An underaged child is literally allowed to be in a legitimate relationship with an older woman not to mention it is...

>an underaged child is literally allowed to be in a legitimate relationship with an older woman not to mention it is shown that they had consensual sex several times already in a mainstream television show.

Why the fuck is this allowed? Are the writers on these fucking shows a bunch of pedophiles? I would never allow my wife or her son to watch such a show and give them ideas that this is okay. And this is not even mentioning the implied love making in the taxi from the earlier female pedophile character.

Yeah I know, isn't it great? Just so long as you don't switch genders okay- don't do that.


What are these shows?

>Why is this M rated show that comes on Adult Swim allowed to have non kid friendly themes in it?! How did they get away with this?!

Not all underaged sex is pedophilia. Morty's 14. That's just regular old statutory rape.

Summer's 17 and was fucking some older guy earlier this season.

>my wife and her son

Reminder to all that shitposts contribute nothing and impede mindful discussion.

>I would never allow my wife or her son to watch such a show and give them ideas that this is okay.
First: they need your permission? Do you come from the past?

Second: they probably watch movies and series full of theft and murder and you don't care about the ideas they could get from it.

>Are the writers on these fucking shows a bunch of pedophiles?
I'd say it's opposite, user.

>pretending to have a wife and son
That's sad user

Well,case A happened because the chick was a retard and the boy was young and horny. They both realized it was fucked up afterwards. Also,it was the 60s, so it came out as less shocking. I mean its still fucked up but its not like the writers are pedophiles.
Same with the second one. Its fucked up too and its made to show that the clean morty is also a dirtbag.

You won't allow your wife to watch tv? To you hit her when you're drunk too?


Oh, I never!

If your son needs permission to watch a show or movie he's already a pussy.

17 is legal in some states, off the top of my head I know New York, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado are such states.


They were fucking in a post-apocalyptic wasteland of a parallel Earth, so they're probably okay legally.

wot did u mean by deez

>Why the fuck is this allowed?
'Cause fortunately, /ss/ is far more accepted than the reverse in both entertainment AND reality.

Now, why hasn't there been an unending storm of Tricia Lange, Stacy, and Jacquelyn fanart yet? Supernova already got her fair share of the attention

We already got a Morty x Stacy x Jacqualyn pic man. What more do you want?

>Yeah I know, isn't it great? Just so long as you don't switch genders okay- don't do that.

The only thing you accomplish by doing that is proving that teenage skanks are....well skanks. But you cannot do this as it damages the image of women that society holds. That twats aren't horny little cum rags. It's okay to portray men as sexual horndogs but twats? Oh no, that's never a good idea unless it's to somehow ridicule men like how Francine in American Dad had a football field size filled with roses to symbolize how much cock she's had in her before settling down with her husband and Stan of course is shocked and taken aback. And no, he banged another woman in the episode but only because Francine pitied him and encouraged it and in the end that's ONE woman to the football field list of men.

So the writers are kids that enjoy older women?

I hear ya. really boils my blood. bunch of sickos.....

The one-off women on RaM are almost always more attractive than Beth and Summer, but they're still just that: one-off characters.

I was hoping these three latest characters could get about as much art and attention as Unity or Supernova. Plus, that fanart you're referring to somehow left out Jacquelyn's freckles

Looks like the first one is F IS FOR FAMILY

The second is Rick and Morty.

I am not sure if this many people are missing the joke or are trying to roll with it.

They'll no doubt wind up just like Annie and Arthricia as underrated one offs

>female writers
>/ss/ levels are through the roof

really makes ya think...

>Why the fuck is this allowed?
Because men are smart and women are dumb

But its a woman.
Do I need to explain anything more, sweetie?

Women can't be oppressors, they can't' commit paedophilia.

M-maybe I should star watching this show.

>My wife or her son
My sides

Stacey tended to my fetish of breaking or ignoring the safeword

I'm a terrible person.

And that's how rape charges happen bucko

The next "oppressed" minority to be catered to for political votes will be pedophiles.

They're going to try to add a "P" to LGBTQI+.

If you told me not even 5 years ago they would try to piggyback Trannies off of the LGB movement, I'd have called you crazy.

I'm gay and even I admit they put "in the closet" gays and later open gays in media all throughout the 90s and 00s to test the public' reception.

>Too old to be a shota
>Didn't go to school in Texas
>Will never be a boy, deflowered by some horny 20 to 30 something Cake gym teacher

Yep. I'm not saying I'll ever do it, or have.

How does this keep happening? Summer is just Jerry with boobs and a ponytail, while Beth is just BLAND. I guess Main Character status really is everything in this show according to audience response.

Nope. It's the Polygamous first.

>I would never allow my wife or her son

not enough people notice the joke.

I bet you one "I told you so" it's pedos.

Shouldn't be too long until we find out. Should find out whenever the next major American election cycle is.

Because they are trying to push pedophilia. That's it.

Women are weak, therefore their crimes are seen more as not a big deal in contrast to men, who are strong.

You can't run away from it and if you try to actually fight it, society will punish you for dedicating so much time to persecuting women.

>tfw went to school in texas an knew some teachers that probably would
I missed my chance, bros

Why would they want to kill their own movement like that?

>tfw cartoon teens are having loads of sex and I'm a kissless 25 year old

It's a slippery slope. love is love, right?
There's been instances of people if left media trying to romanticize pedophilia with "maybe pedos aren't so bad, guys!"
These are people that deliberately target physically, mentally and emotionally immature people , yes they are fucking bad, and at best need serious psychiatric help to get them out of that, not to reinforce it.

The "movement" and "community" has for quite some time now been completely separate from the people it claims to represent. It's all about virtue signalling and protecting whichever sexuality based group they deem the most victimized.

Is have told you adding the "T" to LGB would have killed it. Gender Dysmorphia was considered a mental illness up until only a few years ago.

Now it's "beautiful, brave, and natural" thanks to an aggressive public perception campaign. Transphobic is probably the youngest non-slang word in the English language.

Regardless, they're just testing the waters right now so to speak.

See how people react to young male/older female romantic pairings. It's the safest way to start because every man has fantasized about a friend's mom or a teacher when he was a kid.

>pic unrelated

*I would have told you.

Excuse me butchering the English language.

I know they've been cutting bisexuals out of the acronym because they aren't oppressed enough and are half-straight.

Plus "bisexual" implies there's only two genders. We're at, what, 36 now?

No dude that's not how you do it. You're supposed to say "Actually when they're Morty's age it's called ephebophilia".

Sup Forums once again proves to be the worst board at identifying bait. Or full of fucking newfags since some people even read the "wife's son" part and replied to it seriously.

source for this?

The major election cycle would be the 2018 midterms, amigo. Although I'm not sure I'd really call it major. Out of all the seats up for grabs, only two of them are really in play. The rest are gimmes for the incumbent, like most congressional elections. Congress just isn't as sexy as the Presidency. When was the last time a congressman made it into a cartoon?

Biologically through Chromosomal Anomalies, Hermaphroditism or Mosaicism there are 6 genders, with Male and Female making up 98%-99% of the population and 97% of those who are other having so few differences to everyone else they typically live their whole lives not knowing. This does not include Transgenders who can be born as any gender and feel they are in the wrong body and account for an estimated 0.3% or people.

Facebook currently listed 71 options, including "Other".

Sex is not gender

pls link me up famalam

17 is legal in Europe.

>Is have told you adding the "T" to LGB would have killed it

The T literally started LGBT. The entire movement has existed literally entirely due to the actions of trans women. Very specifically black and latino transwomen. There would literally be no LGBT, no Pride, nothing.

The LGB got added to the T, not the other way around.

Often lower depending where in Europe.
16 in UK
14 in Germany
13 in Spain
12 in Vatican City

My bet was that the incestfags would be the next Great Oppressed Minority(tm). After all, if we let manlets and Muslims reproduce the argument about inherited genetic disorders doesn't hold up. Salon proved me wrong and you right.

>The T literally started LGBT. The entire movement has existed literally entirely due to the actions of trans women. Very specifically black and latino transwomen.

Are you serious or just shit posting? The pedos started the LGBT movement friendo.

>Vatican City


Actually White Males are the next "oppressed minority". Biggest bitches on the internet, cry more than my baby sister

>OP didn't have sex with his babysitter

you know is pretty common have sexual experiences with older women like sitters or teachers?

Men watch these shows, and they like to entertain the idea that they, at young and gangly ages, all pimpled face, could get MILF PUSSY.
It's not science.
Also, this stuff is just cartoons.

The freebleeders killed their movement years ago. Now it's reduced to a pile of bullshit that yells at anything to get attention and to make everything their way.

This is what happens when you allow too much free thinking. It allows undesirable ideals to sink in and create social cancer.

This is objectively false.

You're either really young and ignorant of the LGB Movement or you're being intentionally subversive to my history

I read that as sisters at first

'Cause fortunately, /ss/ is far more accepted than the reverse in both entertainment AND reality.

By the time you are old enough to enjoy/want sex, you generally don't have a babysitter anymore.

>that butt
Rick and Morty art designer is based

Deal with it, buddy. The era of the lolicon is over. /ss/ has returned.

>the era of the lolicon is over
It will never be over in Japan. Also it was never a thing in western cartoons, at least not intentionally. Maybe that will change though if this thread is correct. Here's hoping.

I'm the guy that bet on Pedophiles being the next oppressed minority, but even this surprises me.

Salon is trash, wow.

>my wife or her son


my parents didn't trust in me, so i had a sitter even when i was 12, she was 18

>F is For Family
>Mainstream television show
It isn't mainstream and it isn't aired on tv
>my wife and her son
I still want to argue with the fictional character you're pretending to be. What does it mean when you know posts are bait but still reply in sincerity?


society still thinks it's positive when an older woman wants to rape a boy perpetrating that sex is the only goal in life and to refuse is to give up the illusion of "manhood"

>Yeah I know, isn't it great? Just so long as you don't switch genders okay- don't do that.

I honestly want to know why it is hardcoded within our collective conscience that the reverse is wrong.I'm not making a judgement, accusation or defense here. I'm genuinely curious about this topic.

Has any anthropologist/philosopher/sociologist ever take a stab at it?

>why it is hardcoded within our collective conscience that the reverse is wrong
It isn't?
It happens all the time.
I mean, generally females are more defenseless than males but a young woman with an older man is seen as much more normal.

In most pre-modern societies, if an adult man decides to pump and dump a teenage girl he just ruined her life. If an adult woman decides to pump and dump a teenage boy she just showed him a good time and possibly ruined her own life, not his. This has only really changed with the advent of child support laws and genetic testing.

Society is more provective of and infantilises young women more. I mean there's even that thing that has been documented to happen, if a young girl goes missing the media are all over it and the local community all turns out to help, if it's a boy no-one gives a fuck.


it's not. they still do it in middle eastern countries. it's a recent thing.

>Summer's 17

Is she confirmed to still be 17 this season?

Jesus. This is fucked up.


if it's a WHITE girl.

How so? Child abuse is wrong, but what's actually wrong with simply being a pedo if you never act on it? It's not really any different to people fapping to say, vore or expansion. It doesn't mean Dobson should be arressted or subject to therapy just in case he decides to attack a woman with a bike pump one day.

Minorities are bad bargaining chips

I know. that's what I said.

Well yeah, nobody cares about pedos preying on minorities regardless of their gender.

It's an Adult comedy cartoon.

>if it's a WHITE girl.

>Minorities are bad bargaining chips