Kirby Day Storytime! - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Happy Kirby Day, friends and neighbors! I've decided to mark the day by passing on one of The King's more obscure and odd opuses: his adaptation of the classic 60s sci-fi movie. I've always wondered if Stanley Kubrick ever read this.

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Daaaah Daaaah Daaaah! DUH-DAAAAAAAA!!


Bumpin' because maybe Kirby's art can help me figure out what the fuck was going on in this movie...


Well, Kirby certainly puts his own unique spin on things. Whether that helps or not is up to you...








Fair warning; There's a good bit of Kirby's patented photo montage stuff in this.











Man I watched this movie alone one night in sixth grade it was a total mind fuck and the scene where Hal starts killing astronauts was terrifying

The Jack Kirby Drinking Game: Take a shot at every double-page spread.



Drinking Game Rule Two: Take a shot at every splash page that's a giant closeup of a single person's face.


















the russian lady was actually kinda hot in the movie, not this fat hag.

I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.


Franks movie death was pretty terrifying since he just died slowly suffocating in space in constant state of panic


1x4x9, Kirby. 1x4x9.


Yeah, Kirby's monolith looks a bit chunky, dunn'it?



Dave. My mind is going. I can feel it.




One thing I never got was why Hal went batshit cray in the first place


Well, according to 2010, HAL himself was being head-gamed by the forces behind the Monollith. All part of the plan...





Jack Kirby did not need drugs to get the most out of 2001.

By 1976, Jack Kirby WAS drugs. In the best way possible



Jesus Kirby was perfect for 2001


There is it again, Kirby drawing the monolith not as a rather thin rectangle but closer to a squashed cube. I'm all for artistic license but changing *that* bit seems to have no real purpose or benefit. That the monoliths are 1:4:9, the squares of the first three positive integers, is part of their definition.

Am I being way too much of an autist on this one?


Not necessarily. As I understand, there was a lot of conflict over the movie between Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick. Clarke wanted things to be a bit more coherent and science-y. Kubrick wanted to be surreal and artsy, and let the audience figure out everything in their own heads. I think Kirby sort of sided with Kubrick in his approach to this book.


And there you have it! The rest of the book is just a blah feature about the making of the movie, so I'll leave things here.

Maybe sometime, I'll storytime the subsequent 2001 monthly series. I get the feeling those comics are some of Kirby's most personal work, which is to say, well-crafted, absorbing, and just weird as all hell. Until then, always remember... KIRBEH MUTHAFUKKAHS!!!

Thank's for the storytime, OP!

today OP was not a fag



>I'll storytime the subsequent 2001 monthly series
Whaaaaat? Like, he continued the story in his own original direction, or were they based on the subsequent books in the series (2010, etc.)?

Hal got told to make sure the secret mission happens.
The astronauts started making that less likely, and didn't know about the secret mission.
Hal can't tell them to stop poking around because its secret, so it kills enough of them they can't endanger the mission.
Hal also can't try to kill them so hard the mission fails, which also means Hal probably has to die.
The entire third act is Hal trying to get the astronauts to notice things are strange. Its Hal's desperate cry for help, caught between two inflexible commands.

Thanks for the storytime, OP. I'd heard of this and seen some choice panels but never read the whole thing. Holy shit, that last bit.

Not him, but thanks, that's the best explanation of HAL's motivations I've read.

Watching the 3rd act from the perspective of Hal is heart wrenching. It wants to explain but can't. Wants to live but can't. Fucks me up.

Fun fact, the monolith in the movie actually isn't 1x4x9. Kubrick fudged the proportions because he thought it looked a bit too brick-shaped that way.

There are like three explanations depending on which of Clarke's retcons you like best.

You can tell that the comic is more movie than book simply because the expedition is to Jupiter and not Saturn. And I think it's unfair to imply that Kubrick was only interested in being artsy; the entire reason the movie expedition goes to Jupiter and not Saturn is that he couldn't come up with a realistic model of Saturn's rings.

damn that page is really cool....

He did continue it in his own direction, and it was actually where Aaron Stack/Machine Man was first introduced.

This is probably why his first appearance hasn't been reprinted IIRC.

I wish that they'd gone with "Mister Machine" instead of "Machine Man". Trademark problems, I bet.


What a great transition!

My favorite space wall!