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>there are now 3 of them

Pure cancer. I like the show, but damn.


they're doing this on purpose aren't they

The one from a while back was a mock-up someone made as a joke. These are real.

>pickle rick meme was all a shill
>not for one
>bit THREE shitty hunks of plastic with no articulation

gotta get that cashmoney while the iron is hot

We live in a world where normies embraced memes and companies want to cash in on it.

What is so shocking about that?


funko pop has always been cancer

It's called making money. Can't blame them if people want to buy it.

The one figure that would work perfectly as a Pop figure, and they fuck it up with those shitty souless eyes.

At this point I'm convinced that, similar to those phone cases that just have random stock images on them, there's just an algorithm that searches for 'nerdy' shit on google and then automatically makes a Pop figure out of it.
Wouldn't surprise me if half of this shit isn't even licensed.

>Wouldn't surprise me if half of this shit isn't even licensed.

They got the master license for Rick and Morty probably a year ago.

You are now aware that AVGN's wife is dead and he has a daughter.

Why yes,you just cracked the code user,they make plastic figures of popular character in an elaborate scheme to make money
Now,blame the JOO like the channer always do when they dont understand something

Pickle Rick is awesome, I'm getting one, fuck you all


Not using genuine pickle in a genuine rat carcass with pieces of hardware and googly eyes.

>as a joke
Or maybe he just didn't think they'd make a real one and now he's kicking himself for putting in all that work.

Oh wow she's finally dead? good, maybe if the autistic daughter dies as well then he will finally be a free person without depression and without any sort of inhibitions from "his" wife and "his" child.

>Sup Forums will still defend this awful show when it's THIS fucking normie



You mean Sup Forums will


>You are now aware that AVGN's wife is dead and he has a daughter

What the fuck? Fill me in on this.


just read his wiki.where you getting this info?are you confusing him with Patton?

No, they're actually expecting another daughter.

This. Do you know how many shows and comics I've had to quit watching/reading because they got mildly popular and had a POP made. Hundreds but I don't care, I'm not about to watch something that other people watch.


What the fuck did they do to you, user?



It's things like this that make me kinda glad things like berserk won't ever become fully mainstream. I'd be completely heartbroken if I saw guts turned into a funko pop. Sad it's already happened to ya boi spike over here too.

Well yeah. Anyone who's ever seen a Funko Pop already knew that.

it's a piece of plastic



Be honest, how many Pickle Ricks have they made now?

Which represents inauthentic love for a series. Probabilty states those who bought the figure prolly doesn't even own the series.

look at it


Why do you even begin to care about the authenticity of other people's enjoyment?

TO BE FAIR, you can paint the soul eyes as close to the eyes of Rick in the show.

see you space funko

>litteraly the flanderized version of Rick character in the context of the episode
Your point ?


>James is a kek
I want this meme to die, he's legit a nice person

Mike on the other hand tho...

I mean, I hate funko's but they make good gifts for people that like to collect stuff, they are inexpensive, they cover almost every media property available, they are not too cumbersome and the design of their package is kinda neat.

What I'm saying is that if you have an autistic acquaintance, a Funko is the best gift for them,

Because it means that the product thats been made is only being enjoyed at a superficial level. RIck and morty is a prime example of this as people only watch the show to feel intellectually superior to everyone else around them and to get their kicks from "le funny reddit athiesm and death jokes"

I hope someone close to you dies so you know what his pain feels like, you stupid, stupid cunt.

Luckily for me I have many autistic acquaintances so things like Christmas is easy as fuck lmao

How is that different from what you're doing right now?

A cheap toy works fine for R&M because it's got a simple style and this figure isn't too far from that. It doesn't work for Bebop because it's too far removed from what the characters actually look like.


Difference is I actually appreciate the effort that goes into making shows like this and have respect for the talents that make it. Did you know that a HUGE majority of people that commented on the promo for the vindicators episode didn't even know who justin roiland was and thought he was just some random guy that appeared in the video? That's unauthentic love for the show right there.

I think this user is confused from the drama Patton Oswalt tried to stir up with James re: his Ghostbusters review, in which AVGN fans bombarded Patton with jokes about his dead wife. Who is actually dead.

Well, I'd tell you it's just a cartoon but it's clearly important that you find some way to feel superior to somebody. You do you, user.

>still have a copy of 222
>still remember Patton's bit about how disillusioned he was by Hollywood because all the people he loved were horrible and all the people he wanted to hate were super nice
I just didn't expect him to personally drive that lesson home.

It's not to feel superior to anybody, I just like cartoons and feel they should be treated with the same level of respect that any other art form is treated with. Nothing wrong with that is there?

Only autistic people hate Funkos tho

>I just like cartoons and feel they should be treated with the same level of respect that any other art form is treated with

Cartoons are the only media that gets merchandising?



he made me laugh in space cop at least

All the Pops I own are of stuff I watch/enjoy.

Why the fuck would I buy a Pop for something I don't know or care about?

Video games and music get WAY more merchandising than cartoons ever get nowadays what are you talking about?

Also sorry if I'm not explaining my points well, I'm not very good at discussion lmao.

Your complaint is pretty nonsensical. Your complaints are lame and applicable to all media. People buy lame film merch and most normies wouldn't recognize Michael Bay from a picture of him -- yet somehow when it comes to animation this is deeply disrespectful.

>toxic version of reality is everyone's a god hating atheist


buddy i hate to tell you this, but the people who make the show get paid for it.

Give it a decade.

Cowboy Bebop didn't start out mainstream.

This is from last year.


I unironically like hardees.

I'm not saying its not disrespectful to all those other forms of media. It super is. I'm keeping it related to cartoons because this is the comics and CARTOONS board.


Just paint the eyes white and draw some asterisk pupils with a marker. It'll look great.

>I just like cartoons and feel they should be treated with the same level of respect that any other art form is treated with.

You literally said they were different.


>they got rid of Rick's cyborg parts and nobody even noticed because it was so quick


I'm not good at getting my point across man. Looking back on it I worded it really stupidly and dug myself into a hole with it. I'm not a huge movie buff so I didn't really take into account the amount of shit merch that is sold for movies also. Shit when I was looking at the funko pop website I even saw guardians of the galaxy funkos.

Patton Oswalt is in Space Cop?

I really have to watch that movie.

Now you have to buy two: the normal "Pickle Rick" and the special edition "Pickle Rick (With Laser)". But don't forget to grab the special limited-to-5000 edition "Golden Pickle Rick" available only at SDCC 2018!! And at NYCC 2018 they'll be offering "Pickle Rick" without his limbs, available only to the first 500 people to spend $100 or more at the Funko booth!!!

Remember Beanie Babies?

I mean, your opinion is fundamentally silly. It's not disrespectful to buy merchandise or not recognize an artist's face. You aren't above anyone simply because you happen to care about more about a particular medium than most people.

It's a fucking cartoon. Don't be a twat.

Silly user. Anyone that bitter has never had anyone, and never will.

This is going up someone's ass

do you really James' daughter to die?

Pickle Rick is now Minion tier

Jesus wept

Are there any actual decent funko pops? or are they all terrible


>It's a fucking cartoon
yeah it doesn't matter lol it's just a cartoon it doesn't have to be good, you nerd haha

god is dead

That's not what's being said you stupid pile of shit. They're talking about that it's stupid to boast about being a "true fan" and how others have "inauthentic love" for things.

Best timeline.

Prevents Posers

Prevents the things we love by being ruined by pandering to a lower common denominator

Found the autist

He had to exist before he died.

for the life of me, i can't really see the appeal of these ugly funko statues. it's like someone in the west looked at the plastic nendo toys that japan peddles and thought they could give it a western spin to it all the while cashing in on the swell of nerd culture.


Fuck you, I'm autistic and I will specifically tell people not to get me any of these damn things