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But have you mastered their ultimate technique?

He's pretty good about that even without training.
The kid's a natural, we cant let him willingly dive too deep or we may all be goners.

When will people realize that pulling bad internet things on show for some "I know that too!" pop reference doesn't make their product cooler?

tumblr please, it's not healthy to spend the entire week outraged.

But it's not about being outraged or not.

It's the same thing as the "No Me Gusta" and twerking references in the Nu-PPG. Feels like pic related.

except it's not shoe-horned in for appeal, it's written into the story as a plot point, not for cheap cut-aways.

That makes it worse. If TTG or Powerpuff did it you'd hate it.

You haven't watched the episode, Gumcall, was just doing this because the Cactus was being a condescending cunt the entire episode.
Just because they make one "internet culture" reference doesn't mean it's a free pass to be completely unfunny and irritating and punish gumball for basically no reason.
>it's written into the story as a plot point
Just because you dedicate more time to a shit joke doesn't make it less shit.
>>Politics and memes
>Not shoehorned in for appeal
Nice try Marvel.

sounds like gumball hit a nerve

Are you people so far up your own asses about being on the internet that you think that "social justice warriors" are solely an internet concept?

No, this is how it should be done.

They literally do not exist in reality in any significant numbers, Sup Forums.

incessant yelling and cringeworthy meta humor: the show
basically rick and morty but on CN instead of AS

they do though, Anita Sarkeesian was in the fucking United Nations.

you think the real world has no place for moralizing preaching and hysterical hiperbole? they are fucking everywhere, people won't tell them to fuck off because they just have no defense for their defamatory tactics and astroturfing or can't truly respond to their arguments. They're the only thing you find in colleges and high schools in the US and the underground culture of hating their bullshit has grown over several years. Kids pick up on that.

This thread is really showing that Sup Forums has become worse than even tumblr of all places.

agreed fuck drumpf and fuck white people

I'll admit that it made me laugh but it really feels out of place for Gumball. Like this episode is going to be horribly dated in something like a year or two.

>Anita Sarkeesian was in the fucking United Nations.
m8 I don't know how you haven't figured this out yet, but the UN is and always has been a gigantic fucking joke.

To be fair, (and even the media places supporting her failed to account for this) it's not even the normal UN. It's UN Women.

>you think that "social justice warriors" are solely an internet concept.

Pretty much. It's a catch-all politically correct way for Sup Forums to say "nigger lover."

>Sup Forumsmblr isn't real
uh huh

That's retarded user.

Believe it or not, SJW assholes have always existed and prolly will keep existing

sounds like gumball hit a nerve

Look out nigger, the Klan's gettin bigger.

He downloads the stuff from "Ramblr", it's a clearly a riff on internet SJWs predominantly. This isn't the first time Gumball has used internet humour before either

My friends and I found it hilarious, and the writing proved the show knows what it's doing.

I agree, the alt right is retarded.

They greatest lie the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist.

Seriously, if you don't think a small dedicated group can have large influences on their target area or society, you are either blind or a fool. History is paved with such groups and examples.

I main Social Justice Rogue myself.

If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's people who strive for justice.

>>I agree, the alt right is retarded.
>durr I'm on the internet so my opinions are superior. Let me engage the name-calling protocol.

My favorite reactions was all the SJW losers screaming "G-G-GUMBALL WAS NEVER GOOD! I-I-I'M TOTALLY NOT MAD"

...do you know where you are?

My opinions are superior to the alt right's whether we're online or off.

And don't be such a pussy. If you're going to dish it out, you ought to be able to take it.

Do you have any self awareness?
You called him retarded.

Have you never been to a college campus?

You just described how the alt-right act.

They run the government where I live.

>My friends and I found it hilarious
You and your friends are redditors though.

Gum ball had the right message, but it was too heavy handed. Sonic Boom handled it much better. They didn't have to be blatant and throw out the words "Social Justice Warrior" and "privilege" in order to get their joke across.

I can call myself something good while actively working against it too!

Indeed I have. For many years, both as undergrad and grad. College campuses aren't just things I've learned about from retarded Sup Forums maymays and Alex Jones rants.

Have you ever finished high school?

So you're gonna tell me not once you didn't see obnoxious leftist students/teachers telling you how to think? Because I'm still having to put up with that shit at my University

No, user. I saw plenty of people protesting injustices.

I'm sure that must be very upsetting to people who support injustices. Just like the civil rights marches upset people back in the 60s. Oh well.

"I have to deal with different opinions at University and it triggers me."

I don't think you're cut out for university. Fast food industry is probably more your speed.

someone never attended university in western country

so i can't say gumball has always been an unfunny pile of steaming shit without being an SJW?

guess i'll burn my ww2 memorabilia and dye my hair blue then

I've taught college students. And by far the most obnoxious, and stupidest, were the college republicans.

This is why Sup Forums tells you to ignore the media. They like to spread lies. This is the UN she spoke to:

They don't really do anything other than meet up and discuss women's issues.

>I've taught college students.
Which college? What class did you teach?

yes, that's why.
not because it's easier to convince uniformed people that their ideas are correct.

It was a state university. They were chemistry and pre-med students.

There was this amazingly phony sense of entitlement among the college republican crowd. Daddy got them into school, so they didn't need to do their homework. They didn't need to study. Their special snowflake status, and daddy, would just let them slide through college no matter what. The rules didn't apply to them, and if they did then they were victims of a horrible injustice. I have this clear memory of proctoring an exam when the time was over and I called it. The whole class filed out, turning in their exams exactly like they needed to. Except for this one bitch Paris Hilton wannabe who just kept sitting at her desk working on it. I had to go up and tell her it was over but she acted like a prissy little princess. Ended up having to physically take it right off her desk and she made a huge stink about it, like she'd been the victim of some kind of crime.

Also, and this is unrelated, but it's kind of disturbing just how stupid many pre-med students are. I'm hoping they get washed out later.

Maybe im in the minority here but even though i liked how it portrayed SJW as self-righteous assholes who only want to win arguments part of me is sad that its gotten so far. I remember three years ago where i was mocked because i didn't want politics inserted into my comics or video games and was laughed at for not being able to appreciate art. Now the same people who wanted politics now decry gumball for attacking sjw on a show. Can they not see the irony here? What you use to hurt your enemies will one day be used on you thats why politics should almost never be inserted into a show.

So it's not actually a republican mindset. Just a rich, spoiled kid mindset.

>Now the same people who wanted politics now decry gumball for attacking sjw on a show.

Except nobody's decrying gumball.

>not cleric
>not being a heal slut for fujoshis

>rich, spoiled kids

Which is college republicans in a nutshell.

>I saw plenty of people protesting injustices.

Trannies having to use the right bathrooms and being addressed with real words isnt an injustice

>Can they not see the irony here?

It should be obvious by now that SJWs are either incapable of understanding irony or don't care about anyone else's point of view.

>negroes having to use the right bathrooms and water fountains isn't an injustice and being called uppity niggers is appropriate

mobile.twitter.com/search?q=Gumball sjw&src=typed_query
Plenty of people are mad

I had to deal with the same things for College Liberals(not a professor just a TA). Its a class thing spoiled brats will always feel entitled. Worse part is they infect everyone around them, smart and hardworking students in the beginning of the semester become self indulgent pretentious twats. I blame my fellow TA for infecting them with that nonsense. Get bad grades your a racist, didn't study history? it triggers me. If their is one thing i learned once their hair color changes to blue their iq takes a huge dip.

Most republicans are blue collar workers and dont go study at colleges and those that do usually dont go to state ones

Regardless. You have yet to mention why were they republicans or right wingers in their ideology.

Chemical castration and self mutilation are a fact of nature now? Mental illness is a race now?

There are plenty of spoiled liberal brats in college also.

Its like they've never heard how good intentions lead to hell. At the end of the day most SJW i know are cowards. I don't mean in fighting though, i mean in debating once there ideas are challenged they ignore or block you. How will you grow if you don't learn from your mistakes. Man up admit you were wrong and move on.

>A show is automatically funny if it mocks something I hate

Maybe, but at least they're not spoiled brat bigots.

yes they are, but against anyone who doesn't hold their views.

The comments here actually complaining about this scene is the same as those at tumblr and neogaf? Why are you guys here? Oh wait, I forgot this is Sup Forumsmblr now.

Let me put it another way.

At least they judge people on the content of their character, and not the color of their skin.

>You don't agree with censorship or reordering society in a hierarchical structure based on arbitrary privilege rankings so you're a racist!

>SJWs get called out
Lemme guess, you think Antifa is actually justified in their assaults don't you?

>everyone who doesn't like this joke in a cartoon is a crazy sjw!
You people are fucking delusional.

Absolute nonsense; the whole point of the modern left is judging someone by their skin.

Also, that's the perfect demonstration of the phony victim mentality I'm talking about.

"Oh no! I'm a victim! People are bigoted against me just because of all the racist and sexist views that I have!"

Wow, you need to get outside more.

Right, right. "Anti-racism is anti-white."

He said "that's retarded."

>Are you people so far up your own asses about being on the internet that you think that "social justice warriors" are solely an internet concept?

Yes, if you didn't come of you're moms vagina in the last few years. You would know that social justice warriors was an offshoot of key board warriors who would feign sympathy for what ever terrible event for meaningless internet points.

Its only with in the past 2-3 years ago did SJW spawn into some bogey man that somehow is "affecting" every form of media entertainment.

passive vs. active, no difference

They judge by skin color just as much, read the replies

SJW ideology is intersectionalism, they believe that opression is inherent to society and thus there is no face value objectivity to things, they are all result of several unseen structures of opression. They live burdened by the weight of an infinite number of theorethical injustices.

This means the only pious way of life is a relentless justicing and leveraging, an absolute all out war with no quarter against anyone and anything that has any sort of advantage or superiority or right against anyone else. They seek the ultimate equality by demolishing independence and hierarchy and undoing the free societies of the world.

>Maybe, but at least they're not spoiled brat bigots.

SJWs are bigoted towards anyone not liberal.

Not that at all; the idea that society is hardcoded into arbitrary privilege groups; that one cannot comment on matters unless one is a certain race or sex, that culture, fashion and media should be restricted to those of certain race, colour or creed, that the rule of law cannot be applied universally.

These are all core tenets of the modern left and they're severely damaging to the prospect of an egalitarian society.


Modern conservatives have poor moral character.


so if its republicans or centrists its A-OK?
The problem is that college kids are lazy fucks who refuse to fact check. A republican isn't always wrong and liberals aren't always right.
Take free speech obviously hate speech is bad but if you start censoring one part then another offended will censor another part. If you don't like what a man says just laugh at him don't make it so the goverment has to censor websties and control everything you say.

Yes there is, otherwise there wouldn't be a word to describe the other thing. Like if I said that what you wrote is stupid, that doesn't mean that I think you're stupid. Only a Sith deals in absolutes, or rather, Sighs tend to deal in absolutes.

Fuck phone posting

I can't believe how asshurt those people on twitter got over a picture of a white child holding a flag.

exactly, how do you win such an argument when everything can be dismissed as you're racist. It was funny at first but its getting progressively scarier.
it doesn't help that they want communism in america, i ran away from one country i don't want another country to suffer the same thing

Being a republican isn't something you're born with. It's not skin color or gender.

It's an intentional decision to be a bad person.

Wow that is literally the opposite of modern leftist doctrine, are you same fagging. The whole point of "privilege" is that there are thing about ones life and success that you can infer on the basis of their appearance, in particular the color of their skin.

>It's an intentional decision to be a bad person.
You're good at this user

You can't.

If you want to win arguments, stop being a racist.

I've seen liberals attack a republican because of his haircut. The liberal thought he looked like a nazi, if his friend didn't pull him off things would've gotten bloody.

Why is being republican bad? You conflate them witht racists but many republicans are black and latino. Conservative values are not racism.

>Modern conservatives have poor moral character.

I would consider myself a right leaning person and I have little respect for SJWs because they try and restrict individual liberties (freedom of speech, second amendment, etc) that don't conform with their own values then play the victim when anyone tries to challenge them.

I don't hate people for being a different race or following a certain region. I judge people based on their actions and moral character.

He was a republican? Well there you go.

White supremacy is now an essential part of the republican party platform. Just look at the leadership.