symbolism in Nolan's bat movies.

I got what it symbolized, I just didn't like it

>i don't like something therefore its lazy

It can symbolize something and still be lazy, user.

so if bruce was the fire that rises, why wasn't it "wayne rises"?

stop calling him by his birth name you idiot. he's not your butt buddy.

Were all the voice recordings in Disney's The Kingdom of the Sun ever finished? Like 100% just for the voice acting?
If so, then I wish they finally release that film in a finished form, I don't care if they make it 100% CGI, just finish the damn film!
Or at the very least, they'll make it a blend of a CGI film with hand-drawn characters kinda like Treasure Planet.
Nice if they make it a hand-drawn animated film with some CGI here and there but I would still be really glad even if it's CGI.

Sounds neat.

His name is Batman. Bruce Wayne is just a mask.

That's Superman formula.

Could this have worked, Sup Forums?

It would have been too graphic and violent for audiences to handle. Fans and casuals had an optimistic view of spiderman, it's not like Batman where he already has a dark vibe to him, it would have been intriguing to see but I think it would have left people amazed or just weirded out.

>I do wonder what the Dark Knight film would've been like had Heath Ledger lived.

He would have been the "Judge" during the kangaroo court scene instead of Scarecrow/Crane (Who would have been the "Defense Lawyer" instead). Nolan had no real plans for the Joker in TDKR other than that a cameo in that scene.

Was anyone still interested in a Batman movie continuation after B&R? It was cheesy crap that was only liked by kids at the time. It pretty much dropped all the fans that had been following the series since 89

Hard to believe since Nicholson hates his role as a comic character

Yeah, the voice acting was finished enough to do a rough cut of the movie. Most of the lines probably weren't final takes, though. It'll probably stay in the archives forever like what was done of Newt, just because the movie was deemed to not be very good.

Baneposting is why we're living in the darkest timeline?

>Dicaprio as Peter
Sounds like a memorable film had it ever been produced

It's why we're living in the best one you faggot.

We're living in the timeline where the president defends nazis and people still say faggot.

>people still say faggot.
You thought that was ever going away?

>Bringing up Trump at every turn

What a faggot.

The studio didnt anticipate the backlash when they were planning the follow up. After batman anf robin tanked the studio was panicking and tried to make the film edgier but after awhile they just abandoned it